Dancing in the Dark


新东方英语·中学版 2016年9期


分数、排名、微信点赞……有时我们会发现,自己置身于一个追求向前、膜拜成功的喧闹世界。世界其实很大,每个人都在慢慢探索着自己的道路,也许站在万人瞩目的舞台中心并不适合独特的你、个性的我。在梦工厂于2015年出品的动画电影《疯狂外星人》(Home)的片尾曲“Dancing in the Dark”中,嘻哈天后Rihanna就向我们展示了“黑暗中的舞者”的形象:皓月当空、暗夜星海,自信的身影在这无人之境中舞动。没有伴奏没关系,心中的旋律就是鼓点;没有观众也无妨,这支舞只跳给自己。

这首歌曲既是对影片主人公——外星人小欧(Oh)和地球人小钱(Tip)——的冒险之旅和心路历程的概述,也凝聚着主创Rihanna本人的思索。在外星族群中,小欧是一个崇尚和平、不愿意侵略地球的异类;在生活中,小钱是一个敏感多思、有点害羞的女孩;在音乐路上,Rihanna经历过事业的大起大落。他们的经历看似不同,实则相似,他们都属于歌中所唱的underdogs。这首歌不是要赞美那些功成名就的成功人士,而是唱给那些在日常生活中不那么出彩、缺乏自信的平凡人。我们每个人的光芒或许不会像日月那样耀眼,但点点星光汇聚在一起,也足以light up the night。诚然,闪耀在镁光灯下的成功者璀璨夺目,但做个黑暗中的舞者,自信快乐,随心而舞,也一样可以光芒万丈。

(Come on) I wanna dance in the dark

(Come on) We're gonna light up the night

(Come on) I wanna dance in the dark

(Come on) We're gonna light up the night

Underdogs dance in the middle of the night

Who see the night skies in the mirror of your eyes

If you don't dance make sure you got the rhythm

Make sure that your heartbeat beats with the rhythm

I wanna run wild in the middle of the night

Right under the moon, bodies glowing in the night

Nothing in between our skins but the rhythm

Make sure that your heartbeat beats with the rhythm

The nighttime is the right time

* I wanna dance in the dark

And never stop

We're gonna light up the night

Like shooting stars

Whenever you hear the sound

Don't be alarmed

Oh, oh, oh

Dancing in the dark *

(Refrain *)

Underdogs dance in the middle of the night

Out here with the stars like the creatures of the night

If you don't dance make sure you got the rhythm

Make sure that your heartbeat beats with the rhythm

I wanna dance dance in the middle of the night

And see the night skies in the mirror of your eyes

If you don't dance make sure you got the rhythm

Make sure that your heartbeat beats with the rhythm

The nighttime is the right time

(Refrain *)

(Refrain *)

I wanna dance in the dark (Come on)

We're gonna light up the night (Come on)

I wanna dance in the dark (Come on)

We're gonna light up the night

(Refrain *)

(Refrain *)

(推荐者:山西临汾 蒋雪纯)

