

中国医学科学院学报 2016年2期

杨越清,吕 喆,高 杰,金 鑫,吴 芳,金 梅,吴 坚,赵绍宏

1中国人民解放军总医院放射诊断科,北京 100853

2北京大学 首钢医院放射诊断科,北京 100041

3中国人民解放军总医院病理科,北京 100853



1中国人民解放军总医院放射诊断科,北京 100853

2北京大学首钢医院放射诊断科,北京 100041

3中国人民解放军总医院病理科,北京 100853




2011年初,国际肺癌研究会、美国胸科学会、欧洲呼吸学会联合公布的肺腺癌分类新标准,将肺腺癌分为浸润前病变(其中包括不典型腺瘤样增生和原位腺癌)、微浸润腺癌、浸润肺腺癌[1]。随着多排螺旋CT技术的发展及低剂量CT筛查的广泛应用,肺内磨玻璃密度结节的检出率逐渐增加,长期存在的磨玻璃结节与肺癌相关[2- 3]。判断纯磨玻璃结节(pure ground-glass nodule,pGGN)的浸润性非常重要,直接影响处理方式:是选择随诊还是进行手术治疗。有报道认为pGGN的大小、密度、内部结构异常改变与病理分型相关[4- 6],但针对pGGN内血管的异常改变与肺腺癌病理亚型的相关性的研究报道较少。本研究收集CT影像表现为pGGN的107例(116个)肺腺癌,对其内部血管异常改变包括血管聚集和/或增粗、扭曲等CT征象进行总结分析,并与肺腺癌组织病理亚型进行对比,探讨pGGN肺腺癌内部血管改变的意义及对病变病理亚型判断的提示作用。



设备及检查方法采用Somatom Definition AS 64(Siemens)或Optima CT660(GE)螺旋CT机,患者取仰卧位,双臂上举,头先进,进行肺部常规CT容积扫描,自胸廓入口至膈下3 cm。扫描参数:管电压120 kV,自动管电流设置,扫描层厚5 mm,并用骨算法重建为薄层1.25~1.5 mm肺窗图像。图像分析采用肺窗(窗宽:1 600 HU,窗位:-500 HU)和纵隔窗(窗宽400 HU,窗位50 HU)。



统计学处理应用SPSS 21.0 统计软件,采用组内相关系数评估两名观察者的阅片一致性;病变病理分型和病变内血管情况采用卡方检验,分别比较3组病理亚型间的差异;病变直径、密度与病变内血管改变的关系采用秩和检验和t检验,所有数据经正态性检验,两两比较各组间病变直径的差异。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

A. CT轴位图像示左肺上叶尖后段见一21 mm×18 mm纯磨玻璃结节,内部可见血管穿过,且磨玻璃内部节段较近段增粗;B、C、D. 同一患者的曲面重建图像(B)、容积再现图像(C)、最大密度投影(D)显示血管增粗更明显(箭头)

A. CT axial image shows a 21 mm×18 mm pure ground-glass nodule located in the apicoposterior segment of the left upper lobe,and a vessel which was dilated within the pure ground-glass nodule passed through the lesion;B,C,and D. curve planar reconstruction (B),volume rendering (C),and maximum intensity projection (D) of the same patient demonstrate vascular dilation within the lesion more clearly(arrow)

图 1血管增粗的CT及重建图像

Fig 1CT and reconstruction images showing vascular dilation

A. CT 轴位图像上示左肺上叶尖后段见一直径约15 mm磨玻璃密度结节,内部见多个血管断端;B. 最大密度投影可见多支血管穿过并在磨玻璃密度结节内部聚集

A. CT axial scan shows a 15 mm diameter pure ground-glass nodule located in the apicoposterior segment of the left upper lobe,with visible multiple vessels inside it;B. maximum intensity projection demonstrates the convergence of vessels within the pure ground-glass nodule

图 2血管聚集的CT及重建图像

Fig 2CT and reconstruction images showing vascular convergence



pGGN内血管异常改变与病变大小、密度的关系116个病灶直径0.50~3.00 cm,平均(1.32±0.52) cm。无血管改变组的平均直径为(1.01±0.32)cm,血管改变组的平均直径为(1.57±0.52)cm,两组直径正态性检验结果,F=9.399,P=0.003,拒绝两组方差齐同的假设,资料不符合正态分布,选择秩和检验。秩和检验使用3个统计量:Mann-Whitney U为600.5;Wilcoxon W为1926.5;Z值为-5.88。双侧检验P=0.000,两组之间直径差异有统计学意义;由于有血管改变组的平均秩次(74.76)大于无血管改变组的平均秩次(37.77),因此有血管改变组的直径明显大于无血管改变组的直径。病变密度在有血管改变组和无血管改变组分别为(-502.17±122.20) HU和(-532.86±116.87) HU(F=0.048,P=0.826) 。

表 1 纯磨玻璃密度肺腺癌内部血管改变的分布[n(%)]

A. CT轴位图像示右肺上叶前段见一17 mm×28 mm纯磨玻璃密度结节,边界清楚,可见有血管穿过磨玻璃结节,且结节内部血管节段较近段明显增粗(箭头);B.最大密度投影显示血管轮廓及长度优于轴位切面图像(箭头);C. 同一患者的病理图片显示病变间质增厚,内见腺癌细胞浸润,诊断为浸润腺癌,贴壁型为主(HE染色,×200)

A. CT axial scan shows a 17 mm×28 mm pure ground-glass nodule with clear margin located in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe,and a dilated vessel (arrow) demonstrates passing through the lesion;B. maximum intensity projection is superior to the axial CT image for displaying the dilation of the vessel (arrow);C. photomicrograph of the same patient shows interstitial thickening with adenocarcinoma cell infiltration,and the histopathologic diagnosis is lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma (HE staining,×200)

