The Chicago Blues Festival芝加哥蓝调音乐节


中学生英语·中考指导版 2016年8期

江苏省连云港市赣榆区罗阳中学 陈传光 供稿

蓝调(Blues)为爵士、摇滚及福音歌曲(Gospel)的老祖宗,原本只是美国早期黑奴抒发心情时所吟唱的12小节曲式,演唱或演奏时大量蓝调音(Blue Notes)的应用,使得音乐上充满了压抑及不和谐的感觉,这种音乐听起来十分忧郁。但就是这么一股“反骨”气息,使得它后来在叛逆的摇滚乐中发扬光大。蓝调以歌曲直接陈述内心想法的表现方式,与当时白人社会的音乐截然不同。

The City of Chicago 芝加哥市

Chicago is the largest city in the U.S. state of Illinois. It is the most populous1 city in the midwestern United States and the third most populous city in the USA, after New York City and Los Angeles. Chicago is considered as one of the most exciting and diverse2 entertainment3 cities in the world.


Music in Chicago 芝加哥的音乐

In Chicago, there are so many music bars or some music performs and some great shows performing every day and night. The local people and the tourists can enjoy all of the blues or jazz. The Chicago people prefer to show their feelings in this way, namely, the music way.


The Chicago Blues Festival芝加哥蓝调音乐节

The Chicago Blues Festival is the largest free blues festival in the world and remains the largest of Chicagos Music Festivals. It is hosted by the City of Chicago Mayor4s Office of Special Events, and is always held in early June. The event has always taken place in Grant Park, near the Lake Michigan waterfront5 in Chicago.


Activities in the Chicago Blues Festival 芝加哥蓝调音乐节各项活动

The Chicago Blues Festival is an annual6 event held in June that features three days of performances by top-level blues musicians, both old favorites and the promising. During three days on five stages, more than 500,000 blues fans would come to enjoy it, and it proves that Chicago is the “Blues Capital of the World”.


History of the Chicago Blues Festival 芝加哥蓝调音乐节的历史

The Chicago Blues Festival can go back several generations7. Some musicians came from the South for advancements8 and better career possibilities. The festival began in 1984, a year after the death of Mckinley Morganfield, who is generally9 considered “Father of Chicago blues”. Each year the organizer choose a theme, generally to honor a blues musician who recently passed away. Obviously10, Chicago blues acts are common. Since those early beginnings, the festival has become the worlds largest free concert of its kind.



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