摘 要:考古发掘现场的文物由于面临空气、湿度、温度、光照以及外力等的巨变影响,会在发掘时受到不可逆的损毁,因此需要在考古发掘现场对文物进行抢救性保护或临时加固。现有临时加固材料一般采用将熔融的环十二烷涂刷至待挖掘的文物表面,带起凝固成形后形成临时加固层;虽然能起到一定的保护和加固作用,但是环十二烷也有一系列的缺点,比如价格昂贵以及毒副作用未知等,此外由于其化学结构没有可以修饰和改性的官能团,因此其熔点和挥发性都是单一不可调节的。我们前期发展使用天然香料薄荷醇作为临时加固材料,取得了较明显的效果;相比于环十二烷,薄荷醇具有价格便宜且安全无毒副作用的优点,但是也有熔点偏低及挥发太快的缺点。该课题将从对薄荷醇进行结构修饰和衍生出发,构建具有梯度熔点和挥发性能的临时加固材料库,并进行模拟加固实验,构建加固实验的标准方法和效果评价体系。
关键词:考古 发掘 临时加固
Abstract:Cultural relics on site of archaeological excavation always receive irreversible damage because of the dramatic changes of air, humidity, temperature, light and other forces; therefore require rescuing protection or temporary reinforcement. Cyclododecane is the commonly used temporary reinforcement materials. It is usually heated to molten and then brushed to the surface of excavated cultural relics; temporary reinforcement layer is formed after solidification. Although able to play a role in temporary reinforcement, cyclododecane suffers from the drawbacks such as expensive price and other unknown side effects; in addition due to its chemical structure without functional group, cyclododecane cant be chemically modified to achieve adjustable melting point and volatile. We early used menthol, a natural flavor, as a temporary reinforcement materials, and achieved positively results. Compared cyclododecane, menthol has some significant advantages such as cheap, safe and non-toxic, but also has some shortcomings such as a too low melting point and a too high volatility. This project will begin from the chemically modification of menthol, and construct a material library with gradient melting point and volatility. Standard methods and evaluation system of reinforcement experiments will be builded after simulation experiments.
Key Words:Archaeology; Excavation; Temporary reinforcement