徐白露, 张 唤, 杨周生
(安徽师范大学 环境科学与工程学院,安徽 芜湖 241000)
(安徽师范大学 环境科学与工程学院,安徽 芜湖241000)
图1 修饰电极表面的扫描电镜表征图Fig.1 SEM images of the as-prepared sample CuO(a), PTH(b)
图2 不同修饰电极的电化学阻抗图Fig.2 EIS of different electrodes in 0.1 M KCl solution containing5.0mM Fe(CN)6]3-/[Fe(CN)6]4-:GCE(a),PTH/GCE(b),CuO/GCE(c), CuO/PTH/GCE(d)
为了考察不同电极的修饰情况,电化学阻抗曲线被用来表征这种变化.图2 为不同修饰电极的电化学阻抗图.由图2可知,在含0.1M KCl的[Fe(CN)6]3-/[Fe(CN)6]4-溶液中,GCE(曲线a)表现出的等效电阻值为300±10Ω,PTH/GCE(曲线b)修饰电极的电阻为310±10Ω,CuO/GCE(曲线c)为1250±10Ω,CuO/ PTH/GCE(曲线d)为1720±10Ω.硫堇/玻碳修饰电极与裸电极的电阻数据变化不大,这是由于聚硫堇具有很好的导电性所致.而在纳米CuO/GCE,由于CuO导电能力比GCE要弱得多,其修饰电极的阻抗变化大.这些变化表明:PTH、CuO被成功修饰到了玻碳电极表面.
图3 不同电极对对硝基苯酚电化学反应催化效果图Fig.3 The catalytic efficiency of electrochemical response of p-nitrophenol on ent modified electrode: bare GCE(a),CuO/GCE(b),CuO/PTH/GCE(c)
图4 硝基苯酚在CuO/PTH/GCE的电化学响应对pH值变化Fig.4 The effects of solution pH on at electrochemical differ response of p-nitrophenol on CuO/PTH/GCE
图5 纳米氧化铜材料厚度对硝基苯酚氧化峰电流的影响Fig.5 The effects of thickness of material on peak current at electrochemical degradation in different time
图6 电解不同时间后溶液的紫外吸收光谱变化Fig.6 Change of spectrum of p-nitrophenol after electrochemical reaction of p-nitrophenol by CuO/PTH/GCE
图7 电解不同时间后对硝基苯酚的高效液相色谱图的变化Fig.7 Change of HPLC of p-nitrophenol after electrochemicaldegradation in different time
从HPLC图谱中可以观察到(如图7所示),未降解的对硝基苯酚在3.42min和3.92min出现两个色谱峰,随着电化学降解的持续进行,保留时间为3.42min处的色谱峰逐渐增大,而保留时间为3.92min 处的色谱峰逐渐减小.降解前后色谱图上的这些变化与紫外吸收光谱的变化相一致,进一步表明:在电解过程中,对硝基苯酚的分子结构发生变化,在溶液中的含量逐渐降低,能够被成功降解.而降解后生成的物质有待进一步研究确认.
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Abstract: The composition of volatiles emitted from Newhall nucellar navel oranges were investigated during laboratory-controlled anaerobic storage for a period of 90 days, using preconcentrator coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrum (GC-MS). Major relative changes occurred for oxygenated volatiles and monoterpene hydrocarbons, while no observable changes were found for sulfides. Before storage, terpenoid hydrocarbons and oxygenated volatiles dominated, with the most abundance of limonene, ethanol, β-myrcene, sabinene, α-pinene, acetaldehyde and Δ-3-carene. During the early 6 days of storage, terpenoid hydrocarbons decreased sharply as much loss of limonene, β-myrcene, sabinene, α-pinene and Δ-3-carene, while oxygenated volatiles increased abruptly and became the first predominant class, with observable growing of methanol, ethanol and ethyl acetate. After 6 days of storage, terpenoid hydrocarbons rose up progressively with storage time, whereas oxygenated volatiles dropped down gradually until the end of the experiment. It is worth noting that twenty-four oxygenated volatiles as artifacts were formed, with predominance of 2-butanol and methyl acetate.
