刘海峰 梁钦锋 许建良
摘 要:我国能源资源有两个特点,一是油气资源匮乏,煤炭相对丰富,二是人均占有量不足。面对日趋复杂的国际政治、经济形势,我国的能源战略需求必须符合国情,为此国家确定的能源战略是“节能优先,立足国内,煤为基础,多元发展”。可以预见,在未来几十年内,煤炭在能源结构中仍将占主导地位,它是我国战略上最安全和最可靠的能源资源。通过发展大规模煤气化技术,清洁高效地利用煤炭资源对保障国家能源战略安全具有重要意义。大规模高效清洁煤气化是支撑相关产业发展的核心技术。大规模高效煤气化技术是发展煤基化学品生产、煤基液体燃料(合成油品、甲醇、二甲醚等)、合成天然气(SNG)、IGCC发电、制氢、燃料电池、直接还原炼铁及多联产系统等过程工业的基础,是这些行业的公共技术、关键技术和龙头技术。气流床气化技术是洁净煤技术的主要发展方向,其中原料适应更广泛、操作更灵活的冷壁式气化炉开发迫切需要研究高温、还原性气氛下熔渣形成机理、流变特性及传热规律。气化反应生成的熔渣大部分沉积在气化炉内壁上形成一流动渣层,沿壁面流出气化室。固态熔渣和流动态熔渣从矿物组成、内部结构等方面存在极大差别,对燃烧过程固态熔渣特性已有广泛研究,而对气化过程还原性气氛下熔渣特性研究几乎处于空白。研究流动态下熔渣形成机理、沉积规律、熔渣分布和传热引起的相变过程,对掌握气流床气化炉特别是冷壁式气化炉工程放大依据、确保气化炉安全长周期运行有重要意义。该课题总体目标是研究高温、高压和还原性气氛下熔渣的形成机理、流动特性与传热过程规律,为冷壁式气化炉的设计和优化提供理论依据,拟研究的关键问题包括:研究水冷壁表面熔渣流动行为和相变规律,建立传热模型;高温还原气氛下灰渣的化学组成和矿物组成的变化规律;探索灰渣矿物质组成与其流变特性和熔融特性之间的对应关系等;研究多原料共气化灰渣的化学组成和矿物组成,探索含钒、镍等金属氧化物灰渣的熔融特性和粘度变化规律,以确定合理的共气化混合比例和反应温度;研究不同煤种混合气化时,煤灰组成对熔渣特性的影响机理,建立混煤灰熔点预测模型,确定合理的煤混配比例。通过本课题掌握气流床气化炉水冷壁衬里表面的熔渣沉积、流动、相变和传热规律以及掌握熔渣粘温特性和熔融特性等理化性质等,为已开车运行气流床气化装置的长周期稳定高效运行条件优化提供理论指导,也为开发和优化自主知识产权的气流床气化技术提供了坚实的理论基础。
关键词:气流床气化 熔渣 水冷壁
Abstract:There are two characteristics for China's energy resources. Firstly the oil and gas resource are scarce but the coal is rich, secondly the per capita resource is insufficient. So coal which is the safest and most reliable energy resources in China will still occupy the dominant position in the energy structure in the next few years. It is great significance that the development of large-scale coal gasification technology is to achieve the clean and efficient use of coal and national energy security. The large-scale and high efficiency clean coal gasification is the key technology to support the development of related industries including chemical products, liquid fuel (synthetic oil, methanol, dimethyl ether et al), the synthetic natural gas (SNG), IGCC power generation, hydrogen, fuel cells, direct reduction iron making and polygeneration system et al. The entrained flow gasification technology is the main direction of clean coal technology. The study on slag formation mechanism, slag rheological properties and membranes wall heat transfer law under the high temperature, high pressure and reducing atmosphere is a basis for developing the membranes wall lining coal gasification technology. Above research would provide the theory evidences on design and operating of gasifier. It is the main purpose of this subject that understanding the law of slag formation mechanism and membranes wall heat transfer process at high temperature, high pressure and reducing atmosphere. There are several facts in this field, the slag flow behavior and phase transformation is firstly studied, secondly the heat transfer model is established, the third is the transformation of slag chemical composition and mineral under high-temperature reducing atmosphere. Above study, such as the law of the slag deposition and flow, phase transformation, slag viscosity temperature characteristics and heat transfer, is to provide theoretical guidance for the long period stable operation of gaifier and development of independent intellectual property rights membranes wall lining gasifier.
Key Words:Entrained flow gasification;Slag;Membrane wall