张洪武 郑勇刚
摘 要:(1)强冲击荷载下结构破坏过程的建模与关键算法;(2)材料与结构一体化的热力耦合多尺度模型与算法;(3)考虑多场耦合与不确定性的结构优化设计和反问题方法;(4)新一代集成化计算力学软件平台设计理论和方法;(5)车身钢板轻量化与碰撞安全性的数字化设计;(6)特种装备结构的毁伤与服役过程安全性的数值仿真。项目将在复杂装备产品设计数字化工具的计算力学和多场耦合理论和方法的前沿研究方面取得进展与创新。在强动荷载作用下多物质响应分析理论、数值方法及高应变率下材料动态行为,材料与结构热力耦合的非线性多尺度本构模型和高性能多尺度算法,多场耦合下考虑不确定性度量与传播的结构优化与工程反问题理论和高效算法,面向多场耦合与多尺度分析的新一代计算力学软件平台研发,多场耦合分析及不确定性优化在车辆覆盖件成形及碰撞安全性设计中的应用研究以及特种装备结构服役过程和冲击载荷下毁伤的数值模拟、目标结构的防护分析等研究方面取得重点突破;在主要研究方面达到国际先进水平,使我国相关研究在国际学科前沿占据一席之地,同时为国防与民用高技术装备自主创新设计提供关键建模理论、先进数值分析方法和技术支撑,形成自主知识产权的新一代大规模计算力学和多场耦合软件系统与研发平台,培养计算力学领域的创新型人才队伍,为我国装备制造业实现由大到强的转变做出一份贡献。
关键词:计算力学 多场耦合 复杂装备
Application Report for the Project "Some Frontier Problems of Computational Mechanics and Multi-field Coupling in Digital Tool for Development of Complex Equipment"
Zhang Hongwu Zheng Yonggang
(Dalian University of Technology)
Abstract:Aiming at common frontier problems in basic theories, advanced algorithms and software packages of computational mechanics in the design, manufacturing and service of major civil and defense equipments, this project will perform investigations on the following subjects:(1) modeling and computational algorithms for complex highly-nonlinear mechanical behavior analysis considering multi-field coupling of materials and structures;(2) nonlinear multi-scale model of thermal-structure coupling and key algorithms for integrated design of materials and structures;(3) structural and multidisciplinary optimization considering uncertainty and multi-function;(4) structure and design pattern of new-generation integrated software platform of computational mechanics. Six projects will be conducted:(1) Modeling and key algorithm for structural failure under intense impulsive loading;(2) Multiscale modeling and algorithms for thermal-mechanical coupled problems on structures integrating with materials;(3) Methods of structural optimization and inverse problem considering multiphysics coupling and uncertainty;(4) Design theories and methods for new generation integrated software platform for computational mechanics;(5) Digital design of light weight of sheet metal and crashworthiness performance for vehicle body;(6) Numerical simulation on the damage and service process security of special equipment and structure. In related major directions, the accomplished research will lead to a reasonable position in the international discipline fronts. The project will also provide essential modeling theories and numerical methods for novel design of civil and national defense high-tech equipments, and realize self-owned copyright new-generation large scale computational mechanics and multi-field analysis platform. Through this project, young professionals in the field of computational mechanics will also be trained, which will contribute to the development of the equipment manufacturing industry.
Key Words:Computational mechanics; Multi-field coupling; Complex equipment