Key words: volatiles; compositions; newhall nucellar navel oranges; anaerobic storage
Clssification No: TS207.3Document Code: APaper No:1001-2443(2016)04-0364-07
Newhall nucellar navel oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) originating as a limb sport of Washington navel oranges are native to USA and now widely planted in middle part of China. The fruit of Newhall is oval-shaped, 6.48-7.18cm in long and 6.65-7.71cm in diameter, and it weights approximately from 250 to 350 g for each orange, containing 15.5% for soluble solids, 85-105g L-1for sugars, 10-11g L-1for titratable acids and 0.47-0.64g L-1for vitamin C, respectively[1].
Newhall nucellar navel oranges are the most popular navel orange cultivar in China because of their bright color, rich nutrition, sweet flavor and pleasant smelling. The attractive and pleasant flavor of citrus fruit is attributed to a combination of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, hydrocarbon terpenes, sulfur volatiles and so on in specific proportions[2-4]. For Newhall nucellar navel oranges, forty-two volaitle organic compounds including twenty-seven oxygenated volatiles, thirteen terpene hydrocarbons and three sulfides were identified and quantified in the gases from their fresh fruit in previous studies[5].
During their commercial packing and storage, citrus fruit not excepting Newhall nucellar navel oranges are usually exposed under various anaerobic conditions such as storing in modified or controlled atmospheres, coating with waxes or films, packing in plastic liners and holding in containers or trailers[6,7,4]. These anaerobic or
Received date:2015-10-21
Author’s brief:YANG Geng(1968-),Female,born in Tongcheng,Anhui Province, senior experimentalist.
引用格式:杨耿,张玉洁,刘书路,等.纽荷尔脐橙(Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck)厌氧保存过程中挥发性风味物质组成变化[J].安徽师范大学学报:自然科学版,2016,39(4):364-370.
anoxia storage and handing process can inhibit deterioration development of fruit, but anaerobic metabolism is induced, leading to decreases in aroma-active volatiles and accumulation of off-flavor volatiles such as ethanol, acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate[8,9,6,4]. The composition changes of volatiles from citrus fruit could lead to an altered balance of orange aroma away from what is considered “fresh” or desirable and thus becoming “rotten”[2-4]. Thus, measurement of the composition changes of volatiles from citrus fruit based on relative percentage may serve reliable and convenient information for quality evaluation.
Fresh Newhall nucellar navel oranges maintain their external and internal quality in regular atmospheres for only 2-3 weeks after harvest, and thus anaerobic or anoxia storage is often needed when they are to be kept for longer than 3 weeks after harvest. Consequently, in this study Newhall nucellar navel oranges were incubated under N2 atmospheres to stimulate anaerobic respiration in laboratory, and the relative compositional changes of volatiles and the possible artifacts of Newhall nucellar navel oranges were investigated during storage under anaerobic conditions for a period of 90 days.
1Materials and Methods
1.1Materials and chemicals
Fresh ripe Newhall nucellar navel oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) were obtained from a commercial orchard in the city of Ganzhou in China in November 2012. Fruits at ripe stage were classified as those possessing totally orange-yellow color. Fruits were carefully selected for uniformity size, color, and absence of physical damage, and were randomly divided into three groups for the anaerobic treatment.
All volatiles listed in Table 1 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Inc. (Saint Louis, MO, USA) and were of analytical grade.
Table 1 Compositional changes of volatiles emitted from Newhall nucellar navel oranges during the anaerobic storagea
aTable includes all identified chemicals and percentages add to 100% for each sample.bMean percentage of individual volatile constituents from triplicate experiments.cDays of incubation.dSum of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters and acetals.*Artifact volatiles. nd, not detected. tr, trace (<0.05%).
1.2Anaerobic treatment
For laboratory simulation study, about 2 kg fresh shredded Newhall nucellar navel oranges were weighed and placed in glass reactors with a volume of approximately 8 L. Treatments were tested in triplicate and incubated at room temperature (25±0.5℃) for 90 days. Pure N2gas was maintained between 40-60mL min-1per reactor, which was identified in preliminary work as sufficient to ensure that the O2containers were less than 0.5% for the anaerobic storage. When sampling, 1L Teflon sampling bags (SKC Inc., USA) was used to collect gas from the air outlet of each reactor. Volatile measurements were performed on days 0, 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 during the incubation.
