田野 王崧
Annual report on study of rational point of elliptic curves
Abstract:During the first year of our project, we made quite a progress according to the annual plan in the preparation of theoretic foundation. In particular, we made an important achievement on elliptic curves, the congruent number problem, and the BSD conjecture, one of the millennium. By using a series of results from modern number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, representation theory and automorphic forms, we proved that given any potitive integer k, there are infinite many square-free non-congruent numbers with exactly k odd prime factors, and we also developed some techniques and methods such as quadratic twist Euler system. The short version of this result was published on PNAS in 2012, and the long version has been submitted. This result help us to understand arithmetic of ellpitic curves more deeply, and provide ample theoretic basis and perparation of our research methods. Next, we made some progress on analytic number theory,and problems related to encryption and coding theory, improved a result of Green-Tao on sumsets on F_2^n. Moreover, we made a series progress on rational points on varieties and Brauer groups, formulated and proved a necessary and sufficient condition on square sum problems on imaginary quadratic number fields by using the Brauer-Manin obstruction method.We also made some progress on theoretic basis perparation on other various subjects such as elliptic curves, analytic number theory, rational points on algebraic varieties,automorphic forms,p-adic analysis and classical number theory.
Keywords:elliptic curves,BSD conjuncture,smooth number