李正阳 蔡宝春
摘 要:该报告研究了激光表面改性技术形成的规则、宏观耐磨形貌对提高油润滑条件下牵引系数的影响,分析了小尺度滚滑摩擦磨损试验机、高速轮轨黏着试验台和实际轮轨接触润滑状态之间的相似律。研究结果表面,激光表面改性技术可以有效地在轮轨表面形成具有宏观性、规则性和高耐磨性的表面形貌。该表面形貌可以有效地增加列车的牵引系数。通过相似律分析表明,小尺度低速滚滑摩擦磨损试验机不能模拟实际高速列车轮轨接触水润滑状态,而大型高速轮轨粘着试验台是在实验室研究实际高速轮轨关系的有效工具。
关键词:激光表面改性 牵引系数 相似律
Abstract:This project investigates the effect of regular, wear resistant and macro-morphology, which formed by laser surface modification, on traction coefficient under oil lubrication. The similarity law of lubrication state among the small scale rolling-sliding wear test machine, high-speed wheel-rail adhesion coefficient test machine and real high-speed wheel-rail contact is analyzed. It is concluded that the small scale rolling-sliding wear test machine cannot simulate the water lubrication state of real high-speed wheel-rail contact, while high-speed wheel-rail adhesion coefficient test machine can do it and the latter is a useful tool to investigate the real high-speed wheel-rail contact.
Key Words:Laser surface modification;Traction coefficient; Similarity law