图 3浸润腺癌血管增粗的影像及病理图片

Fig 3Radio-images of vascular dilation and histopathologic photomicrograph of invasive lung adenocarcinoma

A. CT轴位图像示右肺下叶背段见一13 mm×16 mm纯磨玻璃密度结节,结节内有血管穿过,但未见血管有增粗、扭曲和血管聚集;B. 同一患者的病理图片诊断为微浸润腺癌(HE染色,×100)

A. CT axial scan shows a 13 mm×16 mm pure ground-glass nodule located in the dorsal segment of the right lower lobe,and the pulmonary vessel branch passes through the nodule without dilation,distortion,or convergence;B. the histopathologic diagnosis of the same patient is minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (HE staining,×100)

图 4微浸润腺癌无血管变化影像及病理图片

Fig 4Radio-images of no vascular change and histopathologic photomicrograph of minimally invasive adenocarcinoma


随着多排螺旋CT的发展,通过薄层重建技术或高分辨力CT扫描可获得GGN的高清晰图像,可以在一定程度上通过CT影像特征推断其病理组织学分型[7- 10]。本研究显示pGGN肺腺癌内的血管异常改变在浸润前组、微浸润组与浸润腺癌组之间差异有统计学意义,pGGN内血管改变的出现提示病变浸润性的增加。pGGN病变的大小与其内部血管改变相关,有血管改变组直径大于无血管改变组,而与病变密度无关。

血管集束征包括血管自病变穿过、受牵拉向病灶移位和血管在病变边缘截断[11]。Gao 等[6]将肺血管与磨玻璃密度影的关系分为4型,其中Ⅱ型为血管仅穿过无异常改变,Ⅲ型为血管扭曲、增粗等异常改变,并且Ⅱ型倾向良性,Ⅲ型倾向恶性。考虑到纯磨玻璃密度内血管穿过为正常表现,造成边缘血管牵拉的可能性较小,本研究只针对pGGN病变内部的血管异常改变,包括血管增粗、扭曲和/或血管聚集,且仅纳入CT表现为pGGN的肺腺癌病例,发现随着pGGN肺腺癌浸润性的增加,内部出现血管异常改变也增多。pGGN内血管聚集形成的原因主要为病变内的间质纤维增生、成纤维母细胞的增生和浸润造成结构变形[8,12];由于肿瘤代谢快,血液供应增加,由肿瘤释放血管生成因子等调控血管生成而导致血管构型改变[13- 14]。浸润前、微浸润和浸润腺癌组pGGN内血管聚集和血管增粗、扭曲改变之间无差异。

关于pGGN肺腺癌的大小和密度与病变浸润性的相关性研究提示,病变大小与病变浸润性呈正相关,病变密度对浸润性有提示作用[5,15- 17]。本研究未直接探讨pGGN肺腺癌病变大小与病理分型的关系,而是观察病变大小与病灶内血管改变的差异,发现病灶内血管改变(血管聚集和/或增粗、扭曲)与病变大小有关,病变越大,出现血管改变的概率越大。而血管异常改变与病灶密度差异无统计学意义。




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Correlations between Vessel Changes and the Histopathologic Subtypes of Lung Adenocarcinoma with Pure Ground-glass Nodule on Computed Tomography

YANG Yue-qing1,LÜ Zhe2,GAO Jie3,JIN Xin1,WU Fang1,JIN Mei1,WU Jian1,ZHAO Shao-hong1

1Department of Radiology,Chinese PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100853,China

2Department of Radiology,Shougang Hospital of Peking University,Beijing 100041,China

3Department of Pathology,Chinese PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100853,China

ABSTRACT:ObjectiveTo investigate the correlations between vessel changes and the histopathologic subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma with pure ground-glass nodule (pGGN) on computed tomography (CT). MethodsTotally 107 patients (116 lesions) with lung adenocarcinomas with pGGN who had undergone curative resection were included. Vessel changes included vascular convergence and/or vessel dilation or distortion within the pGGN. According to the vessel appearances within the pGGN,all patients were categorized into two groups:no change group and change group. Pearson chi-square test was used to analyze the relationships between vessel changes and histopathologic subtypes. Mann-Whitney rank test and t-test were used to identify the relationship of vessels changes with pGGN density and diameter. ResultsAmong these 116 pGGNs,there were 21 without vessel changes and 4 with vessel changes in 25 preinvasive lesions;14 without vessel changes and 15 with vessel changes in 29 minimally invasive adenocacinomas;16 without vessel changes and 46 with vessel changes in 62 invasive lung adenocarcinomas. There were statistically significant differences of vessel changes (P=0.000) among histopathologic subtypes. The lesion diameter was significantly different between these two groups (P=0.000),while the lesion density showed no significant difference (P=0.826). ConclusionVessel changes may indicate the invasiveness of lung adenocarcinoma with pGGNs and are related with the lesion diameter.

Key words:lung neoplasms;adenocarcinoma;pathology;tomography X-ray,computed

(收稿日期:2015- 08- 07)

Corresponding author:ZHAO Shao-hongTel:010- 66939590,

DOI:10.3881/j.issn.1000- 503X.2016.02.010



文章编号:1000- 503X(2016)02- 0182- 05

通信作者:赵绍宏电话:010- 66939590,电子邮件

基金项目:中国人民解放军总医院临床科研扶持基金(2012FC-TSYS-1025)Supported by the Clinical Research Support Fund of Chinese PLA General Hospital (2012FC-TSYS- 1025)

第一、二位作者对本文贡献一致The first two authors contributed equally to this article



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