1.3Volatiles analysis
Volatiles were analyzed by an Entech Model 7100 Preconcentrator (Entech Instruments Inc., CA, USA) coupled with a gas chromatography/mass spectrum (GC/MS, Agilent 5973N). Detailed analysis steps were described elsewhere[10].
1.4Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 10.0 for Windows. A one-way ANOVA was performed to test the significant variance between the samples. A post hoc examination was conducted to test the significance using the LSD test. The significance level was set as p<0.05.
2Results and Discussion
Fig.1 Typical chromatograms showing selected volatiles from fresh Newhall nucellar navel oranges at day 0 when fresh(A) and at day 50(B).
As presented in Fig.1, differences between the chromatogram of the fresh oranges and that of the oranges at day 50 were noticeable. Several new peaks of artifact compounds occurred at day 50. The peak identities and their relative percentages, and the artifacts identified, are listed in Table 1 according to functional classes. In total, sixty-seven volatiles were identified, among which twenty-four volatile chemicals were absent in gases of fresh Newhall nucellar navel oranges and occurred as artifacts in the following storage process, consisting of 3 alcohols(2-butanol, 2-pentanol and 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol), 3 aldehydes(2-methypropanal, 2-methylbutanal and pentanal), 2 ketones(3-heptanone and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone), 15 esters(methyl formate, 1-methylpropyl formate, 3-methylbutyl formate, 1-methylpropyl acetate, 2-methylpropyl acetate, 2-methylbutyl acetate, 3-methylbutyl acetate, 3-methyl-2-butenyl acetate, methyl propionate, ethyl propionate, propyl propionate, 1-methylpropyl propionate, methyl isobutyrate, ethyl valerate and methyl isovalerate) and 1 acetals (1,1’-diethoxy-ethane) (Table 1 and Fig.1(B)). The concentration of total volatile chemicals gradually rose up to 2729.1μg L-1upon 90 days of storage, approximately 5 times higher than that at day 0(558.8 μg L-1)(Fig.2), and the percentage of total artifact volatiles increased with storage time and attained the peak at day 70, sharing 15.9% of total volatile chemicals released (Table 1). For volatile groups or individual volatile chemicals, their compositions changed significantly during the anaerobic storage of Newhall nucellar navel oranges.
The numbered peaks indicate compounds: 1 acetaldehyde; 2 methanol; 3 ethanol; 4 methyl acetate; 5 2-propanol; 6 2-methyl-propanal; 7 1-propanol; 8 2-butanone; 9 ethyl acetate; 10 2-butanol; 11 2-methyl-1-propanol; 12 2-methyl-butanal; 13 1-butanol; 14 ethyl propionate; 15 propyl acetate;16 3-methyl-1-butanol; 17 2-methyl-1-butanol; 18 1-methylpropyl acetate; 19 2-methylpropyl acetate; 20 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol; 21 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trioxane; 22 ethyl butyrate; 23 butyl acetate; 24 3-hexen-1-ol; 25 1-hexanol; 26 3-methylbutyl acetate; 27 2-methylbutyl acetate; 28 α-thujene; 29 α-pinene; 30 camphene; 31 sabinene; 32 β-pinene; 33 β-myrcene; 34 l-phellandrene; 35 Δ-3-carene; 36 α-terpinene; 37 limonene; 38 γ-terpinene; 39 terpinolene.
