

广东教育·高中 2016年6期



1. 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。

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4. 考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。

第I卷(选择题 共100分)


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Discover Nature Schools Programs

All programs include outdoor time, so please help children prepare with proper clothing,sunscreen and insect repellant (驱虫剂)as needed.

Each program is taught for a class with a minimum of 10 students and maximum of 125 students.

To schedule a program,please email deprograms

Acorn to Oak (K一2 grade,1.5—2 hours)

From seed to shade tree,the oak(橡树)changes through the seasons and the years. Through exploration,students will understand the lifecycle of a tree. On a hike,students will explore various life stages of oak trees,taking a closer look. Creation of a tree relief sculpture using recycled wood products helps students review and represent their new knowledge.

Outdoor Sensations(K一2 grade,1.5—2 hours)

The natural world is filled with sights,sound and smells.Students will see live animals and learn how wild animals rely on their senses to find food and survive. Spending time outside students will participate in various hands-on activities,focusing on each of their senses(not taste) to better experience the natural world.

Winged Wonders(3—5 grade,3—4 hours)

Birds add color and sound to our world and fill an important ecological role. Students will learn the basics of bird identification,understand the role birds play in food chains and go bird watching using field guides and telescopes. Using hammer and nails, students will build a bird feeder,allowing them to attract birds at home.

Exploring Your Watershed(6—8 grade,3—4 hours)

We all live in a watershed (流域) and depend on clean water. Examine how our actions shape the waterways around us.Interact with the Brush Creek Model and go on a hike to see first-hand some of the challenging water quality issues in an urban setting. Students will assess water quality using live fish to determine the health of an ecosystem.

21. According to the text,students who participate in Acorn to Oak can .

A. understand various uses of an oak tree

B. learn about characters of various trees

C. take a closer look at various trees

D. know different life stages of an oak tree

22. Which of the following programs helps students experience natural world through their different senses?

A. Acorn to Oak.

B. Exploring Your Watershed.

C. Winged Wonders.

D. Outdoor Sensations.

23. In the program Winged wonders, students .

A. will learn how to build bird feeders

B. will know how to cook birds as food

C. will have teachers as their field guides

D. will stay there at most two hours


Jesse Cooper,Drew Gibbs and Zeke Grissom were all nominated(提名)for homecoming king at Community High Schools basketball homecoming ceremony. The teens got together and decided that the winner would turn over the honor to junior Scotty Maloney,who has a neurological disorder(神经障碍)that prevents learning and speech.

“Ive been blessed with so many things,”Cooper told ABC NewsNashville affiliate WKRN-TV.“I just wanted Scotty to experience something great in his high school days.”

“Hes always happy,so he deserves some recognition for who he is,”Gibbs said.

Cooper won the popular vote for king,but when the official announcement was made at a Friday ceremony,the principal told the crowd what the nominees had decided to do.

“When they called Scottys name,his eyes got really big and I dont know that he learned exactly what was happening. He knew something was,” Maloneys teacher Liz Nestle Gassaway told “It was very,very moving.”The crowd cheered and Maloney got a long standing ovation(喝彩),WKRN reported,as he was awarded his“King”medal.

“It was just a ton of emotion from everybody,”Grissom told WKRN.“I think I saw Scotty shed a few tears. I know Jesse was pretty emotional. We were all emotional out there on the court.”

Maloney is a beloved teen in his school and in the community,Gassaway said.“Scotty is fabulous. He is a superstar. He knows everybody. Theres not one person that Scotty does not know,”she said.“To know him and meet him is to love him.”Gassaway believes that the nearly 500-student school in Unionville,Tenn,is“one of the best schools in the world when it comes to dealing with special needs children.”Students like Cooper help out in special needs gym classes and other activities. Gassaway said the boysgesture toward Maloney sent a greater message.

“Hes been wearing his medal around.” Gassaway said with a laugh.“He is not here today because he had a doctors appointment,but Im sure he has his medal on.”

