借鉴Michael Lewis 和 Nattinger&DeCarrico 的“词块”理论,笔者在教学实践中合理地运用“词块法”来指导学生的写作,效果较好。“词块”是语法、语义和语境的结合体,形式相对固定。它是语言的半成品,在语言学习者中的作用犹如建筑材料中的预制板块,能够被整体学习并储存在记忆中,在使用时能够直接提取,学生无需花费时间根据语法规则组词造句,从而减少了限时写作的压力。同时,由于是整体提取,学生所选择的词语更符合英语语言习惯,有效避免了中式英语的干扰,提高了语言的准确性和得体性,另外,词块法注重词的搭配,使学生的作文更流畅连贯。
在英语学习中,为了帮助学生识记单词,笔者针对一个单元的单词,短语,语法和句型,对整个单元的内容进行重组,编写20到25个左右的词块,以练习的方式让学生先做再识记最后运用。一般来说,“词块”练习应当放在整个单元所有内容结束之后,因为在那个时候,教师可以根据整个单元的内容以及练习来进行更好的总结。在编写的过程中,笔者不仅注意到短语,语法及句子框架,还注意把本单元的重要单词同这些短语及句子结构相连用,其中配以相应的语法表达,如(非谓语),以提高学生对重要单词在具体语境中的运用能力。以下如Book 5 Unit 3为例:
1. 先写出本单元的核心词汇(按词性划分)
n. hovering carriage, steward, stewardess, mask, timetable, alien, desert, citizen, adjustment, button, efficiency, dustbin, ecology, motivation, material, good
adj. greedy, efficient, movable, enormous, pessimistic, optimistic, exhausted, constant, previous, uncertain, surrounding
adv. Instantly, constantly, efficiently
v. tolerate, lack, press, switch, imitate, dispose, swallow, recycle
2. 创造性地编写词块
笔者认为在编写“词块”时应遵循以下原则:第一,保持词块的原汁原味性;第二,注重搭配,尤其是介词的搭配;第三,融入语法;第四,尽量融入本单元的话题新词汇。以下就是笔者编写的Book 5 Unit 3词块:
Lexical chunks:
(1) 过没有污染的健康生活 lead a healthy life free from pollution
(2) 对未来很乐观/悲观 be optimistic / pessimistic about the future
(3) 环保材料 environmentally friendly materials
(4) 用生态原理处理放射性废物 dispose of radioactive waste using the principles of ecology
(5) 做必要调整来适应太空生活 make the necessary adjustment to living in a space station
(6) 对其效率印象深刻 be deeply impressed with the efficiency
(7) 由电脑监控的机器人 the robots monitored by a computer
(8) 由机器人驾驶的飞船 the hovering carriages driven by robots
(9) 代替人类来做累人的以及危险的工作 take the place of human beings to perform dangerous tasks
(10) 高效率地大量生产货物 have goods manufactured efficiently
(11) 对之前的累人的旅行印象深刻 be deeply impressed with/by the previous exhausting journey
(12) 从事,占据,继续 take up (a job, too much room, a story ...)
(13) 让我想起某事 remind me of (my previous experience)
(14) 遭到新鲜空气的缺乏 be hit by a lack of fresh air
(15) 立即恢复 be back on ones feet in no time
(16) 为我们提供新鲜的氧气 provide us with fresh oxygen / provide fresh oxygen for us
(17) 对经回收再利用的货物很贪婪 be greedy for the recycled goods
(18) 沉浸在阅读中 be absorbed in reading
(19) 对被偷的钱感到不安 feel unsettled about the stolen money
3. 练习及订正
4. 记忆加听写
5. 写作
Topic: Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? If you are optimistic, give your reasons; if you are pessimistic, figure out the problems human beings may face in the future.
Para. 1: state the topic (optimistic or pessimistic)
Para. 2: Supporting ideas (optimistic/pessimistic)
Para. 3: Conclusion Your longing for the future or your concern about the future
在第二部分,学生可能会有不同的观点,教师可以和学生一起先归纳观点,再进行创作。学生分组讨论,结合整个单元的教材及练习,整合出第二部分的支撑观点。学生可能会给出以下支撑观点(optimistic):work, transport, communication, education, environment, other aspects ... (pessimistic): pollution, conflicts and wars, deadly diseases ... 在这每一级的观点之下,又有两到三个次的支撑观点。
Version 1 (be optimistic about the future)
Im optimistic about the fact that the future life will become much better in all aspects especially environment.
First of all, using environmentally friendly materials, robots will take the place of human beings to have goods manufactured more efficiently on space stations. Whats more, new energy such as solar and wind energy will be employed to cook, to travel, etc. In addition, people will live in vertical cities whose walls will be made of trees. As a result, large quantities of land are to be freed to be planted organic vegetables and trees, constantly providing us with oxygen.
I firmly believe that well lead a much more convenient and healthier life with more modern ideas and inventions.
Version 2 (be pessimistic about the future)
No one knows exactly what life will be like in the future. We can only try to imagine it. But with so many problems arising, I am pessimistic about the future.