图 1 乔木层优势种群种间联结性半矩阵图 a. PC值; b. AC值。 种序号:1. 大叶栎; 2. 锈毛梭子果; 3. 鹿角锥; 4. 尖连蕊茶; 5. 木姜子; 6. 罗浮锥; 7. 鸭公树; 8. 广东琼楠; 9. 环鳞烟斗柯; 10. 桂南木莲; 11. 柠檬金花茶; 12. 海南山龙眼; 13. 腺叶桂樱; 14. 白背桐; 15. 桃叶珊瑚; 16. 革叶算盘子; 17. 青藤公。Fig. 1 Semi-matrix figure of interspecific association of dominant tree populations Note: a. PC values; b. AC values. Species codes: 1. Quercus griffithii; 2. Eberhardtia aurata; 3. Castanopsis lamontii; 4. Camellia cuspidata; 5. Litsea pungens; 6. Castanopsis faberi; 7. Neolitsea chuii; 8. Beilschmiedia fordii; 9. Lithocarpus corneus; 10. Manglietia chingii; 11. Camellia limonia; 12. Helicia hainanensis; 13. Laurocerasus phaeosticta; 14. Mallotus apelta; 15. Aucuba chinensis; 16. Glochidion daltonii; 17. Ficus langkokensis.
注:1. 大叶栎; 2. 锈毛梭子果; 3. 鹿角锥; 4. 尖连蕊茶; 5. 木姜子; 6. 罗浮锥; 7. 鸭公树; 8. 广东琼楠; 9. 环鳞烟斗柯; 10. 桂南木莲; 11. 柠檬金花茶; 12. 海南山龙眼; 13. 腺叶桂樱; 14. 白背桐; 15. 桃叶珊瑚; 16. 革叶算盘子; 17. 青藤公。
Note: 1.Quercusgriffithii; 2.Eberhardtiaaurata; 3.Castanopsislamontii; 4.Camelliacuspidata; 5.Litseapungens; 6.Castanopsisfaberi; 7.Neolitseachuii; 8.Beilschmiediafordii; 9.Lithocarpuscorneus; 10.Manglietiachingii; 11.Camellialimonia; 12.Heliciahainanensis; 13.Laurocerasusphaeosticta; 14.Mallotusapelta; 15.Aucubachinensis; 16.Glochidiondaltonii; 17.Ficuslangkokensis.
表 5 灌木层优势种群χ2检验数据半矩阵Table 5 Semi-matrix table of χ2 value of dominated shrub populations
注:1. 大叶栎; 2. 菝葜; 3. 海南山龙眼; 4. 锈毛梭子果; 5. 尖连蕊茶; 6. 柠檬金花茶; 7. 鸭公树; 8. 桃叶珊瑚。
Note: 1.Quercusgriffithii; 2.Smilaxchina; 3.Heliciahainanensis; 4.Eberhardtiaaurata; 5.Camelliacuspidata; 6.Camellialimonia; 7.Neolitseachuii; 8.Aucubachinensis.
4 讨论与结论
4.1 优势种群的总体联结
图 2 灌木层优势种群种间联结性半矩阵图 a. PC值; b. AC值。 种序号:1. 大叶栎; 2. 菝葜; 3. 海南山龙眼; 4. 锈毛梭子果; 5. 尖连蕊茶; 6. 柠檬金花茶; 7. 鸭公树; 8. 桃叶珊瑚。Fig. 2 Semi-matrix figure of interspecific association of dominated shrub populations Note: a. PC values; b. AC values. Species codes: 1. Quercus griffithii; 2. Smilax china; 3. Helicia hainanensis; 4. Eberhardtia aurata; 5. Camellia cuspidata; 6. Camellia limonia; 7.Neolitsea chuii; 8. Aucuba chinensis.
种序号: 1. 阔片短肠蕨; 2. 楼梯草; 3. 高秆珍珠茅; 4. 扁柄沿阶草; 5. 苦竹; 6. 广西省藤; 7. 华山姜; 8. 镰羽贯众; 9. 灰绿耳蕨; 10. 蜘蛛抱蛋; 11. 短穗鱼尾葵; 12. 狭翅巢蕨。
Species codes: 1. Allantodia matthewii; 2. Elatostema involucratum; 3. Scleria terrestris; 4. Ophiopogon compressus; 5. Pleioblastus amarus; 6. Calamus guangxiensis; 7. Alpinia chinensis; 8. Cyrtomium balansae; 9. Polystichum eximium; 10. Aspidistra elatior; 11. Caryota mitis; 12. Neottopteris antrophyoides.
