1 外景/Exterior view2 总平面/Site plan
作为荷兰北部赞斯塔德大区的中心,赞丹的市镇中心及车站区目前正经历着大规模的城市重建。 由苏特斯-范尔东克建筑事务所设计,命名为“Inverdan”的市区重建计划,包含了历史街道布局的复原,运河的重新开通,以及中心区的认同感重塑。发展计划沿省道和铁路线延伸,意味着位于不同方位的城市区域间也将被构建起紧密的相互连接。
这座酒店建造完成后的整体效果令人眼前一亮,足以作为维尔弗里德·范温登所倡导的“融合建筑”的成功范例。融合代表着一种创造性的连接方式:对现在与过去的连接,对传统与创新的连接,对阳春白雪与下里巴人的连接。一种全新的建筑叙事方式借此产生——既适用于特殊语境下的当地实践,同时也具有广泛的普适性。□(陈茜 译)
A New Urban Plan with an Elegant New Hotel
Te town centre and station area of Zaandam,hub of the Zaanstad municipality in the province of North Holland, are currently being radically restructured. Te "Inverdan" urban redevelopment scheme was devised by Soeters Van Eldonk architecten, a plan that reinstates the historical street layout, reopens a canal and restores an atmosphere of congeniality to Zaandam's heart. The development's continuation above the provincial road and railway means that it also interconnects the urban districts on both sides of this infrastructure.
Te new hotel is an important building block,the first structure to be completed within the Inverdan plan. The hotel tower, with a footprint that is well-nigh square, is almost forty metres tall and has eleven floors. Constructed of timber and Eternit fibre cement cladding, the edifice is expressive, with varied fenestration, wide protruding sections, and elegant white eaves and barge-boards.
A Stack of Traditional Zaandam Houses
Wilfried van Winden envisages the hotel as a temporary home, alluding to that transience with the stack of houses. Visually speaking the structure is built up from a varied stacking of almost seventy individual little houses, executed in four shades of the traditional green of the Zaan region. Te hotel is unique, familiar yet original and idiosyncratic. It is a design that could be realized only in Zaandam but at the same time transcends and reinvigorates local tradition. It was, moreover, specifically tailored to this site. "Te Blue House", inspired by the work Claude Monet painted at Zaandam in 1871, is the ultimate attention-grabber.
The overall result is striking. The building is exemplary for the Fusion Architecture that Wilfried van Winden champions. Fusion represents an inventive way of linking present and past, tradition and innovation, high culture and low. Tis generates a novel expressiveness that corresponds to the specifc local practices but is at the same time universal.
项目信息/Credits and Data
建筑设计/Design: Molenaar & Van Winden architecten/ WAM architecten
项目主持/Principal: Hotel Zaanstad BV
设计时间/Design Period: 2006-2007
建造时间/Construction Period: 2008-2010
承建商/Contractor: Heddes Bouw BV
摄影/Photos: Roel Backaert(fg.1), Peter Barnes(fg.11,12)
3 北立面/North elevation4 东立面/East elevation5 参考图片/Reference photos6.7 概念/Concept
这座酒店在发展过程中成为了重要的城市节点,在带来新气象的同时,也成为了半公共的城市空间、市民交往的场所。□(陈茜 译)
8 三层平面/Floor 2 plan9 十二层平面/Floor 11 plan
WA: What is the role of the colour in this project?
Te building's exterior took shape in the process of research. We did not limit ourselves to formal studies, but explored the different typologies and manifestations of typical Zaandam houses as well. We uncovered an immense wealth and diversity.
Te houses were executed in four shades of the traditional green of the Zaan region. Just one house is blue, and it is not a facsimile of the blue house in the famous canvas by Claude Monet which he painted there in Zaandam in 1871, but it certainly alludes to it. It is a chromatic accent, the odd one out, the intruder. It makes the four sides of the building different. Visually speaking, the building has no front or rear, because of the composition of the monumental stacking.
