Liu Xiaohua Guangdong Provincial Deputy Secretary General Party Committee has committed suicide


中国经贸聚焦·英文版 2016年7期

Deputy Secretary General of the Guangdong provincial Party committee Liu Xiaohua has been affirmed died in June 12th. Police bureau confirmed that his death is cause by suicide.But the official government has not yet informed the very reason for why he choose to suicide. It is said that Liu Xiaohua has been in the position as party secretary of Zhanjiang City, for more than five years. Public information shows that Liu Xiaohua is 57 years old. He is born in Xingning, Guangdong Province. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Zhongshan University in 1982 and then he entered into the Investigation Department in Guangdong Province and worked there in the national security system since then.

From the departure of the Zhanjiang municipal Party committee to hanged himself at home, these 70 days marked the end in Liu Xiaohuas life. The new position for Liu Xiaohua is the Deputy Secretary of Guangdong provincial Party committee, which belongs to the bureau level as well. In accordance with the related provisions, this transition didnt need to make a public acknowledgment. Since the departure from Zhangjiang City, he rarely appeared in public view.In April 9th, Liu showed himself in the Guangdong TV news, he worn a white shirt and seem to be in good mood. However this turn out to be the last time for Liu Xiaohua to appear in the TV shows after his transference to the new post.The television footage which lasts less than 2 seconds has became the last flick in Liu Xiaohuas life.endprint