

校园英语·下旬 2016年8期









本课是本单元的第二次课,由PartⅤ Language Focus B和PartⅥVideo2组成















五、具体教学步骤(teaching procedures)

Ⅰ. Greeting

Ⅱ. Revision

Check the homework and ask the students to read language focus A.

Ⅲ. Learning Objectives

After completing this part, students should be able to:

★understand the procedures involved when receiving business visitors;

★effectively use communicative skills to :

●meet business visitors at the airport

●participate in small talk about travel, weather or accommodation.

Ⅳ. Task Arrangement

Work in groups. Role-play the following situation.

You are the Export Manager of Guangzhou Cosmetics Ltd. and are now at Baiyun Airport to meet your Canadian customer, Mr. Wilson. Youve been dealing with each other through correspondence for one or two years, but have never met before. After you meet, you exchange greetings, say a few words about his flight and the weather, and make a small talk on the way to the hotel.

Ⅴ. Sample Dialogue

Watch the video and listen to the dialogue carefully, in order to learn how to meet a business partner at the airport.

Ⅵ. Training Operation

(1)Divide the class into groups and allocate the roles.

(2)Remind students of safe topics for small talks while monitoring the class.

(3)Have some groups to present their conversations in class.

(4)Give comments and suggestions for improvement.

Ⅶ. Language Focus B

(1)Meeting guests at the airport

Excuse me, are you Mr. Wilson from Sydney Trading?

Yes, and you are Robert Peterson?

Its very kind of you to have come.

Thank you for coming to meet me.

(2)Taking guests to their hotel

The car is waiting outside. This way, please.

Very good. Thank you.

This is your room, Mr. Brown. How do you like it?

Anything else I can do for you?

No, thanks. Not for the moment.

(3)Seeing off

Bon voyage, Mr. Johnson.

So do I. Thank you once more for all youve done for me.

I hope you can come again.

I will. Thanks again for all your help.

Youre welcome. Take care and have a nice trip, Mr. Drake.

Please send my regards to your boss.

Say hello to Cathy for me.

(4)Small talk topics

How was your flight?

How is your trip going?

Are you feeling any jet lag?

Is this your first trip to China?

Ⅷ. Summarization of the useful expressions of this unit.

(1)Asking for information about the visitor

Are you Mr. Thomson?

Which company do you represent?

(2)Asking the visitor to wait

Would you like to take a seat?

Take a seat, please. Ill go to see whether our boss is in.

(3)Apologizing for having kept the visitor waiting

Im sorry for the inconvenience. He is in the middle of a meeting.

Im sorry for the delay. Mr. Wilson is engaged now.

(4)Meeting guests at the airport

Excuse me, are you Mr. Wilson from Sydney Trading?

Yes, and you are Robert Peterson?

(5)Taking guests to their hotel

The car is waiting outside. This way, please.

Very good. Thank you.

Anything else I can do for you?

No, thanks. Not for the moment.

(6)Seeing off

Youre welcome. Take care and have a nice trip, Mr. Drake.

Please send my regards to your boss.

Ⅸ. Consolidation and Assignment

1. Get the students to read aloud the words and dialogues they learned in this unit.

2.Assignment: Try to make another dialogue about receiving business visitors according to the learned expressions.






我的商务秘书 等