新目标英语九年级Units 1~14综合复习题


中学生英语·中考指导版 2016年1期


A)反应 根据你听到的对话内容,选择最佳答案回答问题。(共10小题,每小题1分)

( )1. Whos the man?

A. Peters father. B. Peters uncle. C. Peters cousin.

( )2. What is the woman going to buy first?

A. A pair of shoes. B. A pair of glasses. C. A pair of socks.

( )3. How did the woman come home?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By taxi.

( )4. When will they go skating?

A. At 8:45 a.m. B. At 9:00 a.m. C. At 9:15 a.m.

( )5. Which color does John like?

A. Black. B. Blue. C. White.


( )6. How many girls will join the party?

A. 14. B. 18. C. 40.

( )7. Where will the party be held?

A. At school. B. At the park. C. At home.


( )8. When is the girls birthday?

A. On 15th, October. B. On 16th, October. C. On 6th, October.

( )9. Who will buy her a dress?

A. Her mother. B. Her Father. C. Her grandfather.

( )10. How is the weather tomorrow?

A. Its sunny. B. Its rainy. C. Its cloudy.

B)短文理解 根据你所听到的内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)

( )11. Where did Tara suggest they should go?

A. <\\Dandan\《中学生英语》初中版\2015年\2014年1-2期(湖南版)九年级\溜冰.tif> B. <\\Dandan\《中学生英语》初中版\2015年\2014年1-2期(湖南版)九年级\电影院 新.tif> C. <\\Dandan\《中学生英语》初中版\2015年\2014年1-2期(湖南版)九年级\医院.jpg>

( )12. When did they come back?

A. At seven on Saturday evening.

B. At eleven on Friday evening.

C. At seven on Sunday evening.

( )13. Why were the old people happy?

A. Because they donated money to them.

B. Because they play the piano very well.

C. Because they sang songs for them and told them stories.

( )14. How did they go?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.

( )15. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Tim isnt good at skating at all.

B. Miss Sandy and Tom are neighbors.

C. Tom was fourteen years old.

C)筆录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格。(每空不超过3个单词,共5小题,每小题1分)

[Where The boy would watch the movie at 16 Cinema.

What The boy wanted to buy 17 .

When The film would be on at 18 on 19 .

How much The boy gave 20 Yuan to the seller.]


A)语法填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)

( )21. —Is your uncle ________ artist?

—Yes, he is ________ European painter.

A. an; a B. a; an C. an; an

( )22. I often help my mother ________ her housework.

A. for B. to C. with

( )23. Peter doesnt like science, and Allen doesnt like science, ________.

A. too B. either C. also

( )24. Hurry up, ________ you wont catch the train!

A. and B. but C. or

( )25. —Does the ruler belong to Mary?

—No, its not ________.

A. her B. hers C. herself

( )26. Is Simon good at ________violin?

A. play the B. playing C. playing the

( )27. The hospital ________ five years ago.

A. was built B. has been built C. built

( )28. —________ I watch TV now, Mom?

—Yes, of course.

A. Must B. Do C. Can

( )29. “________!” Mary cried to me.

A. How naughty Jimmy is

B. What a Jimmy naughty boy is

C. How naughty the boy is Jimmy

( )30. Allen asked me ________ tomorrow.

A. whether it would be rainy

B. when it will be rainy

C. how would it be

B)词语填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空(共10小题,计10分)

Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America? One is Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May, and 31 is Fathers Day on the third Sunday of June. 32 these two days, American children often give flowers and cards for mothers 33 shirts or ties for fathers.

It is more and more 34 to celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in China now. When Mothers Day is coming, I dont know what kind of gifts I shall send to her. 35 I sent flowers two years ago and I sent a card last year. I think flowers and cards are too 36 .

When we finished 37 TV, mother asked me to go to sleep. I didnt say anything and I carried a basin of 38 in front of her. “Mom, I want to wash your feet. You walk so long every day for work. You are tired, arent you? Happy Mothers Day!” It really made my mom 39 . I saw her eyes wet and she was laughing happily. “Its 40 gift of all, I think. Thank you, Lingling!” Mother said to me softly.

( )31. A. another B. the other C. other

( )32. A. On B. In C. For

( )33. A. or B. but C. and

( )34. A. important B. popular C. necessary

( )35. A. Because B. Since C. So

( )36. A. cheap B. expensive C. common

( )37. A. watch B. to watch C. watching

( )38. A. water B. milk C. juice

( )39. A. angry B. surprised C. sad

( )40. A. the good B. the better C. the best



Itzhak Perlman is a famous violinist. He was born in 1945. He once came on stage to give a concert in 1955 in New York City. He is disabled, so it is very difficult for him to get on stage. Lets come back to the concert in 1955.

