耿计彪, 马 强, 张 民*, 李成亮, 马金昭, 郭延乐, 窦兴霞
(1 土肥资源高效利用国家工程实验室/国家缓控释肥工程技术研究中心/山东农业大学资源与环境学院, 山东泰安 271018;2 山东省德州市农业科学研究院, 山东德州 253000; 3 国家化肥产品质量监督检验中心(山东), 山东临沂 276001)
耿计彪1, 马 强2, 张 民1*, 李成亮1, 马金昭1, 郭延乐1, 窦兴霞3
(1 土肥资源高效利用国家工程实验室/国家缓控释肥工程技术研究中心/山东农业大学资源与环境学院, 山东泰安 271018;2 山东省德州市农业科学研究院, 山东德州 253000; 3 国家化肥产品质量监督检验中心(山东), 山东临沂 276001)
包膜氯化钾; 棉花; 产量; 品质; 钾肥利用效率; 速效钾
1 材料与方法
试验地点位于山东省泰安市山东农业大学土肥资源高效利用国家工程实验室和国家缓控释肥工程技术研究中心中试基地进行。供试土壤类型为石灰淡色潮湿雏形土(Calcaric Ochri-aquic Cambosols),土壤质地为粉壤土,砂粒10.5%,粘粒15.4%,容重1.3 g/cm3,田间持水量为24%(重量法),有机质8.3 g/kg,全氮0.9 g/kg,硝态氮28.2 mg/kg,铵态氮10.5 mg/kg,有效磷42.04 mg/kg,速效钾180.12 mg/kg。
供试品种为国欣棉3号,供试肥料包括大颗粒尿素(N 46%)、 过磷酸钙(P2O512%)、 氯化钾(K2O 60%)、 硫酸钾(K2O 50%)。控释钾肥为国家缓控释肥工程技术研究中心制备的包膜氯化钾(CRK),含K2O 54%,释放期四个月。包膜氯化钾25℃静水释放曲线,根据中华人民共和国化工行业标准《控释肥料》“HG/T 4215-2011”[11]中有关控释肥的测定方法测定,结果如图1所示。
2012年和2013年的试验均设6个处理: (1)不施钾肥(CK); (2)一次性基施氯化钾(KCl); (3)氯化钾基施40%,初花期追施60%(KClD); (4)一次性基施硫酸钾(KS); (5)硫酸钾基施40%,初花期追施60%(KSD); (6)一次性基施包膜氯化钾(CRK),每个处理重复4次。除CK只施氮磷肥外,其他处理氮磷钾肥施入量相同,分别为1000-830-1000(N-P2O5-K2O)mg/盆,其中尿素基施40%,初花期追施60%,磷肥一次性基施。两年施肥量相同,并在播种之前,将称好的土和肥料充分混匀后,装入盆中,每盆盛土15 kg。
图1 包膜氯化钾在25℃静水中释放曲线Fig.1 Potassium accumulative release curves of coated KCl in water(25℃)
在每年的5月10日播种,播种数相同,待幼苗的真叶展开后定苗,每盆定植一株,整个生育期各盆的管理保持一致,并在7月16日打顶。两年的土壤采样时期和日期一致,分别为苗期(6月9日)、 蕾期(7月2日)、 初花期(7月22日)、 盛花期(8月7日)、 始絮期(9月17日)和收获成熟期(11月9日),样品风干后及时测定土壤速效钾含量。
分别测量不同时期棉花的株高和茎粗。依吐絮情况,每年均采摘8次,全部称重作为实收产量,取前7次所收棉铃计算单铃重。将采摘的棉花充分混匀,然后再轧取皮棉,计算衣分; 轧出的皮棉由农业部棉花品质监督检验测试中心(河南)化验测定品质。
各时期土样使用土钻(Φ=2 cm)采集两钻,混匀风干磨细后供分析化验用。土壤速效钾含量用1 mol/L NH4OAc(pH=7)浸提,火焰光度法测定; 植株地上部生物量(地上部分和收集的落叶、 落花、 落铃),在105℃下杀青30 min,65℃烘干至恒重,记录干物质量。烘干的植株样品磨碎后采用 H2SO4-H2O2消煮,火焰光度计法测定植株全钾含量。
试验数据分析处理和作图采用Microsoft Excel 2007软件,并用SAS 8.0统计软件进行处理间差异显著性分析(P<0.05)及ANOVA方差分析。
2 结果与分析
2.1不同处理对棉花生长、 产量和品质的影响
从苗期到盛花期棉花的株高、 茎粗逐渐升高,初花期以后棉花打顶,其后株高、 茎粗增加不再明显。苗期和蕾期控释氯化钾处理株高、 茎粗与速效钾肥处理差异不显著; 初花期株高、 茎粗显著高于基施硫酸钾(KS)和基施氯化钾(KCl)处理,在盛花期与其他施钾处理株高差异不显著,茎粗显著大于KCl和KClD处理(表1)。
钾肥的施用显著地改善了棉花的纤维品质(表3)。各处理间马克隆值无显著差异,纤维伸长率CRK最大,其他施钾处理间差异不显著; 2012年施钾处理间棉花纤维整齐度指数无显著差异,CRK处理纤维长度和断裂比强度显著高于KCl处理,其他处理间差异不显著; 2013年CRK和KSD处理的纤维长度显著高于其他处理,KS和KClD差异不显著,但均高于KCl,CRK和KSD的整齐度指数显著高于KS和KCl,CRK和KSD断裂比强度显著高于KS、 KClD和KCl处理。
表1 不同钾肥处理棉花各生育期株高和茎粗(2013)
注(Note): KClD—KCl 40% basal+60% top dressing at first bloom stage; KS—K2SO4; KSD—K2SO440% basal+60% top dressing at first bloom stage; 同列数据后不同字母表示同年不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments in the same year (P<0.05).
