Cooperative Learning Makes Students Learn More
Chen Xiuying
Cooperative learning plays an important role in the course of English teaching . They can learn much more knowledge and be happy.
I. Learning in a variety of ways and at different rates forming groups:
1. We can divided the class into small groups of 2,3,4 members. Using a variety of ways to form groups. For example, some students like singing, others like dancing ,acting, playing games and telling stories and so on. The students can make their own groups.
2. Groupings may vary for example by interests ,skills, abilities:
(1)The learning pyramid: Lecture, at the top of the pyramid has a disappointingly low retention rate of just 5%. Reading has 10% . Audio –Visual has 20%. Demonstration is at the rate of 30%. Discussion Group at the rate of 50%. Practice by doing is at the rate of 75. On the other hand, when students participate in active learning and then teach other students retention of material maximized at 90%.
(2)Cooperative learning and group work: Enables each student who does not ‘fit the present schools and curriculum models to be supported more effectively. Encourages each student to participate as no one knows or has all the information. Encourages them to work together ,not against each other. Give more responsibility to the learner. Has students talking more .
(3)Total Physical Response: The children learn English by acting ,doing, writing and so on. For example : When teaching “I am playing football.” The teacher will do it by acting. While he is playing football, saying:“look, I am playing football.” The teacher teaches them by body language, body distance ,facial expression ,eye contact, gesture, scenarios and students know the meaning of the sentences without explaining in Chinese. This Teaching method can improve the English level of children. The student must watch the teacher and listen carefully in order to predict the meaning of a word or phrase.
(4)The Communicative Approach: The child will choose the best friend and make a dialogue as his partner. The teacher will give them scenarios. Making the best use of the natural condition, to creative a good English communicative scenery.
Competition can improve the abilities of cooperation groups. The group wants to get the first one. They try their best to work hard to fight against the opposite. The students may be reluctant to participate in cooperative learning. Competition can make the learners be much more confident,responsible, careful, brave and happy. For example: << Hand in hand>>The children stand in a circle and clap their hands, singing this song: “Hand in Hand, hand in hand. We are happy, hand in hand. Clap your hands, stamp your feet. We are happy, you and me.”
II. Results in everyone in the group
1.Understanding the task and the answer, students should not choose their group members and change groups frequently.We know that cooperation can give more responsibilities to the learner. It also makes students feel they can do it better.
2.Cooperation is very important in Learning. English. Acting, playing, working in groups can make the students understand better. learning how to cooperative is important in interpersonal communication.
(3)全身运动法,这是好的教学方法,孩子们非常喜欢,他们通过表演,训练,写作等等掌握英语,例如:在教授“我在踢足球时”,老师会边做动作,边说出来。看:“I am playing football”,老师会通过肢体语言(body language),面目表情(facial expression),眼神交流( eye contact),手势(gesture),场景(scenarios),无需用汉语解释。这种方法可以提高学生们的英语水平,学生上课必须观察老师的肢体语言,仔细听,目的是理解单词和句子的意思,我们必须记住:每组成员必须少,老师不应该过多使用教学方法。
4.交际法。例如 孩子应选择最好的朋友作为他的合作伙伴,老师给他们提供场景,充分利用自然条件,去创造好的英语交际场景。
1.全体组员应该理解合作的任务,问题答案,学生不应该随意选择组员和频繁调换小组,我们知道 合作会给学习者带来更多的责任,也会使学生们感觉到,意识到他们会做得更好。