孙炳泉 李克庆 杨慧芬 高春庆 吴霞
摘 要:本课题针对冶金矿渣多元素共生且复杂难选的特点,通过自主创新和技术集成,开发出高效新工艺、新药剂、新设备,解决其铅锌铁镍和稀贵金属等有价元素回收率低、精矿中杂质含量高等技术难题。对该冶金矿渣进行了五个专题的详细试验研究:(1)冶金矿渣工艺矿物学研究方面,对原渣、中间产品以及最终产品的物相和形态进行了深入研究,明确了不同矿渣试验前后的变化和差异,并对后续的试验进行很好的理论指导;(2)高炉瓦斯灰泥方面,通过还原焙烧、铅锌挥发、阶段磨矿、磁选选铁、湿法分离铅锌工艺,获得了品位为65.18%,回收率为76.06%且铅、锌分别为0.176%和0.078%的铁精矿和品位为79.54%回收率为94.99%的ZnO产品以及品位为33.56%,回收率为94.86%的的粗铅产品,各项指标达到任务书中规定的指标;(3)黄铁矿烧渣方面,对黄铁矿烧渣进行了工艺矿物学、氰化浸金、吸附、锌粉置换、选铁等试验研究,得出了最佳工艺条件。最佳条件下,可获得金浸出率在78%左右;碳吸附率可达到97-99%,金的置换率可达到99%以上。原渣细筛—重选—磨矿—重选—脱泥—浮选流程,当获得精矿铁品位为62.02%时铁回收率为63.98%,当精矿铁品位为61.67%时铁回收率为70.20%。(4)镍铜冶炼渣方面,通过实验室试验研究,形成了镍渣深度还原—磁选提铁技术。在优化的最佳条件下所得铁精矿铁品位为92.07%,铁回收率为90.45%,镍回收率为62.69%。(5)铅渣方面,在实验室条件下,对三种类型的铅渣进行了工艺矿物学、还原焙烧条件对铅渣中铅、锌、锑挥发的影响研究,得出了最佳的挥发工艺条件。第一种铅渣Zn、Sb、Pb 分别为4.35%、1.78%和0.739%,在最佳条件下,Pb、Zn、Sb的挥发率分别达到90.20%、92.78%和71.32%。第二种铅渣Zn、Sb、Pb 分别为4.44%、3.32%和3.71%,在最佳条件下,Pb、Zn、Sb的挥发率分别达到97.39%、99.59%和53.08%。
Abstract:Based on the characteristics of multielement intergrowth in metall-urgy slag and hard to separate,this research aims to develop new process technology,reagent and equipment, to solve technology problem of low recovery of valuable element such as lead,zinc,iron and nickel and high impurity content in concentrate through self-dependent innovation and technology integration.Detailed research are performed on five topics:(1) phase and form of raw slag,middle and final products are researched for mineralogy.Variation and difference for different slag before and after test are clear and give a good direction to subsequent test.(2) An iron concentrate grading of 65.18%,recovery of 76.06%,zinc and lead content of 0.176% and 0.078% is obtained, ZnO concentrate grading of 79.54%,recovery of 94.99%, lead bullion grade of 33.56% ,recovery of 94.86%,.All the index achieved the goal. (3) Studied on process mineralogy of pyrites slag, cyanide leaching of gold, adsorption, zinc dust precipition, iron reco-very experimental, the optimum process conditions are obtained.Under the best condition, gold leaching rate can be obtained about 78%;the adsorp-tion rate of carbon can reach 97-99% and gold displacement rate can reach more than 99%.Original slag fine screen - re-election - grinding - re-election- desliming- flotation process, when iron concentrate grade of 62.02%,iron recovery rate is 63.98%, or the iron concentrate grade of 61.67%,iron recovery rate was 70.20%. (4)Technology of deep reduction for nickel slag-iron concentration is formed in lab test.Under the optimized condition,the final iron concentrate grade is 92.07%, recovery is 90.45%, recovery of nickel is 62.69%.(5)Process mineralogy and effect of reducing roasting condition on volatilization of lead,zinc,stibium are researched for three type of lead slag in lab.The best volatilization condition is obtained.The content of zinc,stibium and lead in first lead slag is separately 4.35%,1.78% and 0.739%.Uneder the best condition,the volatilization rate are separately 90.20%,92.78% and 71.32%. The content of zinc,stibium and lead in second lead slag is separately 4.44%,3.32% and 3.71%.Uneder the best condition,the volatilization rate are separa-tely 97.39%,99.59% and 53.08%.
Key words:bag filters dust(sludge),pyrite cinder, nickel and copper smelt slag,lead slag,hydrometallurgy,thermommetallurgy, beneficiation