24. We can learn from the first paragraph that .

A. Jesse Cooper determined to win

B. Gibbs was eager to be the king

C. none would like to help Scotty

D. Scotty was poor in his lessons at school

25. What did the principal say at the ceremony?

A. The award would be given to Scotty.

B. Cooper should accept the money certainly.

C. The award belonged to the three of them.

D. Gibbs gained the most of the votes for king.

26. Gassaway thinks that the school in Unionville is one of the best because .

A. all the students do well in their lessons

B. the teachers are working hard at school

C. many students have gone to universities

D. the disabled students can be helped by others

27. Which of the following shows Scotty is proud of himself?

A. He had many close friends.

B. He was always wearing his king medal.

C. He was loved by all his teachers.

D. It is easy for him to find help at school.


The giraffe population in Africa has dropped by about 40 percent in just 15 years,according to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation.

The organizations director,Dr Julian Fennessy, told ABC News:“Its a silent extinction,”pointing out that the number of giraffes has fallen to 80,000. In what is a familiar situation for many species,the giraffe population has plummeted due to habitat loss and over-hunting.

Unfortunately for giraffes,their skin can be used to make several clothing items,and countries such as Tanzania have come to believe eating parts of the animal can cure AIDS. Hunters, for their part,can earn money from the animals meat without a great deal of effort.

And while animals such as elephants and rhinos (犀牛) get a large share of conservation attention,why does it seem like a “silent”extinction? Experts respond that they are such a presence in our lives that it is easy to think the species is always in large numbers,

“Giraffes are everywhere. Look at kids books,which are full of giraffes. Theyre always in zoo collections. Theyre easily seen,so you donthink we have to worry about them”David OConnor,research coordinator(协调员)with the San Diego Zoos Institute for Conservation Research,told Scientific American.

Groups such as Giraffe Conservation Foundation hope that by sounding the alarm about the bad situation of the gentle giants,African nations might take a harder look at stricter conservation measures. There are other efforts taken to make sure that the International Union for Conservation of Natures Red List of endangered species includes all the latest information about giraffes,and make people get to know that the creatures could one day be lost to history.

28. How many giraffes were there in Africa 15 years ago?

A. About 80,000. B. About 130,000.

C. About 150,000. D. About 200,000.

29. The underlined word“plummeted”in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.

A. decreased quickly B. increased slowly

C. stopped growing D. kept a balance

30. What David OConnor said in Paragraph 5 implies that ____________.

A. there are still quite many giraffes in the world

B. zoos are the best place for giraffes to stay safely

C. many people have misunderstood giraffes situation

D. humans have built up a good relationship with giraffes

31. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The bad situation of giraffes.

B. Humansefforts to protect giraffes.

C. Conservation measures to be taken soon.

D. Giraffesbeing included in the endangered list.


A campaign in the United Kingdom that seeks to pressure publishers to stop labeling childrens books according to gender(性别)is being given a push,with leading writers and at 1east one newspaper expressing support.

“Were asking childrens publishers to take the‘Boys and‘Girls labels off books and allow children to choose freely what kinds of books interest them,”says the statement by the Let Books Be Books campaign.The organizers of the campaign say, “Such labels send out very limiting messages to children about what kinds of things are appropriate for girls or for boys.”

On Sunday,the movement got an important advance when the newspaper The Independent announced it would no longer comment on such books,or even blog about them.“Happily,as the literary editor of The Independent,there is something that I can do about this.So I promise now that the newspaper and this website will not be reviewing any book which is aimed at just girls,or just boys.Nor will The Independents books section,”wrote editor Katy Guest.

The guardian reports that one of Britains biggest bookstore chains , Waterestones,as well as U. K.Childrens Laureate Malorie Blackman,and U. K.Poet Laureate Carol Ann Dully have also announced their support.“The campaign is attacking titles such as Usbornes Illustrated Classics for boys, described by the publisher as‘a collection of action,adventure and daring-do stories suitable for boys,while its Illustrated Stortes for Girls contains‘brand new stories about princesses and dolls, ”The Guardian wrote.

But such a movement would also affect many popular and beloved books,such as the bestselling The dangerous Book for Boys. Its clear not everyone thinks removing“for boys”and“for girls”from book titles is such a good idea. Many of The Independents readers are criticizing the newspapers announcement that it is banning reviews of such books.

“This is just stupidity,”wrote one reader on The Independents website.“The Independent has been an intelligent publication in my mind since I was a very young boy. So sad to see that change.”

