一只狐狸掉进深井里上不来,一只山羊正好来找水喝,狐狸顿时觉得机会来了。狐狸想出了什么妙招?山羊又会有什么遭遇?假如你是山羊,你会怎么办呢?Lets read together.
Its so hot today! A fox is thirsty.
He is looking for some water.
The fox finds a well. He jumps into the well.
Fox: Oh, its so cool! The water is fresh. I can drink it all day.
But how can I get out?
This well is too deep. The fox cant get out.
Here comes a thirsty goat. The goat finds the well.
Goat: Theres a well. I cant wait to have a drink.
Fox: How are you today, Goat?
Goat: Who is that?
Fox: Im here, Goat. Im in the well.
The goat looks into the well.
Goat: Oh, Fox! What are you doing down there?
Fox: I am thirsty. So I come down here for a drink.
Goat: How is the water? Is it fresh?
Fox: Of course. Its the best water, I think.
Goat: Im thirsty, too. Can I come down and join you? I just need one drink.
Fox: Let me think about it.
Goat: Come on, Fox. Im your friend. Let me come down.
Fox: All right. I dont want to share the water with anyone. But you are my friend, Ill let you come down.
Goat: Thanks a lot, Fox. Im coming down now.
Fox: Welcome, Goat. Try the water. How is it?
Goat: En ... It is delicious. This is the best water in the world.
Fox: Dont you think its too small here? But its fine when I am alone.
Goat: Im sorry. Should I get out now?
Fox: No, its OK. I have enough water today. Ill leave now. You can drink some more.
Goat: Thank you, Fox. You are so kind!
Fox: Keep drinking. Ill just jump on your back and climb out now.
Goat: Are you there, Fox? I want to get out now. Help me, please!
Fox: Im sorry, Goat. I cant help you.
Goat: Please help me out. Its getting dark.
Fox: Thats too bad, Goat. Next time, think before you act. Im busy.
I must go.
Goat: Dont leave me here alone, Fox! Im afraid.
Fox: Good luck!Goodbye.