The audience sat quietly while he made his way across the stage to his chair. Then he picked up the violin, put it under his chin and started to play. But this time, something went wrong. Just as he finished the first part, one of the strings on his violin broke. You may think he would find another violin. But he didnt. Instead, he waited a moment then asked the conductor to begin again.

The conductor began, and he continued to play the music. He played with such passion as the listeners had never heard before. Most people thought that it was impossible to play the violin with just three strings. But Perlman didnt think so. The music he played with three strings sounded even more wonderful!When he finished, there was a silence in the hall. And then people all stood up and cheered.

Perhaps that is the same as our life. If someday your life goes wrong, dont give up. Do everything you can with everything you have.

( )41. Mr. Perlman plays the violin very well.

( )42. People keep silent because he is disabled.

( )43. He made audience surprised by playing with two strings.

( )44. It tells us that dont give up when life goes wrong.

( )45. The conductor asks him to continue to play when one string is broken.


Kids like playing computer games very much. After hours of homework its great to relax by playing games. But playing games ever do kids any harm? And are there any ways for parents to help kids stay away from harmful games? Some American researchers are trying to find answers to these questions.

They study what video games can do harm to children. The researchers find game sellers have made big changes to make sure the games dont harm kids. They suggest that research should be done to find out if video games affect childrens schoolwork and health. One problem is that parents were not taking enough notice of their kids habits while they were playing games. Parents need to watch the games which kids are playing and how much time they are spending on.

The study finds that playing games too long could affect kids health as well as their schoolwork. Almost half of all“heavy gamers” are six to seventeen years old. These kids are more likely to have weight and eyesight problems than other kids. Playing too many games also affects how children do in school.

Kids can ask their parents to set a time limit for playing games and remind them when the time is up. Dont forget to tell your parents about it.

( )46. If you take a long time to play video games, ________.

A. it will make you try to find the answers

B. it will probably make your eyes short-sighted

C. it will make your parents remind of the sellers

( )47. The researchers find that ________.

A. selling too many games would affect health

B. limiting too many games would affect business

C. playing too many games would affect schoolwork

( )48. What does the underlined words “heavy gamers” mean?

A. Gamers who like playing heavy games.

B. Gamers who are becoming fatter.

C. Heavy games are loaded in a computer.

( )49. According to the passage, parents should ________.

A. limit the time for their children to play video games

B. remind the game sellers of making healthy games

C. ask children to do more homework at home

( )50. What is the best title for the short passage?

A. Can parents take care of kids?

B. Do video games affect kids?

C. What should kids do at school?



[Piano Lessons

An experienced musician from America. Good at teaching kids for 10 years. If you need more information, please visit

Taxi Driver Wanted

Full time with experience and good English.

Familiar with Guangzhou city. Age from 30 to 45 years old. Call Mr. Cheng at 020-28157988.

Apartment for Rent

Only one bedroom, with a kitchen and a bathroom. Close to The Red Cross Hospital and Walt-mart.

US $250.00 per month] <\\Dandan\《中學生英语》初中版\2015年\2014年1-2期(湖南版)九年级\2015年1-2期(湖南版) 九年级 图2.tif><\\Dandan\《中学生英语》初中版\2015年\2014年1-2期(湖南版)九年级\出租车 1-2.tif><\\Dandan\《中学生英语》初中版\2015年\2014年1-2期(湖南版)九年级\钢琴-1.tif>

( )51. If you need the job for a taxi driver, you must ________.

A. be full time with good English

B. have 15-year-driving experience

C. be familiar with Yongzhou city

( )52. The apartment is ________.

A. big enough with bedrooms

B. near hospital and supermarket

C. put on the Internet for sale

( )53. If your children want to learn piano lessons, you will ________.

A. have an American musician to teach

B. call Mr. Cheng for more information

C. pay $ 250.00 per month for lessons


[The Voice of America

Monday 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Morning News

Tuesday 10:15 a.m-11:00 a.m. Teenagers Talk Show

Wednesday 2:10 p.m.-2:50 p.m. Solar Power for Motor

Thursday 3:30 p.m.-4:05 p.m. Modern Art Exhibition

Friday 8:30 a.m.-9:05 a.m. Focus on Russia ]

( )54. The chart is probably from ________.

