这就是英国70后导演安德鲁·海格(Andrew Haigh)执导、汤姆·考特奈(Tom Courtenay)和夏洛特·兰普林(Charlotte Rampling)主演的电影《45周年》(45 Years)的故事情节。该片2015年在欧美上映后,因其涉及老年人婚姻生活的主题以及两位英国演员自然细腻的出色表演而引起广泛关注和正面评论。兰普林和考特奈因此分别获得柏林电影节最佳女主角和最佳男主角银熊奖;兰普林获得第88届奥斯卡奖最佳女主角奖提名。现年42岁的海格曾为HBO执导电视连续剧《寻》(Looking)以及独立电影《周末》(Weekend, 2011),讲述一对男同性恋在一个周末的萍水相逢以及这对情侣对其心路历程的审视与思考。
《45周年》上映后获得了广泛好评。基于155篇网上评论,烂番茄网站给予该片10分制8.7分的好成绩以及97%好评率, 对影片的思想性和两位演员的表演总体评价很高:“45 Years offers richly thought-provoking(引人深思) rewards for fans of adult cinema—and a mesmerizing(令人着迷的)acting showcase(展示)for leads Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay.”另一家重要影评网站Metacritic基于36篇评论给予该片百分制94分的超高评价。
美联社影评人杰克·考尔勒(Jake Coyle)认为《45周年》是部精彩的电影,开头几分钟就抓住了观众的注意力和好奇心:膝下无子女、结婚近45年的一对相濡以沫的老夫妻凯特与杰夫多年来和谐平静的婚姻生活被一封国外来信所搅乱。[In minutes, we can already feel jealousy welling in us from snapshots(生活小照)of their peaceful, harmonious lives in rural England: dog walks, drinking tea and taking leisurely trips into town.] 这正是该片暗示的颠覆性主题之一,即生活中类似平静的老年生活的表象之下是过去与现在激情澎湃的暗潮涌动和复杂的情感关系。(That such appearances of elderly tranquility are not what they seem is one of the notions upended by 45 Years.)随后影片一步步揭开了杰夫年轻时“生死”恋情的秘密,以及凯特在逐渐了解真相后不同阶段的情感变化与反应。对导演海格来说,恋情关系是刹那间铸就和升华的;人老了,但其情感仍然基于其年轻时的难忘经历。(For Haigh, relationships are forged in a moment, crystalized in the circumstances of their beginnings. Kate and Geoff may be in their 70s, but their marriage is still built upon—and haunted by—whatever brought them together in their 20s. Old age has done far less to change them than most would think.)
考尔勒除了高度评价影片的主题与叙事,还对饰演杰夫和凯特的英国老演员考特奈和兰普林赞扬有加,认为两人细腻而有区别的精彩表演成就了这部电影:But its Haighs tremendous(极好的)lead actors that make the movie. Theyre a convincing couple: Courtenay is absent-minded and untidy; Rampling is cool and controlled. As Kate sees a new rival to her husband rise from the dead, the anxieties and confusions flicker(闪现,掠过)across Ramplings face. Turmoil(混乱)stirs beneath her chilly(冷淡的)stillness. 考尔勒在谈到《45周年》可能会对观众产生的负面影响(即怀疑另一半隐藏的秘密)时,建议慎重选择一起去看该片的伴侣:If going to see 45 Years (and you should), choose your date wisely. After the films haunting final shot, youre likely to be exiting the theater wondering just how well you really know the companion next to you.
澳大利亚《悉尼先驱报》影评人桑德拉·霍尔(Sandra Hall)从老年人的情感、隐私、怀旧等角度分析了《45周年》。杰夫婚前恋情的细节从未向妻子凯特坦露过,像任何一对新婚夫妇一样,对方婚前的私情不宜追究,重要的是结束过去,面向未来。然而,国外的来信以及杰夫忐忑不安的变化使得凯特不得不细究杰夫婚前的这段情史。但了解这段隐情的细节对凯特来说不啻于遭受情感上的巨大打击(原来丈夫日思夜想的人是早已死去的婚前恋人,而不是40多年来相濡以沫的自己)。杰夫用来隐藏婚前恋人所有照片和日记资料的阁楼也有了“家丑不可外扬”(skeleton in the cupboard)的象征意义。For Kate, who knew nothing of the affair, its akin to(类似于)the discovery of a secret room in a house where youve lived for most of your life. Indeed, the Mercers attic(阁楼)becomes that room. Its here that she finds diaries and photos which reveal exactly what her husband has neglected to tell her. 对杰夫来说,这封国外来信使他再度沉溺于早已逝去的青春年华和浪漫恋情,与重复而单调的婚姻生活形成了强烈的对比:The camera catches all the intimacies of a long-distance marriage which has reached the stage when sexual desire and physical performance dont match up any more and passion has been transformed into a fond and shared self-deprecation(自嘲). In mourning her(杰夫的婚前恋人), hes not only toying with(玩味)tantalising(诱人的)possibilities forever unrealized, hes grieving for his youth.