32. The Let Books Be Books campaign .

A. teaches kids about appropriateness

B. is opposing gendered childrens books

C. aims to offer help to writers and newspapers

D. advises publishers to help children choose books

33. According to the text,The Independent will .

A. stop reviewing books labeled with “Boys” or “Girls”

B. publish more childrens books on its website

C. provide more book reviews every Sunday

D. encourage children to review books

34. Blackman might believe the books mentioned in Paragraph 4 .

A. arent suitable for children

B. shouldnt have similar titles

C. include too many adventure stories

D. should be open to kids of either gender

35. The text is mainly written to .

A. comment on some popular childrens books

B. report the recent progress of a cultural campaign

C. discuss some big changes in the worlds book market

D. explain the differences between books for boys and girls

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


Many of us need a few simple reminders of how to shop wisely. Let me share my shopping tips with you.

Shop with a list. 36 Many people overspend or buy things they dont want, dont need and never end up using because they havent prepared properly.This is your hard earned cash and precious time you are spending. So,before you set off on your shopping trip,prepare a list and use that list when you shop!

Set a budget. This is important. You want to feel great about this shopping trip later,right? And one way to do that is to make sure you dont buy more than you can afford. Set your budget and stick to it! 37 .

Pay with cash. The research is clear:we pay 20%~50%more when we shop with magic plastic,whether its using a credit or debit card. 38 Paying with cash feels more“real” and thats what we want.

Pick the best time for you. Shopping can be a stressful activity if you dont shop at the right time. Shopping when the malls and stores are most busy is not wise. 39 So,pick a time to shop when you are positive. And make sure that you take regular breaks or shop for shorter periods to avoid becoming bored.

40 Many people find that shopping partners can make us buy what we dont want or need. If you want to go shopping as a social activity,thats okay. Window shop,or have a bite to eat together,but dont buy until you can go shopping on your own.

A. Shop alone.

B. Stop shopping once you hit that limit.

C. So use only cash for this shopping trip.

D. This is my number one tip for good reason.

E. Make sure that they are really what you want.

F. Overcrowded environments rarely bring out the best in anybody.

G. You need to have the specific research on what you are shopping for to support it.

第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


When I was 8 years old,I went to the grocery store with my dad. We were standing in line to 41 out. A boy not much older than me was 42 up before us. He was 43 baseball cards. He handed the cashier handfuls of change and after she 44 it,she coldly announced,“Youre 67 cents 45 .”

The boy turned red and began 46 in his pockets but came up with nothing. He didnt speak. He was 47 and didnt know what to do. Without 48 ,my dad reached in his pocket and 49 the cashier a dollar.

The young boy 50 at my dad with big astonished eyes,and in the quietest, 51 voice said,“Thank you,sir. ” “Youre welcome,son. We all just need a little 52 every now and then,dont we ?” dad answered back.The boy nodded and then took his 53 and left.

As we 1eft the grocery I was in 54 . I thought to myself,“Wow,we must be so rich! My dad is just giving 55 money to people he doesnt even know.”And he called that kid son,as if he were his own child. What I didnt 56 was that we were not rich. We were 57 near rich.

What my dad did made me 58 the oneness in us all. We are each other. And if we cannot help out our fellow humans when they 59 it most, what does that say about us? Who in your life needs a little help? Who can you offer a smile to? I 60 you to do one random act of courage and kindness today to help someone and see how it affects both his or her 1ife and yours.

第II卷(非选择题 共50分)


第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Nobody really understands why flowers open and close at particular times. The process is not as simple as we might think, as 61 ( science) experiments have shown. In one study, flowers 62 (keep) in constant darkness. We might expect that the flower,without any information about the time of day,did not open as they normally do. As 63 matter of fact, they continued to open at their usual time. This suggests that they have some mysterious way of knowing the time. Their sense of time does not rely 64 information from the outside world; it is, so to speak, inside 65 a kind of “inner clock”.

However, it was found later that not just plants 66 animals, including man, have this “inner clock” which controls the working of their bodies and 67 (influence) their activities. Men, then, are also influenced by this mysterious power.

In the past,because of peoples 68 (live ) in natural condition,this did not really matter,while in the modern world, things are of 69 (differ). It would be very important to know____ (much ) about the “inner clock”.

