

时代英语·高一 2016年4期


Some teenagers are crossing their dream colleges off their lists. Others are thinking of giving up their senior trips or reducing prom costs. Many are finding their work hours cut while their expenses rise.

So, who exactly is punishing them? Is it their parents, teachers or employers? No, its the economy.

If you are like most teenagers, you probably dont understand what “recession (经济萧条)”, “negative economic growth” and “subprime mortgage crisis (次贷危机)” actually mean. And you probably dont spend your days watching the ups and downs of the stock market.

Its safe to say that most teens dont know much about the economy except for one thing: its bad. But just how exactly is the economy affecting teens?

“The single largest thing I have noticed is the recessions ability to affect my college choice,” said Heather Richars from Downey High School in California, US. “With the economic situation the way it is, I have thought less about going to a private or out of state university, and more about public schools in California, mainly because of the price of tuition,” said Richars. “I had been a fan of attending a private school up until this year.”

The economy cuts into other areas of teenagers lives, too.

Joey Camarda, a student at Modesto High School in California, who works at an ice cream store, said, “Probably due to the economy, I have been getting less time at my job, and because of that, I am not getting enough money to help pay for college.”

Tara Mooney, a senior at Beyer High School, has also begun to notice that money is tight.

“Things are getting expensive,” she said. “When it comes to applying for colleges and wanting to go on senior trips, I have to pick and choose instead of doing it all.”

1. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that the teenagers ___ .

A. are short of money

B. want to go to college

C. are busy looking for work

D. have to work hard to live a better life

2. How did Joey Camarda find the recession affect him?

A. He had to find more part time jobs.

B. He had found that he had more time to study.

C. He had to help his mother do more housework.

D. His plan to pay for college would be hard to realize.

3. What does the underlined words “pick and choose” probably mean?

A. To look for.

B. To be very serious.

C. To make a careful choice.

D. To examine from head to foot.

4. Which should be the best title of the text?

A. A world affected by recession

B. Teens lives affected by economy

C. Teenagers worry about their future

D. Negative economy growth around the world



It was now raining heavily. My husband was away. I did not want to ask anyone else 1 (go) with me. So I went to the hospital by myself. I 2 (take) to a small room. Lina lay sleeping quietly on 3 table.

This wasnt the first time Lina had taken too many pills (药丸). I knew she would sleep deeply 4 about twelve hours until the drugs had stopped 5 (do) its harm.

I sat down by Linas side and watched her sleep. The room was still. I looked around. The room seemed familiar. “Have I been here before?” I wondered. I looked around again. Then I remembered. It was in this very room 6 I gave birth to Lina seventeen years ago. How happy I was then!

Lina used to be such a bright, 7 (health) and nice child. “What has turned her into a drug-taker?” I asked myself. “And why are 8 (million) of young people like her taking drugs to destroy 9 (they)?” There must be something 10 (serious) wrong with our society. What is it?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



1. 中学生考前焦虑的症状(饮食和睡眠方面);

2. 你的看法和建议。


参考词汇:头晕 dizzy adj. 食欲不振 lose ones appetite

Dear Li Hua,

I really feel sorry that you get some symptoms of anxiety before exams.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


In a Pharmacy(在药店)