

科技资讯 2016年11期

褚腊林 刘丽丽 王景峰 张文平 汤洁

摘 要:本课题以褐煤提质技术、提质废物及燃煤粉煤灰为研究对象,针对褐煤含水和灰分高、提质固废利用率低及粉煤灰综合利用率低,废渣中含有诸如腐植酸、燃料元素等高质成份等问题,开展褐煤提质、提质废渣及粉煤灰的综合利用研究。上一年度进行了褐煤提质新工艺以及产品性能检测等研究工作,并完成了长春国传能源科技开发有限公司年产50万吨/年提质褐煤项目的选址、备案及环境影响评价等项目前期工作的基础上,本年度完成了50万吨/年洗选蒸脱法褐煤提质生产线的设计与设备的安装和调试工作,其中关键设备高压蒸脱槽及与之配套的三项(二次蒸汽、物料煤、灰水)分离器、疏水罐等的设计和制造工作已近完成,并完成了四套高压蒸脱器及配套装置的制造、安装与调试工作;到目前为止已生产出了提质褐煤产品5万吨;此外,对于褐煤提质废物粉煤灰的研究也取得了较好进展。上一年度完成了粉煤灰熔体基础物性分析工作,以及粉煤灰制备纤维复合外墙和多孔外墙保温材料的工艺和影响因素的研究工作。本年度对粉煤灰制备纤维复合外墙的最优生产工艺进行了更为深入的研究,并完成了10万立方米纤维复合外墙保温材料示范线的建设、设备选型和调试等工作,并进行了部分产品的试生产;对于5万立方米多孔外墙保温材料的示范线工程已经完成建设工作,现正进行设备的选型和部分制造工作。此外,对于纤维产品进行了热学性能以及基础物性的分析和测试研究,同时,对于新型轻质墙板保温材料的制备工艺和产品系能进行了系统的研究,取得了性能良好的轻质保温材料产品。截止到目前为止,本课题总计申请国家发明专利2项,获得国家授权发明专利5项,发表文章4篇,其中,本年度获得国家授权发明专利2项,发表文章3篇,通过本课题的研究可以为褐煤提质废渣及粉煤灰高值利用、为我国褐煤资源丰富但水资源贫乏的蒙东地区工牧业用水提供新的途径,课题研究属于典型的能源废物高值化利用项目.


Abstract:This project takes the technology of the lignite grading, the utilization of its waste and coal ash as the research object. Because the lignite is rich in water, with high ash, and the lower utilization of its waste and coal ash, the research is mainly focus on the process of lignite grading, and the efficient and comprehensive utilization of its waste and coal ash, In the past year, the new process of the lignite grading and the capacity of the production were investigated. The site selection, register and environmental impact assessment for the 50 Million tons / year demonstration project were finished. In this year, the design of the demonstration project and the installation and debugging of the key devices were already done, especially the design and manufacture of the high pressure steam bath, the three-phase separator and the water jar almost finished and the manufacture, installation and debugging of four sets high pressure steam bathes had been done. For the moment, 5 tones production have been produced by the demonstration project. The basic properties of coal ash, the preparation of fiber-composite materials and porous material have been investigated. In this year, we continued to study the finest productive technology and construct the demonstration project of 100 thousand cubic meters fiber composite materials and 50 thousand cubic meters porous materials. Otherwise, we are going to study the thermal properties and the basic performance and the relative measurements of the fiber materials. For the new light thermal insulating materials, we need to investigate the preparation technology and the performance of the production. Finally, we intend to obtain the materials with good properties. For the present, we have applied for 2 national invention patents and obtained 5 authorizations of national invention patents and 4 published articles. Through the study of this project, we want to offer new utility method for the lignite and coal ash.

Key words:Lignite grading; Waste; Coal ash; Demonstration project; Washing and separated method


