孙晓峰 黄立锡 杨海 刘碧龙 陆利蓬
摘要:在《国家中长期科学与技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020)》中,大型飞机是其中的16个重大专项之一。本研究以国家的这一重大战略需求为背景,针对科技部2011年度973项目申报指南中综合交叉领域“涉及飞行器的综合交叉研究”选题,开展大型客机气动噪声机理及先进控制方法方面的基础性研究工作。 大型客机气动噪声的控制涉及飞机适航、安全、舒适等多个方面,是大型客机设计系统的关键环节。因此,任何致力于发展民航工业的国家,都将其列为需要不断突破的飞机关键技术。当前,随着环境保护条例愈来愈严格,国外在控制大型客机气动噪声方面也面临技术发展瓶颈。所以,如何以更灵巧,缜密的学术构想研究大型客机气动噪声的产生机理,进而发展更先进、可靠的控制气动噪声的方法,是国内外研究新的航空飞行器均面临的问题。 本研究的负责单位为北京航空航天大学,参加单位包括中科院声学研究所,清华大学,香港大学,中国航空强度研究所(623所)以及中航商用飞机发动机有限责任公司等五个单位。
Research Proposal for Aerodynamic Noise Generation Mechanisms and Its Control in Large Passenger Aircraft
Abstract:Acoustic design of modern passenger aircraft is the key link in whole aircraft system design, which is related to whether or not the aircraft meets the airworthiness regulations. Besides, there has recently been increasing interest among airlines and aircraft manufacturers in controlling the acoustic environment within aircraft cabins in order to provide passengers with a more comfortable environment, and provide the flight crew with a flight deck environment that does not impair communication. Obviously, it is required to gradually develop more advanced control techniques for both cabin interior noise and outside noise of aircraft to meet this goal. The purpose of the present project is aimed at preliminarily establishing the acoustic design system of large passenger aircraft, which can basically meet the future requirement of domestic aircraft development. To realize this objective, considerable basic research surrounding this topic has been planed in the proposal. In fact, emphasis has been first put on the aerodynamic noise generation mechanism, including landing gear, flap and slot noise from airframe, rotor/stator interaction, buzz-saw and jet noise from aircraft engine. Both aeroacoustic analytical method and numerical simulation techniques based on moving boundary and CAA methods will be explored to study the acoustic fields generated by various aerodynamic sound sources and find the relevant control method for reducing the sound source strength. In addition, it is noted that the control of sound propagation is a kind of effective way to suppress aerodynamic noise. In this respect, two related works will be conducted. For cabin noise problem, study will be focused on how to use advanced composite material to isolate more aerodynamic noise with the consideration of fuselage boundary layer fluctuations. For aircraft engine noise propagation, a great effort will be made on investigating how to develop adjustable acoustic liner to realize the optimal noise attenuation in nacelle. In most of work mentioned as above, the relevant experimental investigations will also be carried out in order to fully reveal the aerodynamic noise generation mechanism and demonstrate the effectiveness of some novel noise control techniques developed in the present project. The present project contains five subjects to cover the above research contents, including 1. noise generation mechanism and its control method of aircraft engine; 2. airframe noise and its control; 3. acoustic design of nacelle; 4. cabin noise control with boundary layer fluctuations and 5. turbulence model and CFD techniques related to aeroacoustic applications. This project is undertaken by 6 institutions. They are respectively, Beihang University, Institute of Acoustics, CAS, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong University, Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China and AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co., LTD.
Keywords:Large Passenger Aircraft; Aerodynamic Noise; Noise Mechanism; Noise Control