A. an ad for a school B. a program list C. a schedule for a film

( )55. Which is NOT mentioned in the chart?

A. Solar Power for Motor. B. Morning News. C. Talent Show.


How do you spend your birthday? You will have a birthday party and have a birthday cake with family, wont you? Maybe sometimes you even forget your birthday. When you parents remind you that tomorrow will be your birthday, you are so exciting, arent you?

Last Tuesday was my fifteenth birthday. It was not my parents that reminded me but my best friend Lily instead. “Your parents dont care about you, do they?” Lily asked me. “Yes, they do. They are too busy to remind it this time. They are far away from our city. They have been in another city doing business. They have no time.”

While I was doing my homework, the phone was ringing. It was Lily. “Hi, Ruby!Lets go to the cinema. I have two tickets. Happy birthday!” “You bought two tickets, didnt you?” I asked Lily happily. “No, I didnt. Your father sent me two film tickets three days ago. He asked me to relax with you.” “Are you joking? Its Fools Day, isnt it?” I said to Lily. “Yes, today is Fools Day and your birthday is on 1st April. Its interesting, isnt it?” Lily laughed and laughed.

The film would be on at eight oclock. I made an appointment with Lily and met at the entrance of the cinema. I left home at seven. I waited for a bus to the cinema. It was too crowded!Too many people and too many cars in the street!How I wish I could fly? I didnt arrive at the cinema until 7:55 p.m. It was only five minutes left!The film was very exciting and how happy I was!

When I went back home, I received my fathers message: “Happy birthday, daughter!Was the

film interesting? I hope Lily made you surprised this time!”

56. How old was Ruby?


57. When did Ruby get to the cinema?


58. How did Ruby go?


59. Who bought the film tickets for them?


60. Why didnt Rubys parents stay with her?



Hi, my name is Julie.

If someone asks me, “Do you like music?” I will answer him or her, “Of course, I do.” Because I think music is an important part of our life.

Different people have different ideas about music. For me, I like rock music because its so exciting. And my favorite rock band is Foxy Ladies. I also like pop music. My classmate Li Lan loves dance music, because she enjoys dancing.

My best friend Jane likes jazz music. She thinks it is really cool. “I love dance music and rock very much,” says my brother, “because they are interesting.”

“I like to write my own music,” says my cousin Shirley. She is extremely interested in creation. She often writes music on paper wherever she goes. “I want to be a musician when I grow up. I will study in a music university!” Shirley said confidently.

[Different people Different ideas Reasons

Shirley She likes writing 61 . She wants to be a musician.

Jane She likes jazz music. They are very 62 .

Julie She likes 63 and pop music They are 64 and popular.

Julies brother He likes dance and rock music. They are 65 .]

61. ___________ 62. ___________ 63. ___________ 64. ___________ 65. ___________


A)完成对话 通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容(共5小题,每小题2分)

Mum: Do you like your new school, Mike?

Mike: Yes, very much.

Mum: I called you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but you didnt answer.

66. ____________________?

Mike: I was having a running race. I was the first to reach the end. How exciting it was!

Mum: Really? No wonder you are so happy today!67. ____________________?

Mike: Once a month. Our P.E. teacher says we will have a football game next month.

Mum: 68. ____________________?

Mike: No, we will have the match at the City Stadium.

Can you watch the game, Mum?

Mum: It depends on the time. 69. ____________________?

Mike: It will start on Saturday morning, 18th October.

Mum: It sounds great. I have no work to do on Saturday morning.

Of course 70. ____________________, Mike.

Mike: Youre so kind and thank you, Mum!

B)翻译 阅读短文,将文中划线部分翻译成汉语或英语。(共5小题,每小题2分)

The students were having their Chemistry class. Miss Li was telling the children (71) 水是什么样的. After that, she asked her students, “Whats water?”

(72) No one spoke for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again, “Why dont you answer my question? Didnt I tell you what water is like?”

Just then a boy put up his hand and said, “Miss Li, you told us that (73) 水无色无味。But where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell.”

(74) Most of the children agreed with him. “Im sorry, children.” said the teacher, “Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. (75) 这是个问题。”

71. ___________________________________________________________________________

72. ___________________________________________________________________________

73. ___________________________________________________________________________

74. ___________________________________________________________________________

75. ___________________________________________________________________________



[Math Hard-working Chinese Can do better

English Well done Science Poor

History Very good Art Lazy]


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Dear Mum and Dad,

How are you? I got my report card today. ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________





Your daughter,



70 Days in a Lifeboat
First All-Female Spacewalk