WA: What is the most creative and attractive solution?
WvW: That's rather obvious - the stacking of the traditional houses. During the design process we departed from a single strong idea, which immediately became the core of the design, namely that the hotel can be seen as a temporary home. Tat idea attracted me a lot, and we proceeded with the design on that basis. As you can imagine, various visual concepts passed in review.
Eventually just one variant was fully elaborated,namely the variant we have in front of us now: the stacking or collage of typical Zaandam houses. It all started with a collage. Proceeding from this basis we produced volumetric studies. It turned out that the stacking worked incredibly well.
WA: What was the most difcult part in the process of design?
WvW: It took some effort to design the rainwater drainage system.
WA: What is the feedback from the users and the community?
WvW: Some love it, some hate it! Tere is nothing in between. People are free to comment and associate what they want. Some say it is kitsch or Disney. Mostly the modernist thinkers come up with these qualifications. Whenever you use traditional elements or colourful architecture or ornament, these types of qualifcations, especially in Holland, pop up very easily. Kitsch is a rather moral issue. Unlike the Disney world this building could only be built in Zaandam. Te hotel is a oneoff, unique in the world, recognisable yet fresh and headstrong. It is a design that could only have been realised in Zaandam, yet it simultaneously transcends and renews the local tradition. After overcoming a shock at first and some hesitation thereafter, the community of Zaandam now embraced the design and is very proud to have such an icon within its boundaries. It provides a renewed identity and a global recognition.
2) 针对1×105 m3以上的大型储罐,泡沫充满密封圈空间至少需10 min,很可能错过火灾初期的灭火时机。
Architecture naturally makes a direct appeal to the emotions as well. An acquaintance recently commented, "When I drive into Zaandam and see the building standing there a smile inevitably spreads across my face." You could hardly ask for a more wonderful compliment.
WA: How did this project improve the quality of the public space?
WvW: The town centre and station area of Zaandam, hub of the Zaanstad municipality in the province of North Holland, are currently being radically restructured. The "Inverdan" urban redevelopment scheme is a plan that reinstates the historical street layout, reopens a canal and restores an atmosphere of congeniality to Zaandam's heart. The development's continuation above the provincial road and railway means that it also interconnects the urban districts on both sides of this infrastructure.
Te city of Zaandam will regain its intimacy. It is the aim for all the buildings to be realized to refer in any way to the local architectural tradition of the northern part of Holland. In the case of the hotel we refer to the wooden houses. In doing so the whole project is rooted in the local tradition and the output will be identifed by the region. It is not one of those anonymous projects that can stand everywhere. I don't like the standard formula hotels that spread themselves around the world. This project is tailor made for the site.
Te hotel became an important centerpoint in the development giving a new identity as well as a semi-public space where people meet.
10 细部详图/Detail drawing
11.12 外景/Exterior views
FANG Xiaofeng: Te hotel is the center of the town. Although the method seems to be radical, the internal logic seems to be diferent. Te historical prototype of design is obviously the town houses. Te architect envisages the hotel as a temporary home. Tere is nothing to be said against the concept and form of the design, not to mention the visual connection with the neighboring buildings. Te pattern of stacking is quite popular in recent years, presenting power by a reckless posture. To pursue for the feeling of freshness is still the driving force. Maybe, the delicate European town needs fresh stimulus.
WANG Hui: Te façade of Inntel Hotel is basically green in colour, with other minor colours in between. This layered greenish tone makes the building distinguished from its adjacent environ. Trough applying these highly saturated colours and fnely depicting the pitched roofs, the large volume of the building is dissolved efectively and it merges well with the surrounding architecture. Meanwhile, in this way, it promotes the public recognition of the hotel building. (Translated by QI Yiyi)
Hotel Amsterdam-Zaandam, Zaanstad, the Netherlands, 2010
Architect: Wilfried van Winden/WAM architecten