徐新军 商少平 文必洋 陈智会
摘 要:高频地波雷达是用来实时测量大面积海风、海浪、海流的海洋监测环境仪器设备。该技术起源于美国CODAR公司,国内经过武汉大学二十几年的研究、发展,目前形成了阵列式/便携式高频地波雷达2种发展方向,其产品已初步得到业务化运行。阵列式/便携式高频地波雷达虽在国内与浮标做过实时比测,但是时间周期较短,一般在一个星期左右,本课题利用863试验基地(龙海、东山2个示范阵列式高频地波雷达站),合理选取2个便携式高频地波雷达站(漳浦山寮站、下垵站),通过科学的设置,选取了5个浮标观测点(包含风、浪、流观测指标),由东海预报中心和东海标准计量中心组织实施海上对比观测浮标的布防和回收,观测试验持续了2个月,收取了大量的数据,由第三方厦门大学组织实施高频地波雷达海上实用性比测数据评估,为国产的高频地波雷达的适用性作出合理的评估。
关键词:便携式高频地波雷达 阵列式高频地波雷达 对比验证试验
Abstract:HFGWR is a type of sea environmental monitoring instrumental equipment which is used for real-time measuring the large-area sea breeze,ocean wave and ocean current.The technology of HFGWR originates from CODAR company of American.By more than twenty years research and progress of domestic Wuhan University, development direction of array or portable HFGWR is formed and primarily the product functions in business. Although real-time comparative test between array or portable HFGWR and buoy in China,the time period is relatively short and commonly it is about one week.The topic makes use of trial base(demonstrated Array HFGWR of Longhai and Dongshan)of 863 and reasonably chooses two stations of portable HFGWR(Shanliao and Xiaan station).By scientific setting,five observation spot containing wind,wave and current technical index are selected. Then forecast center and standard measuring center of East China Sea organize and implement the observation experiment of sea contrast.The experiment persists two month and a mass of observation data is obtained.Finally Xiamen University,the thrid party,organizes and implements the data evaluation of the sea practicability of HFGWR for rationally evaluating the applicability of homebred HFGWR.
Key Words:Portable HFGWR;Array HFGWR;Real-time comparative test