The History of the Early Mail邮件的早期历史


中学生英语·中考指导版 2016年5期


Now it is very easy for you to get in touch with your friends or relatives. You have many choices. You can write to them, call them or send an e-mail to them. And your letters, telephone calls or e-mails will get to your friends or relatives very quickly. But in early days, no one could be sure when or where the mail would arrive.

There was once a post office under a rock at the southern tip of Africa. In the old days, if people wanted to go to India from England, they had to sail around the Cape of Good Hope1. The journey was very stormy and dangerous. It took six long months. Sailors often wished to send letters home, but they seldom met the ship going back to England. So at the cape the sailors would go ashore. They went to a special large stone. On the stone was scratched2 the words “Look here under for letters”. They would leave their letters there, for they knew the next homeward ship would stop and pick them up.

There was another special post office in the state of Washington. It was a stump3 of a huge cedar4. Settlers needed a place for the mail carrier to leave their letters. Their houses were so widely scattered5 that the mail carrier couldnt reach all of them. So the settlers found a tree that stood where several roads crossed. They cut the tree down ten feet from the ground, hollowed6 it out, and covered it with a roof. Inside, they nailed a row of wooden boxes. Each box was written with a familys name. The mail carrier could leave letters there for everyone for miles around.

For the first few years after the English colonists7 came to America, there was no regular postal service. People gave their letters to any traveler who happened to the right direction. When the traveler reached the town where the letters were going, he stopped at an inn8 and left the letters there. Only when the person the letters were addressed to happened to stop at the inn, they could receive the letters.

After many years, regular mail carriers appeared. They went from one big town to another on horseback. They traveled only by day. So it still took many weeks for a letter to reach the person the letter would be sent to.

About two hundred years ago, Benjamin was made postmaster for all the colonies9. The situation changed greatly. He set up many post offices. He ordered his postmen to travel by night as well as by day. So the letters traveled more quickly than before.

Today an airmail letter can travel across the world in a very short time. A modern post office handles more mails a day than the carriers in the colonies in a whole year.








1. cape n. 海角;岬 Cape of Good Hope 好望角

2. scratch v. 划伤;划出痕迹

3. stump n. (被砍下的树的)树桩

4. cedar n. 雪松

5. scatter v. (使)散开,(使)分散

6. hollow v. 挖空(某物),变空

7. colonist n. 殖民者

8. inn n. 小旅馆,客栈

9. colony n. 殖民地