Fig.2 Concentrations of three volatile groups and total volatile compounds released from Newhall nucellar navel oranges during the anaerobic storage. Error bars represent the standard deviation
2.2Change in oxygenated volatiles
Fifty-one oxygenated volatiles were determined during the anaerobic storage of Newhall nucellar navel oranges(Table 1), and the concentration of total oxygenated volatiles increased rapidly to attain the maximum(1924.2μg L-1) at day 50, about 18 times higher than that at day 0(101.7 μg L-1)(Fig.2). Methanol, ethanol, 2-butanol, acetaldehyde, 2-butanone and ethyl acetate dominated and were the most important oxygenated volatiles. For the total oxygenated volatiles or major oxygenated compounds except acetaldehyde, their relative percentages showed a significant increasing trend during the anaerobic incubation. The relative percentage of total oxygenated volatiles increase from 18.1% to 49.0% upon 90 days of anaerobic storage, attaining the maximum (80.2%) at day 6. Also, oxygenated compounds were the most predominant function group after 3 days, although they were less than terpenes to some extent again after 90 days. The observably growing oxygenated volatiles were methanol (from 0.8% to 5.9%), ethanol (from 13.9% to 15.6%), 2-butanol (from 0.0% to 11.1%), 2-butanone (from>0.05% to 8.1%) and ethyl acetate (from 0.5% to 3.4%). Particular for ethanol, its ratio reached the peak (59.0%) at day 3 and it became the first abundant volatile chemicals. 2-Butanol and ethyl acetate were the third abundant volatile chemicals at day 40 and at day 3, respectively. For acetaldehyde, it decreased steadily to 0.1% at day 90, but its concentration actually increased and reached a peak at day 50 during the anaerobic storage.
The relative changes of the oxygenated compounds from Newhall nucellar navel oranges on the anaerobic storage were in accordance with reports on commercial packing and storage of navel oranges[7]. The considerable enhancements of the oxygenated compounds could be related to secondary metabolites of orange substrates from biochemical reaction caused by enzymes[11]or microorganisms[12,13]. The production of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and esters from fruit under anoxic or anaerobic conditions had been reported[9,6]. For example, methanol, ethanol, acetaldehyde and ethyl acetate as anaerobic metabolites were reported to be strongly accumulated in fruit such as mandarin[14], grapefruit[14]and pear[15]on storage under conditions favoring anaerobiosis. As well known, ethanol as major component of wines is produced from anaerobic fermentation of substrates, and its biosynthesis in fruit such as apples enhanced at greater rate under hypoxic or anoxic storage conditions[9]. 2-Butanol as undirable constituent was found in spirits of grape pomace, which fermented under anaerobic conditions[16]. 2-Butanone had been reported in gases purged and trapped from cherry fruit homogenates after storage under controlled atmosphere (anoxic condition)[8]. The production of esters in fruit could be attributed to esterification of various alcohol moieties and acetyl CoA[9]. Actually, a good correlation were between total alcohols and total esters (r=0.77,p<0.01), particularly between ethanol and ethyl acetate (r=0.90,p<0.01). As also reported by[8], qualitative and quantitative changes in ester production, particularly ethyl acetate, were coincident with the accumulation of ethanol. Acetals were usually produced during the anaerobic fermentation of fruit and grain. For example, 1,1’-diethoxy-ethane was present in grape wine[17]and Chinese ‘Yanghe Daqu’ liquor, which was made from the anaerobic fermentation of grains[18].