第四部分 写作(共两节 满分35)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Mike,

I m so glad to have received your gift. Thanks so much for a Lovely present. Now I would like to share with you about my plan for the coming winter vacation. First,I will go over my lesson so that you can have a better understanding of them. Then I will do some exercise,that keeps me physical strong. In addition,Im going to travelling during the holiday because I want to relax myself after a long and harder term. I wonder you are available during the coming May Day holiday. Id like to invite you to China and enjoy the great spring scenery there.


Li Hua

第二节 书面表达 (25分)

阅读下面一封来自The Times的求助信,按照要求完成写作任务。

How can I have a more meaningful vacation?

Dear editor,

Im a Senior Two boy. We used to have extra classes in both summer and winter vacations. However, we dont have to go to school this winter vacation. Though delighted, I am confused how to have a more meaningful vacation. What should I do?




1. 选几本有意义的书,开阔眼界;

2. 进行体育锻炼,增强体质;

3. ……


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结语已为你写好。

Dear Tom,

Im Li Hua from a high school as well.

May you have a meaningful vacation.


Li Hua


第二部分 阅读理解



21. D 细节理解题。根据文章对“Acorn to Oak”的介绍可知,参加该活动的学生可以了解橡树的生长阶段(understand the lifecycle of a tree ... will explore various life stages of ak trees),并学习一些相关知识。

22. D 细节判断题。根据文章对“Outdoor Sensations”的介绍可知,该项目可以帮助孩子们充分利用他们的各种感官来体验大自然。

23. A 细节理解题。根据文章对“Winged Wonders ”介绍,参加该项目的学生最多可以待四个小时(3-4 hours),可以学到有关辨别鸟类、制作喂食器等知识,并借助野外指南和望远镜来观察鸟类。


24. D 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“...who has a neurological disorder(神经障碍)that prevents learning and speech.”可知,Scotty的学业应该不好。

25. A推理判断题。根据第四段段尾的what the nominees had decided to do等语境可知,他说奖励将发给Scotty。

26. D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Students like Cooper help out in special needs gym classes and other activities.”可知,残疾学生能够得到其他人的帮助。

27. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Hes been wearing his medal around等语境可以推知,他感到很自豪,所以总是戴着奖牌。


28. B 数字计算题。根据第一段可知,非洲长颈鹿的数量在15年的时间里减少了约40%;根据第二段第一句可知,目前非洲长颈鹿的数量是8万。综上可推知,15年前非洲长颈鹿的数量约为13万。

29. A 词义猜测题。联系第一段中提到的数据和画线词后的due to habitat loss and over-hunting可推知,此处是说长颈鹿的数量“骤然下降”。

30. C 推理判断题。分析语段结构和关系可知,第五段是为了进一步说明第四段最后一句讲的观点:人们在生活中经常看到长颈鹿,所以很容易认为世界上还有很多长颈鹿。也就是说,David OConnor的话暗示了人们对长颈鹿的严峻现状缺乏正确的理解。

31. B 主旨大意题。通读最后一段可知,本段主要讲了人类为了保护长颈鹿而付出的努力。


32. B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的A campaign ... stop labeling childrens books according to gender以及第二段中的Were asking childrens publishers to take the‘Boysand ‘Girls labels off books可知,“让书是书”运动反对分男孩女孩的儿童图书。

33. A 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,《独立报》将停止评论带有“男孩”或“女孩”标记的图书。

34. D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的Malorie Blackman ...announced their support可知,Blackman支持“让书是书”运动。由此推断Blackman认为这两本图书应该同时面向男孩和女孩。

