江全元 何湘宁 文劲宇 李欣然 龚裕仲
摘 要:大规模风电接入对电力系统小干扰稳定带来了新的影响和挑战,该文通过测试系统仿真分析以及低频振荡模式的理论分析,介绍了风电接入对电力系统小干扰稳定的影响。
关键词:远距离 大规模 高集中度 风电并网 小干扰稳定
The Impact of Large-scale wind Power Integration on Small Signal Stability of the Power System
Jiang Quanyuan1 He Xiangning1 Wen Jinyu2 Li Xinran3 Gong Yuzhong1
(1.College of Electrical Engineering,Zhejiang University;2.School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HUST;3.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University)
Abstract:Large-scale wind power integration brought new influences and challenges to power system on small signal stability , this paper introduced the impact of wind power integration on small signal stability by analyzing the test system simulation model and the theoretical analysis of low frequency oscillation.
Key Words:Long-distance; Large-scale; High-concentration; Wind power integration; Small signal stability