

土木与环境工程学报 2016年2期


(1.湖南大学 土木工程学院 长沙 410082;2.广州黄岩机电科技有限公司 广州 510000)


(1.湖南大学 土木工程学院 长沙 410082;2.广州黄岩机电科技有限公司 广州 510000)



自从20世纪推广使用冰蓄冷技术以来[1],冰蓄冷技术以“移峰填谷”的优势,成为暖通空调领域炙手可热的“宠儿”[1-2]。传统的冰蓄冷设备采用乙烯乙二醇溶液为制冷剂,制冷剂不与冰水直接接触,传热热阻高,传热效率低;为了满足制冷要求,需要配备大面积换热管,运行效率较低[3]。邹杰[3]研发了一种新型动态冰蓄冷设备,采用正丁烷作为制冷剂,制冷剂与冰水直接接触,制冰过程中制冷剂带走热量将冷水制成冰,融冰过程中依靠冰融化向空调系统供冷;为了更好地将水与制冷剂混合,在冰蓄冷设备中设置移动床等传动装置,换热更加强烈,运行效率更高,控制更加可靠[4]。笔者介绍的低温送风空调系统引进该新型动态冰蓄冷设备,夜晚利用冷水机组制冰,白天利用冷水机组和冰蓄冷设备分别向空调机组提供7/12 ℃和0/7 ℃的冷冻水,高效实现低温送风和负荷转移[5]。但是相关研究发现该系统能量利用效率受到诸如热湿比、新风比、送风温差等运行参数的影响,因此,笔者基于能量利用效率进行研究,为优化系统性能及提高系统节能性奠定理论基础。







冰蓄冷低温送风空调系统空气处理流程如图1所示[5],空气处理过程焓湿图如图2所示[5],由图1和图2可知,表冷器1是处理新风(状态点1)的一级表冷器,冷冻水供回水温度为7/12 ℃,由冷水机组提供;处理新风的二级表冷器是表冷器2,由冰蓄冷系统提供冷冻水,供回水温度为0/7 ℃,它能够将表冷器1处理后的新风(状态点1′)处理到温度T=3.8 ℃,相对湿度φ=95%,含湿量d=4.76 g/kg的低温风(状态点1″);一次回风(状态点2)由变频风机控制流量,由表冷器3(供回水温度为0/7 ℃)处理到温度T=3.8 ℃,相对湿度φ=95%,含湿量d=4.76 g/kg的低温风(状态点2′),最终与两级表冷处理过的新风混合为一次混风,一次混风和二次回风(状态点2″)混合为二次混风(状态点3);二次混风由表冷器4(供回水温度为7/12 ℃)在干工况下处理到达送风状态(状态点4),最终由送风机将送风(状态点5)送入室内用于消除房间热湿负荷。

图1 冰蓄冷低温送风空调系统空气处理流程图Fig.1 Flow diagram of the ice storage system with cold

图2 冰蓄冷低温送风空调系统空气处理焓湿图fig.2 Air conditioning process of the ice storage system with cold air







图3 各设备损失率随热湿比变化曲线Fig.3 Different exergy loss rate values of the surface air coolers under different heat and humidity

图4 系统损失和效率随热湿比变化曲线Fig.4 Different exergy loss values and exergy efficiency values of the system under different heat and humidity

图5 各设备损失率随新风比变化曲线Fig.5 Different exergy loss rate values of the surface air coolers under different fresh air

图6 系统损失和效率随新风比变化曲线Fig.6 Different exergy loss values and exergy efficiency values of the system under different fresh air ratio

图7 各设备损失率随送风温差变化曲线Fig.7 Different exergy loss rate values of the surface coolers under different temperature difference between supply air and indoor

图8 系统损失和效率随送风温差变化曲线Fig.8 Different exergy loss values and exergy efficiency values of the system under different temperature difference between supply air and indoor




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Analysis on exergy loss factors of a novel ice storage system with cold air distribution

Zhou Xueli1, Li Nianping1, Zou Jie2

(1.College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, P. R. China;2.Guangzhou Huangyan Mechanical and Electrical Technology Co., Guangzhou 510000, P. R. China)

Abstract:An exergy analysis model was developed for a novel ice storage system with cold air distribution and its main surface air coolers. Based on this model, the influence of heat and humidity ratio, fresh air ratio and temperature difference between supply air and indoor air on the exergy efficiency of the system and the exergy loss rate of its surface air coolers was studied. Finally the important parameters for system optimization were identified. The simulation results show that the exergy loss rate of the surface air cooler for secondary mixed air is positively proportional to the variation of heat and humidity ratio, while it is inverse for the other; the exergy loss rate of the surface air coolers for fresh air is positively proportional to the variation of fresh air ratio, while it is opposite for the other; the exergy loss rate of the surface air cooler for primary mixed air is positively proportional to the variation of temperature difference between supply air and indoor air, while it is inverse for the other.

Keywords:cold air distribution system; exergy analysis model; exergy loss rate; exergy efficiency; ice storage.










Foundation item:National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51578220)

Author brief:Zhou Xueli (1991- ), main research interest:building energy-saving technology,(E-mail)

Li Nianping(corresponding author), professor, doctor supervisor, (E-mail)

