李国杰 范东睿
摘 要:体系结构面对很多挑战,例如微结构设计,片上资源管理,测试验证设计等。在这个项目中,为了解决如上这些挑战,做如下3方面的研究:(1)高通量计算应用的可扩展众核处理器结构研究;(2)高效能片上资源管理和控制;(3)纳米级高通量众核处理器芯片设计、测试和验证。
关键词:任务书 高通量 微结构
Abstract:architecture facing many challenges, such as microarchitecture design, on-chip resource management, design for testability and verification, et. al. To solve these challenges as listed, in this subproject, we do three kinds of research on: 1) Scalable microarchitecture of manycore processor for high throughput computing with huge applications, 2) high energy efficiency on-chip resource management and control, and 3) high throughput manycore processor chip design, test and verification with nanometer technology.
Key Words:Proposal;High-throughput;Mircorarchitecture;973