刘骥平 王斌 李若 王何宇
摘 要:“气候系统模式的高性能算法与应用”重点研究气候环境与稀薄大气中复杂流动问题的高性能算法与应用,完成千亿自由度的气候模拟。课题主要任务是发展高性能和高分辨率海冰/海洋模式和气候系统模式,使模式能处理近1亿网格、1 000亿自由度、在1 000~10 000个计算核上运行利用模式开展短期和长期气候预测研究,参加国际模式比较计划;利用模式重点开展东亚气候(特别是极端天气、气候事件)和海冰变化及预测的研究基于R13方程组所采用的修正方法,对任意高阶正则化矩方程组给出数值模拟方案,在该方案的基础上研究自适应方法,开展大气高层流体力学模拟。
关键词:海冰模式 海洋模式 气候系统模式 高性能计算 东亚气候 正则化矩方程
Abstract:As the 4th sub-project of the 973 project “New paradigms for petascale scientific computing”, the research focus of the project “Climate system model high-performance computing and applications” includes high-performance computing and applications for complex fluids in climate and rarefied atmosphere, and climate modeling with 100 billion degrees of freedom. The main tasks are to develop high-performance and resolution sea ice-ocean model and climate system model, handling 100 million grids, 100 billion degrees of freedom, and running on 1000-10000 computing coresconduct short and long-term climate prediction using improved models, participate in the international climate model intercomparison project, investigate variability and prediction of east Asian climate and sea ice, provide numerical simulation strategies for higher-order regularized moment equations based on modified R13 equations and carry out high-level atmospheric fluid dynamics simulation. This is the annual report of the project for the year 2011.
Key Words:Sea ice-ocean model;Climate system model;High-performance computing;East Asian climate;Regularized moment equation