35. B 写作意图题。本文介绍了英国“让书是书”运动取得的新进展。



36. D 这是作者分享的第一条购物经验,应该也是她认为最重要的一条,故D项符合语境。

37. B 作者给出的第二条经验是做好预算,一旦设定了预算,就要严格执行,不能超出预算,故B项(一旦达到限额就停止购物)可顺承上文。

38. C 调查显示,用信用卡或借记卡购物会让你多花钱,因此作者建议用现金支付。C项(因此,这次购物之旅只用现金)符合该段主题。

39. F上一句提到在商场和商店最繁忙的时候去购物不是明智之举,F项解释了其原因是过于拥挤的环境很少能给人带来好的状态,符合逻辑。

40. A 根据下文,尤其是文末的but dont buy until you can go shopping on your own可知,作者建议独自去购物,故A项可总领该段的内容。

第三部分 英语知识运用



41. D 此处表“排队结账”之意。check out结账。

42. B 上一句中提到作者和父亲在排队等待结账,这时他们遇到了那个小男孩,可见小男孩应该是在作者他们的前面排队。

43. C 因为是在杂货店,所以这个小男孩是在“买”棒球卡。

44. B 数完零钱后,她冷冷地告知……

45. B 第二段中提到小男孩脸红了,可见他的钱不够,因此此处选short,意为“短缺的”。

46. C 因为被告知钱不够,所以这个小男孩把手伸入(dig in)口袋去找钱。

47. B 选好了东西却没有足够的钱来购买,男孩当然会感到很“尴尬”。

48. D without hesitation表示“毫不犹豫地”。作者的父亲并没有犹豫而是立刻帮助了男孩。

49. B 作者的父亲见小男孩钱不够,立即帮助他付钱,故此处指他把一美元“递”给了收银员。

50. C 因为吃惊,所以盯着父亲看。

51. A 根据该空前的quietest 一词可知,男孩的声音很小,故选tiny。

52. C 在男孩向作者的父亲表示感谢时,父亲说:“我们每个人都会不时地需要别人的‘帮助,不是吗?”

53. A第43空所在句告诉我们男孩是到店里购买棒球卡。在父亲帮忙付清款后,他带着买好的“卡”离开了。

54. B根据该空后引号中作者的所思所想可知,作者没有想到父亲会慷慨地帮助一个陌生人,因此很吃惊。shock在此处为名词,意为“震惊”。

55. C 根据第二段最后一句可知,作者的父亲帮男孩付了一美元钱,所以作者在这里想到的是父亲将钱“赠送”给了他不认识的人。

56. C作者看到父亲帮男孩付款,以为父亲很有钱,其实他不“知道”他们家并不富裕。

57. C nowhere near表示“远不”,呼应上一句中提到的作者家并不富裕。

58. C 父亲的做法使作者“认识到”我们是一个整体。

59. B 如果我们在自己的同胞“渴望”帮助时不能施以援手,这能说明什么呢?

60. A 我强烈建议你今天随意做一件需要勇气和友善的事情,去帮助某个人……。challenge表“强烈建议”之意。


61. scientific 作定语要形容词。

62. were kept 因keep 同 flowers 之间是被动关系。由下文did not open 可知,此处应用过去时。

63. a 因as a matter of fact(事实上)是固定词组。

64. on 因rely on(依靠,依赖)是固定搭配。

65. them 指代flowers,位于介词后,用宾格。

66. but 因not only ... but(also)...(不但……而且……)是固定的关联词。

67. influences 由and连接,与前面的controls 并列作谓语,形式一致,用第三人称单数形式。

68. living 在介词后作宾语,用动名词,其前有所有格peoples修饰。

69. difference 因be of后接抽象名词。

70. more 此处暗指“对体内生物钟有更多的了解”。

第四部分 写作


Dear Mike,

Im so glad to have received your gift. Thanks so much for lovely present. Now I would like to share with you my plan for the coming winter vacation. First,I will go over my so that can have a better understanding of them. Then I will do some exercise, keeps me strong. In addition,Im going to during the holiday because I want to relax myself after a long and term. I wonder you are available during the coming May Day holiday. Id like to invite you to China and enjoy the great spring scenery .


Li Hua


One possible version:

Dear Tom ,

Im Li Hua from a high school as well. Different from your situation,Im in Senior 3 and have to have extra classes now. However, Im in favor of students having the normal vacation because we can make use of this period to have some meaningful activities. If you are always engaged in studying in your school time,why not take advantage of this vacation to read some books to broaden your horizons? Meanwhile,you can fully develop your hobbies as well as do some sports to build you up. Besides,you can choose to go travelling with your friends to have fun. Finally, doing some voluntary work in your community is worth considering as well. These are just some suggestions from my viewpoint and I hope they are helpful.

May you have a meaningful vacation.


Li Hua



1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。

2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。

3. 词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。

4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。

5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。


6. 如书写较差以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。