2.3Change in isoprene and monoterpenes
As shown in Table 1, isoprene was merely a trivial constituent detected in emitted volatiles and was under 0.05% during the whole anaerobic storage. β-Myrcene, sabinene, α-pinene and Δ-3-carene were the major monoterpenes in addition to limonene during the anaerobic storage of Newhall nucellar navel oranges. During the early 6 days, the concentration of total monoterpenes decreased sharply from 457.1μg L-1to 288.6μg L-1(Fig.2). Also, the relative percentages of total monoterpenes decreased abruptly from 81.9% to 19.8%, as much loss of limonene (from 54.9% to 15.8%), β-myrcene (from 10.8% to 1.8%), sabinene (from 6.6% to 0.8%), α-pinene (from 5.0% to 0.4%) and Δ-3-carene (from 2.0% to 0.3%). Some slight dropping also occurred for α-thujene (from 0.1% to <0.05%), β-pinene (from 0.6% to 0.1%), l-phellandrene (from 0.9% to 0.1%) and terpinolene (from 0.8% to 0.3%). The decrease of monoterpene hydrocarbons from Newhall nucellar navel oranges during the early stage was in accordance with reports on storage of some citrus fruit oil such as Yuzu[19], and Daidai[20]. The monoterpene hydrocarbons can be lost through chemical process and/or physical process. Chemical degradation such as polymerization, oxidation and rearrangement of monoterpene was reported by[19]. For example, limonene could be oxidized to cis- and trans-limonene oxides as artifacts in the citrus fruit oil[12]and also be cyclized to camphene, α-pinene and β-pinene as previously noted[21]. Mycrene could be cyclized to γ-terpinene, α-terpinene, limonene and terpinolene[21]. This process would imply an increase of some monterpenes such as α-pinene and β-pinene and terpinolene, which was inconsistent with the data in this study. For this reason, we assume that this process can be neglible for the loss of monoterpenes. Physical evaporation of inherited constituents could be mainly responsible for the observed relative decrease of monnoterpnes. Oranges as a pool of monoterpenes were shredded before incubation, making these compounds not to be locked in clumps but volatilize rapidly due to increased surface area. For camphene, α-terpinene and γ-terpinene, their percentages were merely trivial and kept steady during the early 6 days of anaerobic incubation, but their concentrations had a decreasing trend.
After the early 6 days of incubation, the concentration of total terpenes increased progressively to reach the peak upon 90 days (1391.9μg L-1), about three times higher than that at day 0 (457.1μg L-1) (Fig.2). The relative percentages of total monoterpenes and all monoterpene hydrocarbons except camphene also grew steadily until the end of the experiment. Monoterpenes shared 51.0% of total volatiles released and became the prevailed class upon 90 day again. The preminently enhanced monoterpenes were limonene (from 15.8% to 36.0%), β-myrcene (from 1.8% to 6.6%), α-pinene (from 0.4% to 2.9%) and Δ-3-carene (from 0.3% to 1.4%). Some slight growing also occurred for α-thujene (from <0.05% to 0.1%), β-pinene (from 0.1% to 0.4%), l-phellandrene (from 0.1 to 0.7%), α-terpinene (from <0.05 to 0.5%), γ-terpinene (from 0.2% to 0.8%), terpinolene (from 0.3% to 0.6%) and sabinene (from 0.8% to 1.0%). For camphene, its percentage still kept trivial and steady. The results indicated that monoterpenes emitted after 6 days were mainly secondary production, most probably the microbial degradation of pectin, which had high contents in oranges and would emit a high rate of monoterpenes when biologically metabolized.
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纽荷尔脐橙(Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck)厌氧保存过程中挥发性风味物质组成变化
(安徽师范大学 环境科学与工程学院,安徽 芜湖241003)
DOI:10.14182/J.cnki.1001-2443.2016.04.009 10.14182/J.cnki.1001-2443.2016.04.011
Foundation item:Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China(41273095 and 41103067).
Electrochemical Behavior of P-Nitrophenol on Nano Copper Oxide Electrode and Its Degradation
XU Bai-lu,ZHANG Huan,YANG Zhou-sheng
(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China)
Abstract:Electrochemical behavior of p-nitrophenol on nano copper oxide electrode and its degradation were discussed. The effects of solution pH and thickness of material on electrochemical response of p-nitrophenol were examined. The results show that the difference (ΔE) of peak potential changed from 0.862V on bare GCE to 0.291V on CuO/PTH/GCE and the oxidation peak current increased obviously. Nano copper oxide could improve redox reversibility p-nitrophenol on electrode significantly. Electrochemical oxidation of p-nitrophenol was performed with nano CuO/Ti electrode and electrolyte solution was tested by UV-visible spectra and high performance liquid chromatography, respectively. It illustrated the nano copper oxide could catalyze degradation of p-nitrophenol.
Key words:nano copper oxide; p-nitrophenol; catalyses degradation
Changes in the Composition of Volatiles Emitted from Newhall Nucellar Navel Oranges (Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck)During Anaerobic Storage
YANG Geng,ZHANG Yu-jie,LIU Shu-lu,YU Yue-gang
(College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241003, China)