苏森 陈俊亮 程渤 乔秀全
摘 要:物联网软件除了要完成用户需求域和信息空间域间的协同,还需解决它们与物理空间域的协同,以及三者的无缝连接,对其操作环境和运行环境动态性的适应是物联网服务提供面临的重要挑战。该研究的总体目标是在物联网软件建模理论、服务自适应提供机理和实现方法方面取得进展,探索动态系统环境下智慧型物联网服务的内在机理,并提出相应的服务提供新方法和新技术。该研究旨在形成物联网软件建模理论、服务自适应提供机理和实现方法,在应用问题的建模和分析,动态环境下的应用模型自适应调整,面向解空间的软件体系结构设计,物联网软件编程架构,面向动态问题域的多维需求获取和演化方法,问题驱动的服务动态发现、聚合和协同技术,基于环境感知的动态服务质量保障机制等方面取得突破,为实现智慧服务提供基础理论和支撑技术。
关键词:物联网 服务提供 动态适配
Abstract:This project aims to form IOT software modeling theory、services adaptive provide mechanism and implement methods. It provides elementary theory and support techniques to achieve intelligence service. This project make some significant breakthrough in many attractive fields including application problem modeling and analyze、application model adaptive adjust in dynamic environment、solution space oriented software architecture design、IOT software programing architecture、dynamic problem field-oriented acquire multi-dimension require and calculus method、issue-driven services discover mechanism、aggregation and collaboration techniques and context-aware based dynamic QOS(Quality Of Services)safeguard mechanism. The expected goal of the project:(1)Publish an array of high-quality paper in IEEE Trans etc. international authority academic journal and IEEE INFOCOM/GLOBECOM/ICC/ICWS etc.important academic conference among more than 10 paper SCI retrieved,more than 2 paper IEEE/ACM retrieved;(2)Apply/Authorize more than 5 domestic/foreign patent for invention;(3)Cultivate more than 7 PhD;(4)Organize a international academic conference;(5)Development an IOT sub-system platform to verify services provided.
Key Words:Internet of things;Service delivery;Adaption