表2 不同钾肥处理的棉花产量及其构成要素
注(Note): 同列数据后不同字母表示同年不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments in the same year (P<0.05).
表3 不同钾肥处理棉花的纤维品质
注(Note): 同列数据后不同字母表示同年不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments in the same year (P<0.05).
表4 不同处理植株的钾肥利用率及生物量
注(Note): 同列数据后不同字母表示同年不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments in the same year (P<0.05).
表5 不同处理土壤中速效钾含量的变化
注(Note): 同列数据后不同字母表示同年不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments in the same year (P<0.05).
3 讨论
4 结论
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Effects of complete basal application of coated potassium chloride on yield, fiber quality and soil available potassium of cotton
GENG Ji-biao1, MA Qiang2, ZHANG Min1*, LI Cheng-liang1, MA Jin-zhao1, GUO Yan-le1, DOU Xing-xia3
(1NationalEngineeringLaboratoryforEfficientUtilizationofSoilandFertilizerResources/NationalEngineering&TechnologyResearchCenterforSlowandControlledReleaseFertilizers/CollegeofResourcesandEnvironment,ShandongAgriculturalUniversity,Taian,Shandong271018,China; 2DezhouAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Dezhou,Shandong253000,China;3NationalCenterforQualitySupervisionandTestingofFertilizers,Linyi,Shandong276001,China)
【Objectives】 Potassium(K) plays an important role on cotton production and fiber quality, the objective of the study was to investigate the effects of basal application of controlled release potassium chloride (CRK) on the yield, fiber quality and K use efficiency of cotton, to provide a theoretical basis for reasonable application of K fertilizer in cotton. 【Methods】 Pot experiments were conducted consecutively in 2012 and 2013 using cotton cultivar of “Guoxin 3” as materials. Six K treatments with four replications were designed: 1) no K application (CK); 2) complete basal application of potassium chloride (KCl); 3) 40% basal and 60% top-dressing at first bloom stage of potassium chloride (KClD); 4) complete basal application of potassium sulphate (KS); 5) 40% basal and 60% top-dressing at first bloom stage of potassium sulphate (KSD); 6) complete basal application of controlled release KCl (CRK). The soil available K contents in seedling, budding, first bloom, full bloom, initial boll-opening and mature stages were analyzed, the K uptake, the plant height and diameter of stems were measured; and the quality and yield of cotton were investigated. 【Results】 The contents of soil available K in CRK treatment were significantly higher at first bloom stage, full bloom stage, initial boll-opening stage and mature stage than in the KCl and K2SO4treatments. The lint yield of CRK treatment was 23.6% higher than KCl, 15.6% higher than KS, 16.0% higher than KClD, but was not significantly higher than KSD. The lint percentage of CRK was significantly higher than KCl, but not significant than other treatments in boll weight and lint percentage. The fiber length, fiber elongation and strength of CRK were significantly higher than KCl and KS, but the micronaire and fiber uniformity were not. The K use efficiency of CRK was increased by 41.9%-50.9% than KCl, 27.3%-29.9% than KS and even 21.1%-25.2% than KClD. 【Conclusions】 The K releasing peak of controlled release potassium fertilizer in the experiment is 80-110 d, which is basically agreeable with the K uptake of cotton. Complete basal application of coated KCl could achieve increased cotton yield, improved fiber quality and enhanced K use efficiency, compared with common potassium fertilizer, no matter they are basal applied or basal plus top dressed. Therefore, potassium sulfate and potassium chloride could be replaced by controlled release potassium chloride fertilizer in cotton production.
coated potassium chloride; cotton; yield; fiber quality; potassium use efficiency; available K
2015-03-16接受日期: 2015-05-16
山东省现代农业产业技术体系棉花创新团队 ( 鲁农科技字[2012]26 号) 项目(SDAIT-07-011-06); “十二五”国家科技支撑计划 (2011BAD11B01,2011BAD11B 02); 国家“948”重点项目(2011-G30)资助。
耿计彪(1988—), 男, 山东巨野人, 博士研究生, 主要从事新型肥料研制与应用。 E-mail: gengjibiao@126.com
Tel: 05388241531,E-mail: minzhang-2002@163.com
S158.3; S562