

生态学报 2016年13期


重庆师范大学 进化生理与行为学实验室 重庆市动物生物学重点实验室,重庆 400047



重庆师范大学 进化生理与行为学实验室 重庆市动物生物学重点实验室,重庆400047

为考察喜好激流环境的宽鳍鱲(Zaccoplatypus)和喜好缓流环境的鳊鱼(Parabramispekinensis)的最适游泳速度和流速选择的关联以及运动能量代谢特征对流速选择的影响,在(25±0.5)℃条件下将实验鱼(n=13×2)单尾分别置于梯度流速选择仪(设定流速范围为18.6—102.7 cm/s,等距离划分为5个流速区域)中获取视频资料,采用Ethovision XT19软件分析视频资料并计算两种实验鱼在5个流速区域的平均停留时间百分比(Pt)和平均出入频率百分比(Pf);另外,使用游泳代谢仪测定两种实验鱼的临界游泳速度(Ucrit)和不同游泳速度下的运动耗氧率(MO2),并计算出不同速度下单位位移耗能(COT)、最适游泳速度(Uopt)、静止耗氧率(RMR)和净单位位移耗能(COTnet)。结果显示:鳊鱼的Ucrit和RMR均显著小于宽鳍鱲(P<0.05),但二者的最大耗氧率(MMR)无显著差异;随游泳速度的增加,两种实验鱼的MO2均显著上升,尽管在较低游泳速度下,鳊鱼的MO2和COT均小于宽鳍鱲,但在高游泳速度下则相反;两种实验鱼的Uopt分别为(6.20±1.29) 体长(BL)/s和(11.56±1.57) BL/s,鳊鱼显著小于宽鳍鱲;两种实验鱼的COTnet随着游泳速度增加差异逐渐增大,鳊鱼显著高于宽鳍鱲(P<0.05);两种实验鱼在最低流速区域(18.6—23.8 cm/s)的Pt和Pf显著大于其他速度区域(P<0.05),由此可见两种实验鱼的偏好游泳速度(Uperf)等于或小于(18.6—23.8 cm/s),然而鳊鱼在最低速度区域Pt和Pf均显著大于且在较高速度区域的Pt和Pf则均显著小于宽鳍鱲(P<0.05)。结果表明:有别于过往研究的是两种实验鱼的Uperf均与Uopt偏离;在激流环境中生存的宽鳍鱲更加偏好较高的水流速度,生境水流对实验鱼的水流速度选择特征存在显著影响,这种影响的主要能量学机制与鱼类的运动能量效率有关。





图1 宽鳍鱲和鳊鱼 Fig.1 Pale chub (Zacco platypus) and Chinese bream (Parabramis pekinensis) in the present study



1 材料与方法


在2013年8月在乌江支流捕获本研究所用的宽鳍鱲幼鱼(生境水流速度范围1.5—4 m/s)[19],鳊鱼幼鱼在2013年10月购于四川省水产学校(生境为静水),将它们置于本实验室规格为1.2 m × 0.55 m × 0.55 m 的自净化循环控温水槽内驯养15 d。驯化期间,每天以通威商业颗粒饲料饱足投喂1次,投喂1 h后立即清除粪便和残饵,日换水量约为驯化水体的10%。水温控制在(25 ± 1.0)℃,用充气泵不断向水体充入空气,水体溶氧水平大于90%饱和溶氧水平,光周期为12L∶12D。驯化结束后,挑选鱼体健康的鳊鱼[体重(6.38±0.76)g,体长(6.90 ± 0.45)cm]和宽鳍鱲[体重(3.09 ± 0.57)g,体长(5.96 ± 0.28)cm]各21尾作为实验对象。



第一部分随机挑选出鳊鱼和宽鳍鱲幼鱼各8尾,在水温(25 ± 1)℃下测定各自在不同游泳速度下(直至最大游泳速度)的MO2,据此计算两种鱼不同速度下的COT、Ucrit、Uopt和RMR。




本实验测定设备采用自行设计的密闭式鱼类游泳代谢测定仪(专利号: 200920127986.3和200920127988.2),其结构与工作原理在相关文献[21-22]已有报道。首先将游泳代谢仪浸没于恒温(25 ± 0.5)℃水槽中,然后将实验鱼放入流速为7.0 cm/s(约为实验鱼的1 倍BL)游泳管中适应1 h, 以消除转移胁迫的影响;随后采用逐步提速法进行Ucrit测定。测定以7 cm/s为起始速度,以速度增量(ΔV)为7.0 cm/s,持续时间(ΔT)为20 min,游泳速度不断增加直至实验鱼达到运动力竭状态。力竭状态的评判标准为实验鱼停靠在游泳管末端筛板20 s 以上[21-22]。测定过程中每20 min 换水1次,以确保密闭游泳管内的水体溶氧水平不低于饱和状态的70%。使用溶氧仪(HQ30, Hach Company, Ioveland, Colorado, USA)进行监测溶氧水平。最后测量实验鱼的体重与体长。Ucrit的计算公式如下:

Ucrit=[U+ (t/T)ΔU]/L


式中,Ucrit为临界游泳速度(BL/s),U为能够完成设定时间(20 min)的最大游泳速度(cm/s), ΔU为速度增量(7.0 cm/s),T为设定的持续游泳历时(20 min),t为未能完成设定历时的实际持续游泳时间(t<20 min),L为实验鱼体长(cm)以减少体长对游泳速度的影响。另外,因本实验鱼的鱼体横截面积未超过游泳管截面积的10%,所以Ucrit无需校正[23]。


在测定Ucrit的过程中,每2 min 测定1次游泳代谢仪内封闭水体的溶氧值,以水体的体积和溶氧值随时间变化斜率的绝对值计算出每尾实验鱼的运动过程MO2。实验开始前和在测定细菌好氧实验结束将实验鱼取出后,均在水流速度为35 cm/s时对游泳代谢仪重新密闭并进行20 min的耗氧率测定,以扣除细菌耗氧的影响[23]。MO2的计算公式如下:

MO2=(St-S0) ×V× 60 / (W0.75× 1000)


式中,MO2代表运动耗氧率(mg kg-1h-1),St为每档期间(20min)溶氧值随时间变化的斜率(mg O2/min),S0为空白对照溶氧值的变化斜率,V为运动代谢仪的系统体积(3 L),60为60 min。W表示实验鱼的体重(g)。由于两种实验鱼的体重差异显著,因此采用W0.75进行MO2校正[24-25]。在Ucrit测定过程中最大的MO2值作为MMR。



COT =MO2/ 3600 × 100 × 13.56 /V


式中,COT 为单位移动距离能耗(J kg-1m-1),MO2为实验鱼非体重指数校正的耗氧率(mg O2kg-1h-1),V则表示实验鱼游泳速度(m/h),13.56为氧热当量系数(J /mg O2)[26]。


COTnet= (MO2-RMR) / 3600 × 100 × 13.56 /V




MO2= RMR ebU




式中,RMR为静止代谢率(mg kg-1h-1),b为常数。

根据COT公式求导,当COT′=0 时,可得出Uopt的计算公式如下[27]:

Uopt=1 / b /L




流速选择在实验室自行研制的梯度流速选择仪(图2)中测定。梯度流速选择仪一端为流速可控的水泵(图2D),与水泵相连的是导流筛板(图2E),其后与直径呈线性增大的圆锥形流速选择泳道相连(图2C),流速选择泳道的末端设有防逃逸的多孔防逸筛板(图2H),流速选择仪置于恒温水槽中(图2F),摄像机(图2B)置于流速选择仪的正上方。实验时首先将实验鱼转入流速选择泳道中适应1 h[10],以消除转移胁迫的影响。适应完毕开始摄像3次,每次摄像时间为2 h,每隔4 h重复摄像一次,共获得到6 h的摄像资料。为验证Uperf和Uopt是否重叠,本研究水流速度设置范围为18.6—102.7 cm/s,此流速范围的划分根据前期实验工作和本次采样调查而设定。梯度流速仪被等距离划分为5个区域,其流速范围见图3。然后通过软件Ethvision XT9分析得出实验鱼在每个速度区域的停留时间以及出入频次。

Pt=t/T× 100


图2 鱼类流速选择仪结构示意图 Fig.2 The structure of fish preferred swimming speed determining device A:控制电脑Control computer, B:摄像机Camera, C:流速选择泳道(L=1 m)Preferred swimming speed lane(L=1 m), D:水泵,Water pump E:导流筛板Honeycomb conduct, F:恒温水槽Temperature-control tank, G:多孔防逸板Honeycomb conduct


Pf=f/F× 100




实验数据以Excel 2007进行常规计算,接着采用SPSS 17.0进行数据分析。其中游泳速度和鱼类种类对MO2和COT的影响采用可重复测量的双因素协方差分析(体重为协变量);鱼种间Ucrit、COT、MMR和Uopt的差异采用t检验分析;不同鱼种在各速度区域Pt和Pf采用双因素方差分析。统计值均以平均值±标准误(Mean ± SE)表示,显著水平为P<0.05。

2 结果


分析实验鱼在流速选择仪中行为的摄像资料,结果显示:鳊鱼和宽鳍鱲在(18.6—23.8 cm/s)区域Pt和Pf均显著大于其他流速区域(所有P<0.05),且随着水流速度的增加,鳊鱼和宽鳍鱲的Pt和Pf均逐渐减少。经双因素方差分析表明体长体重经对Pt和Pf无影响;水流速度和种类均对Pt和Pf有显著影响(P<0.001,F=9.688,df=4);鳊鱼在低流速区域的Pt和Pf显著大于宽鳍鱲(P<0.05)。鳊鱼在大于23.8 cm/s流速区域的Pt和Pf在总体上有小于宽鳍鱲的趋势,且在大于43.8 cm/s的水流速度区域鳊鱼的Pt和Pf均显著小于宽鳍鱲(P<0.05)。

