

科技资讯 2016年11期

李建平 刘送永 程德强

摘 要:薄煤层煤炭智能开采作业已成煤炭资源开采的重要课题。目前根据采煤设备的不同薄与极薄煤层采煤方法主要为三种:刨煤机采煤法、滚筒采煤机采煤法和钻式采煤机采煤法。 钻式采煤机做为极薄煤层煤炭开采、提高煤炭资源回收率的采煤设备,由工人在采煤工作面外操作,完成设备在工作面内的破煤、装煤、运煤等,设备检修也都在工作面外巷道中进行,真正实现了无人工作面采煤,且占用人员少,劳动生产率高,提高了资源回收利用率。螺旋钻采煤机无人工作面采煤对地质构造适应性强,如果采用滚筒采煤机或刨煤机采煤,长壁工作面遇到较大断层时,需重新开切割眼,工作面搬家,费工费时。而螺旋钻采煤机采煤遇到断层时,只需移动钻机到新地点重新定位钻采即可,工艺、操作都比较简单。该采煤法可广泛地应用于开采围岩较稳定的、煤层倾角在-15o~+15o的极薄煤层,并且还可以用来开采边角煤、三下压煤、顶板松软破碎煤层和回收各种煤柱。使用螺旋钻采煤机不仅减少了巷道投入、减少开采对地面的影响,而且可最大限度的回收极薄煤层煤量,有利于提高薄极薄煤层的配采比例,延长矿井服务年限,提高矿井的经济效益和社会效益。 本课题实施,在研究钻式采煤机截割机理基础上,重点研究钻式采煤机小型化及模块化技术、钻具定向钻进技术、自动快速换钻杆技术,多钻头截割技术,开发具有快速、高效、定向钻进的五钻头小型化、模块化钻式采煤机。有效解决螺旋钻式采煤机研制、开发的基础理论研究不足;采煤过程中受不同地质条件、钻头和钻杆重力及不平衡力矩影响,使钻头和钻杆在钻进过程中经常发生偏斜,限制钻采深度;钻杆装卸占用时间长,严重影响采煤效率;采煤时钻孔之间要根据顶板情况,留有不小于0.2m宽的小煤柱,且只有三个钻头开采,采宽小,开采效率和资源回收率低等问题,研制新型钻式采煤机,实现比刨煤机和滚筒采煤机更强的地质适应性。同时,为更快地建立我国更完备的薄与极薄煤层智能开采技术体系提供技术支撑,满足我国煤矿井下极薄煤层无人工作面智能开采作业的需要。 本课题依托单位和协作单位是从事矿山设备的研究、产品开发与制造的中煤张家口煤矿机械有限责任公司、中国矿业大学,既有专门从事煤矿采掘设备理论研究的教授、研究生,也有长期从事煤矿采掘设备的设计及制造的工程技术人员,形成“产-学-研”强强联合和优势互补,共同进行课题攻关。

关键词:极薄煤层 钻式采煤机 关键技术与装备

Abstract:Intelligent mining operation for thin seam has become a very important subject in the exploitation of coal resources. Depending on different mining equipment, three methods are usually used for thin seam mining. They are the plough mining, the shearer mining and auger drill mining. As an equipment for mining thin seams, the auger drill miner makes the unmanned working face become possible, because workers only need to stay in the roadway to operate the machine. The auger drill miner can adapt to complex geological conditions of the thin seam. For example, when meeting with the larger fault, the auger drill miner only needs to move to a new drilling position in the roadway. But its very different in the same situation for the shearer and coal planer, a new working face must be required when the machine meets with the larger fault, that will cost a lot of time and money. The auger drill miner can be widely used in thin seams with dip angle -15°~15°,it also can be used in mining of edge coal, coal pillars and broken coal seam. In a word, the use of the auger drill miner can reduce the investment for roadway, reduce the impact of mining on the ground, improve the safety of coal mining and maximize the mining of the thin seam. Besides, it also can prolong the service life of the mine and improve mine economic and social benefit. The implementation of the project is as follows. Based on cutting mechanism research, modular technology, directional drilling technology, automatic docking technology and more aiguilles cutting technology are studied to develop a new auger drill miner with high efficiency, miniaturization and modularity. Now many deficiencies still exist on the auger drill miner. Lack of the basic theory make it difficult do develop high-performance equipment. Drilling tool of the miner often deflects because of unbalanced force and torque. Long time for docking makes mining efficiency very low. Besides, less aiguilles on the drilling tool make one-time mining width small, that affects the mining efficiency to a certain extent. The project can solve the problems mentioned above very well and provide technical support for creating a more complete thin seam mining technological system. The project is implemented by China University of Mining and Technology and China coal Zhangjiakou Coal Mining Machinery Co.,ltd.

Key words:extremely thin coal seam drilling-miner machine key technology and equipment
