摘要:目前随着Web3.0的发展和移动智能终端的普及,越来越多的Web 3D技术被应用到移动网页开发中,给用户带来了更为逼真的3D漫游体验;但智能移动终端有限的计算能力和网络带宽,对模型加载的流畅性带来了影响。针对该问题,采用渐进式网格技术对模型进行了预处理;然后根据移动设备的可用带宽,通过带宽敏感策略来实现流式化模型数据传输的动态调整,实验结果表明该策略提高了模型在移动客户端的加载速度,增强了移动用户的3D漫游体验。
关键词: Web3D; 无线广域网;带宽敏感传输;流式化编码;动态优化;
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2016)09-0080-03
Bandwidth-sensitive Transmission Mechanism for 3D Model Based on Wireless Wide Area Network
ZHONG Chu Yun-xiao,JIA Jin-yuan, WANG Ming-fei
(Department of Software Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
Abstract:Nowadays, with the development of Web 3.0 and the popularity of smart mobile clients, more and more Web 3D technologies are applied to mobile web site development, which gives the users a more realistic experience. However, due to the limitation of computing power, memory size and bandwidth, the fluency of loading 3D content will be largely impacted. To solve this problem, streaming method is introduced for transmission. Meanwhile, progressive-mesh algorithm is applied to pre-process the 3D models. Finally, bandwidth-sensitive transmission enables adjusting the size of the 3D content stream appropriately based on the current available bandwidth. The experiment result shows the final solution will largely improve the client side loading and rendering speed of 3D content.
Key words:Web3D; wireless wide area network; bandwidth-sensitive transmission; progressive mesh; dynamic optimization;
1 引言
现如今计算机的人机交互功能已经拥有了无可取代的地位。Web 3.0的发展与虚拟现实技术的兴起使得用户简单通过浏览器便可以游览各种在线的虚拟场景,享受更逼真的人机交互方式。而另一方面,由于Web虚拟场景中,3D内容的容量日益增大,传统的将服务器的场景数据通过网络一次性下载到本地后再重构渲染的方式已经不适用了,海量虚拟场景的下载呈现与即时呈现之间的矛盾(带宽矛盾),以及海量虚拟场景与移动终端较小的存储空间之间的矛盾(存储矛盾)也变得越来越明显。3D虚拟场景流式化算法的引入可以将模型分割成多个部分,并渐进式得加载到客户端中,从而提高可视模型的加载率,提升用户体验。而带宽敏感的传输策略的应用,使得实时测量当前智能移动终端的可用带宽成为可能,并用测量后的结果引入评估算法来调整渐进式加载的传输比例。