图3 鳊鱼和宽鳍鱲在各速度下的停留时间百分比(Pt)和出入频率百分比(Pf)(平均值 ± 标准误,n=13)Fig.3 The Ptand Pfof Chinese bream and pale chub (Mean ± SE, n=13)a, b, c不同字母表示同一种鱼不同流速区域的数据差异显著(P<0.05);*表示同一流速区域两种鱼数据差异显著(P<0.05)








图5 两种实验鱼的单位距离耗能、静止代谢、和最适速度(平均值±标准误,n=8)Fig.5 The cost of transport curves, resting metabolic rate and optimal swimming speed of Chinese bream and pale chub (Mean±SE, n=8)a, b不同字母表示不同种鱼该指标有显著差异(P<0.05);* 表示同一游泳速度下不同种鱼COT差异显著(P<0.05)

3 讨论


研究显示,溪红点鲑的Uperf在0.78—0.95 BL/s之间[7],Uopt为1.02 BL/s,其Uopt与其Uperf几乎完全重叠,因此可以将溪红点鲑的Uopt用以反映其Uperf[9]。本研究结果显示,鳊鱼和宽鳍鱲的Uopt分别为6.2和11.56BL /s;而鳊鱼和宽鳍鱲在最小速度区域(18.6—21.3 cm/s) 的Pt和Pf均显著大于其它区域,表明鳊鱼和宽鳍鱲的Uperf均等于或者小于本实验设定的最小速度范围(2.5—3.5 BL/s),这远远小于两种实验鱼的Uopt,这与溪红点鲑的研究结果存在差异。通过上述结果分析,两种实验鱼的Uopt与Uperf存在着明显的分离现象。





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Flow velocity selection and its relationship to locomotive energetic metabolism in Chinese bream (Parabramispekinensis) and pale chub (Zaccoplatypus)

WU Qingyi, CAO Zhendong, FU Shijian*


Several measures have been developed to quantify swimming performance to understand various aspects of ecology and behaviour in fish species, as well as to help design functional applications for fishways and aquaculture. The aim of this study was (1) to explore the relevance between the optimal swimming speed (Uopt) and preferred swimming speed (Upref), and (2) to investigate the relationship between locomotive energetic metabolism and flow velocity selection in aquatic organisms. For the study, we selected pale chub (Zaccoplatypus), a fish species typically occurring in riptide habitats, and Chinese bream (Parabramispekinensis), a fish species inhabiting lentic ecosystems, as experimental models. In experiment I, both fish species were videotaped individually (N=13 for each species) in a self-made device to determineUpref. The device consisted of a 1-m-long conical raceway with water speed ranging from 102.7 to 18.6 cm/s and water temperature of (25 ± 0.5)℃. The raceway was artificially divided into 5 flow velocity intervals with equal length (i.e. 20 cm each intervals). The videos were then analyzed by Ethovision XT19. The percentage of time stayed in each flow velocity interval during the whole video period (Pt) and frequency of crossing each intervals (Pf) were calculated. In experiment II, the critical swimming speed (Ucrit) and swimming metabolic rate (MO2) were measured at different swimming speeds. Resting metabolic rate (RMR), cost of transport (COT), net cost of transport (COTnet), andUoptwere calculated for each species. The experimental results were as follows: (1) bothUcritand RMR of Chinese bream were significantly higher than those of pale chub (P<0.05), whereas maximum metabolic rate (MMR) showed no significant difference between two fish species. (2)MO2increased significantly while COT decreased significantly with swimming speed in both fish species. Furthermore, Chinese bream showed lowerMO2and COT values within low swimming speed range while it showed higherMO2and COT values within high swimming speed range compared to those of pale chub. (3) COTnetof the two fish species increased with swimming speed, and the difference of COTnet(pale chub showed lower COTnetthan Chinese bream) between the two species gradually increased with the increase in swimming speed (P<0.05). (4)Uoptof Chinese bream ((6.20±1.29) body length (BL)/s) was significantly higher than that of pale chub ((11.56±1.57) BL/s). (5)Ptin the area of the minimum velocity interval (18.6—23.8 cm/s) in the present study was significantly larger than those in other areas (P<0.05), suggesting thatUperfof both fish species was lower than (or equal to) the range 18.6—23.8 cm/s. However,Ptof Chinese bream in the area of the minimum velocity interval was significantly larger than that of the pale chub (P<0.05), whereasPtof Chinese bream in the areas of high velocity intervals was significantly lower than that of the pale chub. The present study demonstrated thatUperfandUoptwere irrelevant in both fish species. Pale chub, which typically occur in torrent habitats, preferred higher flow velocity; this may be related to its locomotive energetic metabolism such as highUoptandUcritand low COTnet, when compared to Chinese bream.

metabolism; optimal swimming speed (Uopt); preferred swimming speed (Upref)



2014-11-16; 网络出版日期:2015-10-29

Corresponding author.E-mail:


Wu Q Y, Cao Z D, Fu S J.Flow velocity selection and its relationship to locomotive energetic metabolism in Chinese bream (Parabramispekinensis) and pale chub (Zaccoplatypus).Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(13):4187-4194.


奇妙的古代动物 泥盆纪的鱼类