图 3 草本层优势种群种间联结性半矩阵图 a. PC值; b. AC值。 种序号: 1. 阔片短肠蕨; 2. 楼梯草; 3. 高秆珍珠茅; 4. 扁柄沿阶草; 5. 苦竹; 6. 广西省藤; 7. 华山姜; 8. 镰羽贯众; 9. 灰绿耳蕨; 10. 蜘蛛抱蛋; 11. 短穗鱼尾葵; 12. 狭翅巢蕨。Fig. 3 Semi-matrix figure of interspecific association of dominated herb populations a. PC value; b. AC value. Species codes: 1. Allantodia matthewii; 2. Elatostema involucratum; 3. Scleria terrestris; 4. Ophiopogon compressus; 5. Pleioblastus amarus; 6. Calamus guangxiensis; 7. Alpinia chinensis; 8. Cyrtomium balansae; 9. Polystichum eximium; 10. Aspidistra elatior; 11. Caryota mitis; 12. Neottopteris antrophyoides.
4.2 优势种群种对间的联结性
优势种群间的联结性分析,可看出种群间的相互作用及群落组成的动态。植物之间存在直接或间接的相互影响(周先叶等,2000),正联结表明种对间存在至少对一方有利的作用,负联结表明种对间存在至少不利于一方的相互作用机制(许涵等,2008)。两个物种的正联结程度越高说明它们所需的生长环境条件越相似;反之则表明对生长环境条件的需求有所不同(王伯荪和彭少麟,1985)。在同一环境条件下,正的联结,可能在某种程度上指示相互作用的存在对一方或双方种是有利的,例如互惠共生或资源划分方面的互补;负的联结,可能表明不利于一方或双方的相互作用,例如种间竞争、干扰(蒋有绪,1979)。竞争只是生物进化过程中出现的阶段性现象,生物进化的发展方向终将是生物与生物之间以及生物与环境之间的协同(王德利和高莹,2005)。许多研究认为,一个种对相关性大,是因为它们具有相似的生物学特性和生态适应性,对环境的适应能力、对资源利用能力、对群落所起的功能作用等均有一致性,因此,它们的关系应该是稳定的(张金屯和焦蓉,2003;Greig-Smith,1983)。植物群落内物种间的种间关系与该群落所处的演替阶段密切相关,在群落的演替初期,物种间尚未形成一定的种间关系;演替中期,物种间主要表现为竞争关系;群落演替到达中生阶段时,物种间的关系较为复杂,群落内部处于同一层次的物种由于对生长环境需求相似而表现出种间联结(周先叶等,2000;Halton & Peters,2003)。种间联结程度与生态位重叠值之间是密切相关的,种间正联结程度越高,生态位重叠程度也越高(彭少麟和王伯荪,1990)。
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Interspecific associations between south subtropical forest plant community species in Daqingshan of Guangxi
NONG You1,2, ZHENG Lu1,2, JIA Hong-Yan1,2, LU Li-Hua1,2, MING An-Gang1,2
( 1. Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Pingxiang 532600, China;2.GuangxiYouyiguanForestEcosystemResearchStation, Pingxiang 532600, China )
The natural secondary forest in Southwest Guangxi is rich in typical forest communities; however, little is known about the inter specific associations of the dominate species. Hence, our objective was to investigate how the dominant species in the communities interact with each other. We sampled 1 km2in the natural secondary forest, selected 17 tree species, 8 shrub species and 12 herb species according to importance values and studied inter specific associations by using variance ratio (VR) analysis andχ2-tests, percentage co-occurrence(PC) and association coefficient (AC). There was a significant positive correlation of overall association among trees, an insignificant negative correlation among shrubs, and an insignificant positive correlation among herbs.χ2-tests showed that there was a positive association for 81 pairs and a negative association for 19 pairs and 5 pairs did not have a relationship among trees. There was a positive association for 14 pairs and a negative association for 12 pairs and 2 pairs did not have a relationship among shrubs. A positive association was found for 32 pairs and a negative association for 24 pairs and 5 pairs did not show a relationship among herbs. The main tree species were connected more closely whereas main shrub species association was loose and main herb species association is weak. The main causes for different associations were assumed to be ecological habits, community succession stage among others. In the future,the management and protection of the natural environment should be more strengthen,if necessary,manual intervention may be appropriate in order to promote the natural secondary forest succession. The research will provide the information only for understanding the current situation and trends in its plant community succession,but also for the future research on its plant community succession regular and the protection of its species diversity.
Daqingshan, dominate species, interspecific association, natural secondary forest, south subtropical
国家“十二五”农村领域科技计划项目(2012BAD22B0105);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CAFYBB2012001)[Supported by National Science and Technology Project of “12th Five-Year” in Rural Areas (2012BAD22B0105); Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund (CAFYBB2012001)]。
农友(1987- ),男(壮族),广西龙州人,硕士,助理工程师,森林生态学专业,(E-mail)imnongyou@163.com。
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NONG Y,ZHENG L,JIA HY,et al. Interspecific associations between south subtropical forest plant community species in Daqingshan of Guangxi [J]. Guihaia,2016,36(7):848-858