A Note on Choice Number of Some Planar Triangle-Free Graphs
ZHU Xiaoying, DUAN Ziming
(1. College of Jincheng,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211156, China;2. Department of Mathematics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China)
A Note on Choice Number of Some Planar Triangle-Free Graphs
ZHU Xiaoying1, DUAN Ziming2
Abstract:A graph G is k-choosable if it can be colored whenever every vertex has a list of available colors of size at least k. By using the discharging method and some structure properties of minimal counterexample graph, it is showed that every planar triangle-free graph without 6-,8- and 10-cycles is 3-choosable. The results on list coloring of planar graph is enriched.
Keywords:choosability; triangle-free graph; girth
All graphs considered here are finite, undirected and simple. LetG=(V(G),E(G),F(G)) be a planar graph. For a vertexv∈V(G),d(v) andδ(G) denote its degree and the minimum degree ofG, respectively. For a facef∈F(G),d(f) denotes the number of edges on the boundary off, where each cut edge is counted twice. We call a vertexvak-vertex ifd(v)=k, and similarly call a facefak-face ifd(f)=k. Supposekis an integer. Thenk+andk-denote integers ≥kand ≤k, respectively. A face of a plane graph is incident with all edges and vertices on its boundary. Two faces are adjacent if they have some common edges. The set of allk-cycles ofGis denoted byCk. A graph is calledCk-free ifCk=∅.
A list coloring ofGis an assignment of colors toV(G) such that each vertexvreceives a color from a prescribed listL(v) of colors and adjacent vertices receive distinct colors[1].L(G)={L(v)|v∈V(G)} is called a color list ofG. The graphGis calledk-choosable ifGadmits a list coloring for all color listLwithkcolors in each list.
Thomassen[2]proved that every plane graph is 5-choosable. Voigt[3]showed that not all planar graphs are 4-choosable. By 3-degenericity, every planar triangle-free graph is 4-choosable and Voigt[4]exhibited an example of a non-3-choosable triangle-free planar graph.
It remains to decide whether a given plane graph is 3-choosable or 4-choosable. Gutner[5]proved that these two problems are NP-hard. Sufficient conditions for 3-choosability of planar graphs are studied intensively. Thomassen[6]proved that every plane graph of girth at least 5 is 3-choosable. Lam[7]proved that every planar graph with girth at least 4 and without 5- and 6-cycle is 3-choosable. Zhang[8]proved that every planar triangle-free graph without 5-,8- and 9-cycles is 3-choosable. Dvorak[9-10]proved that every planar graph without 3-,7- and 8-cycles is 3-choosable and every planar graph without 3-,6- and 7-cycles is 3-choosable. In this paper, we show that every planar triangle-free graph without 6-,8- and 10-cycles is 3-choosable, which enrichs the results on list coloring of planar graph.
We use the following notation.
Anh-facefis called a lighth-face if all incidental vertices are 3--vertices, otherwise a non-lighth-face if it is incident with at least one 4+-vertex. Anh-face is called a minimalh-face if it is incident with exactly one 4+-vertex and 3--vertex on other vertices; similarly, anh-face is called a non-minimalh-face if it is incident with at least two 4+-vertices.
Before stating the main theorems, we shall first state the following necessary lemmas.
Lemma 1[1]Every cycle of even length is 2-choosable.
Lemma 2[8]LetGbe a non-3-choosable graph such that for any proper subsetV*⊂V,G[V*] is 3-choosable. Then any 2n-cycle ofGcontains at least one 4+-vertex.
Lemma 3[8]LetGbe a non-3-choosable graph such that for any proper subsetV*⊂V,G[V*] is 3-choosable. Then ifC1andC2are two 4-cycles with exactly one common vertexv0, then at least one ofC1andC2is a non-minimal cycle.
Our goal is to prove the following theorem.
Theorem 1IfGcontains no triangles and contains no 6-,8- and 10-cycles, thenGis 3-choosable.
ProofSuppose thatGis a counterexample of minimum order. Then it is easy to seeδ(G)≥3. By the choice ofG, we have the following claims.
Claim 1No two distinct 5-facesfandf′ are adjacent.
ProofLetf=v1v2v3v4v5andf′=v1v2u3u4u5. Asv1andv2have degree at least three, thusv3≠u3andv5≠u5. AsGdoes not contain triangles,v3≠u5andv5≠u3. Asv2v3v4v5v1u5u4u3is not an 8-cycle, {v3,v4,v5}∩{u3u4u5}≠∅. By symmetry, we may assume thatv4∈{u3,u4}. AsGdoes not contain triangles,v4≠u3, thusv4=u4. However, at least one of 4-cyclesu4u3v2v3oru4u5v1v5have one 2-vertex becauseGdoes not contain triangles. This contradicts withδ(G)≥3.
BecauseGdoes not contain triangles andδ(G)≥3, the two faces have one common edge when they are adjacent . In the same way we get the following conclusions.
Claim 2Each 4-face is adjacent to at most one 5-face and two 4-faces are not adjacent.
Claim 3Each 7-face is not adjacent to another 5-face.
The discharging rules are as follows.
(R2) From each 5-face to each adjacent 4-face calledf′ through their common edgee=uv, transfer:
(R23) 0 iff′ is a non-minimal 4-face.
(R6) From each 9+-face to each adjacent 5-face calledf′, transfer :
Letvbe ak-vertex ofG.
Ifh=4,thenbyLemma2, fisincidentwithatleastone4+-vertex.ByClaim2, fisadjacentto5-,7-or9+-faceandfisadjacenttoatmostone5-face.Accordingtothetransferringrules,weshouldconsideradjacent5-facesand7-faceasmuchaspossible.Thisconditionisconsideredtobetheworstcase.
Ifh=5, fisadjacentonlyto4-and9+-facesbyClaim1andClaim3.
Now, we getω*(x)≥0 for allx∈V∪F. It follows that
This is a contradiction and the proof is complete.
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Received date:2015-06-25
CLC Number:O 157.5 A
Document code:A
中图分类号:O 157.5
(1. 南京航空航天大学 金城学院,南京 211156; 2. 中国矿业大学 理学院 数学系,徐州 221008)
关键词:可选择的; 不含三角形平面图; 围长
Article ID: 0427-7104(2016)03-0284-04
Biography: ZHU Xiaoying(1979—), female, lecture, E-mail: 10522520@qq.com.