摘 要:该报告严格按照计划进度完成了前三年的研究任务。完成调研报告工作进一步明确了研究思路与方法。建立了模拟实际油藏矿物胶结的储层模型(可以模拟天然矿物胶结物);改进了耐腐蚀的高压CO2驱模拟装置(耐CO2腐蚀和高压,可模拟岩石所受的径向及轴向压力);改进了高压油水气计量—回压控制系统(实现高压条件下气体分区计量);完成高压条件下CO2指进模拟装置的设计,拓展其可视化功能(可视化,减小实验用气量,降低了实验操作的难度);建立了CO2长期驱替实验平台(可真实反映储层中CO2与岩石/水/原油的缓慢反应)。以吉林油田黑47井为研究对象,完成了储层岩石的物性参数(通过实验得到储层矿物组成、表面元素、地层水组成等)、CO2在地层水与原油中的溶解度的检测,并分析了其变化规律及特点(得到不同压力、温度下的CO2溶解性),确定了CO2驱替过程中储层物性参数变化规律(得到不同驱替压力和温度下岩石孔隙度、渗透率的变化)。 综合评价了现有的多相多组分LBM模型,并建立了细观多相多组分LBM模型和边界条件(得到能够真实体现CO2混相机理并消除非物理虚假速度的微观LBM模型);利用建立的多相多组分LBM模型,研究了单孔内两相流动的渗流问题,研究了微孔中液态CO2在不同润湿性条件下对渗流的影响(得到不同粘度比、润湿性下的微观渗流特征)。进行了CO2/H2O/岩心相互作用对岩石的表面结构、化学元素、矿物组成的实验研究,分析了在高温高压下CO2对储层表面润湿性的影响(得到不同温度压力下,岩石表面元素组成的变化、地层水离子变化、岩石表面化学元素以及亲水性的变化);结合数值模拟,分析CO2驱过程中反应对储层物性及开发效果的影响(得到考虑沥青质沉淀对储层物性及产能的影响)。 完成了部分CO2窜流的影响因素实验,其中包括渗透率、裂缝、压力等参数对CO2指进气窜影响的实验(得到不同渗透率、裂缝开度及压力下,CO2的窜流程度)。
关键词:CO2驱 渗流力学理论 模型 模拟
The Research on Percolation Mechanics Theory in CO2 Flooding
Yue Xiangan
(China University of Petroleum-Beijing)
Abstract:The study task of the first three years was completed in strict accordance with the project schedule to. The idea and method of project research was further defined after literature research work. A reservoir simulation model which can truly simulate the actual reservoir mineral cementation was set up. The corrosion resistance of high pressure CO2 flooding simulator and high pressure oil and gas metering-back pressure control system were improved. The design of the simulator for simulating fingering under high pressure CO2 was completed, and its visual function was expanded, long-core displacement platform for CO2 flooding was established. The detection of physical parameters of reservoir rock, CO2 solubility in formation water and crude oil and its change rule and characteristics, determination of reservoir physical parameters change rule in CO2 flooding was completed by using black 47 Well in Jilin oilfield as the research object. The mesoscopic multiphase multicomponent LBM model and boundary conditions were established after comprehensive evaluation of the existing multiphase multicomponent LBM model, and it was used to study the seepage flow problem in single pore and the influence of liquid CO2 on seepage is studied under different wettability in microporous. The experimental study on the influence of CO2/H2O/core interaction on the surface of the rock structure, chemical element and mineral composition, analysis of the influence of CO2 on reservoir wettability under the high temperature and high pressure were completed. The influence of CO2 flooding on reservoir physical properties and exploitation effect were analyzed by combining with numerical simulation. Factors such as permeability, fracture, pressure of CO2 which affect the interporosity flow of CO2 were studied.
Key Words:CO2 flooding;Percolation mechanics theory;Model;Simulation