Comparison of the Cultures of Dog between China and Western countries
【Abstract】This paper focuses on the comparison of cultures of dog in China and western countries in a comprehensive way so that foreigner can understand the Chinese culture better.
【Key words】comparison; cultural differences; dog; China
1. Introduction and background
The issue of eating and maltreating dogs has now become a hot topic in China. It also brings misunderstanding to foreigners about the culture of dog in China. It is high time that an objective analysis of cultural differences between dog in China and Western countries were introduced to foreigners so that they can better understand the culture of dog in China.
Many researchers believe the culture of dog is negative in China and that in the western countries is positive. But they fail to recognize that both China and Western countries all have negative language related to dog, and language itself is keep changing too. So we try to compare these two cultures of dog in a progressive way.
2. Cultural meanings of dog in China
2.1 in history
As one of the top five animals and 12 zodiacal animals, dog is favored and admired by the ancient Chinese people. In traditional myth, the image of Pan Gu, a powerful and admirable god, has the head of a dog and the body of a man. The image of dog also appears in the Dun Huang paintings. The virtues of dog, like bravery, fearlessness, fertility, and perseverance, have lasted.
Dog is also favorable meat enjoyed by people. It is a precious animal sacrifice presented to ancestors. Ancient people believe the meat of dog is delicious and beautiful in the aspects of color, aroma and taste. The price of dog in the past is much more expensive than that of mutton and pork.
2.2 in language
Language related to dog reveals peoples complicated emotions towards dog. Some phrases praise dogs loyalty: “Dog don't dislike and avoid its poor family,” “serve like a dog and horse.” On formal occasions, people will call their son dog in order to show modesty. Many phrases and idioms show peoples contempt for dog. “seeing lower in dogs,” and “Hit a dog with a meat bun, it does not return.”
Many vulgar language is related to dog. People use “son of a dog” to refer to “son of a bitch” when they abuse each other. The word of dog is often used as a term of abuse.
2.3 in the modern life of people
As China enjoys a long history, the culture of dog changes a lot. Now the number of pet dogs in China ranks first in the world. People take good care of their dogs and consider them as best friends. In urban areas, few people like eating dogs. People, especially youngsters call themselves “single dogs” to show their dismay at being single in the daily life. Also, they use dog to show they are tired. Dog is hardworking and diligent, which is greatly appreciated.
3. Cultural meanings of dog in western countries
3.1 in history
In the ancient Roman and Greek culture, dog is peoples faithful friend. In Canada, many cities have Dogs Day to celebrate the accompany of dog. In America, one family owes 1.6 dogs on average. Also, dogs have long been treated well because people will give their dogs regular medical care and careful nursing. Meanwhile, authoritative laws on the protection of dog have long existed.
But, in the Bible, dog is considered to be filthy and humble-“The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that washed to her wallowing in the mire.” The literature in the middle ages describe dog as bully and troublesome. So dog is also given negative remarks in western countries.
3.2 in language
There are both negative and positive meanings of language related to dog. Like “love me, love my dog”, “big dog” and “lucky dog”, dog can refer to a person without abusive meaning. Dog is used to describe games and time. For example: “dogs age”, “dog days” and “what dogs hanging?” It is also used to name a lot of food, such as “hot dog”, “a dog in the blanket” and “dog and maggot”.
Dog is also used to abuse others, which can be revealed in many phrases: “this/ that dirty dog”, “go to dogs”, “under dog” (loser), and “bitch”. In the daily life, a lot of words related to dogs have negative meanings. “dog eats dogs” means harm each other cruelly. “He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea” shows the contempt for dogs.
4. Conclusion
From the comparison we can learn that dogs have complicated meanings in both two cultures. There are more similarities than differences in the two cultures of dogs.
Meanwhile, negative words related to dogs prove the fact that dogs are closely related to peoples lives instead of showing that people despise dogs. Even though some people dont treat dogs well or enjoy eating dogs in China, still, more and more people like dogs and take good care of pet dogs. Throughout history, dogs play an irreplaceable important role in human beings life.