霍尔还认为,尽管人老了理应变得睿智而平和,接受老去的事实并不再渴望失去的东西或者妒忌一个早已死去的情敌,但是作为具有七情六欲的人,我们很难超越并迈过这道坎:We hope that age puts us beyond desire for the things we can no longer have—that we can grow to accept the evidence of the mirror, difficult as it is. This story, which grows richer the more you think about it, is a rueful(可悲的)acknowledgment of the fact that few of us can. For Kate, its even worse. You cant fight a ghost, so theres no one to blame for the irrational fits(阵阵发作) of jealousy undermining(暗中破坏)the state of wisdom she thought she had achieved. As well as frustrated, she feels diminished(无助的,无力的).
《奥兰多周报》(Orlando Weekly)影评人丹·胡达克(Dan Hudak)则对主演与导演的功力称赞不已,认为这部慢节奏平铺直叙的小众影片之所以能吸引观众,全仗着两位主演自然而细腻的演绎,尤其是兰普林的表演,几乎全靠自己的表情说话:The narrative plays out in plain, pensive(忧郁的)ways, and because the performances are so good, the movie is superb(极好的,杰出的). Rampling deserved her Oscar nomination(提名)for Best Actress. She emotes(表现情感)with her body and face, not just her words. Every time Kate asks questions she doesnt really want the answer to, and then receives the answer she didnt want to hear, you can see the hurt in her eyes. Her performance as a woman who learns that shes not the love of her husbands life is heartbreaking. Courtenay plays Geoff as relatively oblivious(不注意的)to the impact his actions have on his wife, which makes the viewers heart ache even more for her.
胡达克高度评价导演海格采用的自然白描手法(几近观察式记录电影手法),令观众通过客观的镜头观察这对老夫妻情感的细微变化,就像墙上不被人注意的苍蝇一样偷窥真实的生活:Haigh provides a naturalistic feel thats echoed by the quiet serenity(宁静,风和日丽)of the English countryside where Geoff and Kate live. His camera is observational, not intrusive(介入的); most of the time Geoff and Kate are framed together on screen, or one is just off-screen(在镜头画面之外)and talking to the other. By allowing the viewer to be a voyeur(偷窥者)as the relationship dissipates(瓦解)and not using excessive close-ups(特写镜头)or other visual tricks to accentuate(突出)the hardship, Haigh deeply immerses(使沉湎于)us in the story. It feels like the audience is a fly on the wall watching it all happen. Its the right approach to take.
新西兰Flicks.co.nz网站影评人麦特·格拉斯比(Matt Glasby)则对此类情感隐私的处理提出了自己的建议,请观众参照英国著名导演大卫·里恩(David Lean)1945年经典影片《相见恨晚》(Noel Cowards Brief Encounter)的故事结尾处理。影片主人公劳拉在车站邂逅了一位善解人意的医生后发生了婚外情,但她最终选择了结束这种关系,并对其不知情的丈夫自言自语道:“Even if I waited until we were old, old people and told you then, youd be bound to look back over the years and be hurt. And my dear, I dont want you to be hurt.”
The film takes place across six days, marked by intertitles(插卡字幕).
Five years after retirees Kate and Geoff Mercer had to cancel their 40th wedding anniversary because of his heart bypass surgery(心脏搭桥手术), the comfortably-off(生活富裕的), childless, Norfolk(诺福克,英国地区名)couple are now planning to celebrate their 45th anniversary with dozens of friends at the Assembly House in Norwich(诺里奇,英国东部城市).
A week before the party, Geoff receives a letter from Switzerland telling him that the body of Katya, his lover in the early 1960s, has become visible in a melting glacier(冰川)where she fell into a crevasse(裂缝)on their hike with a guide over five decades ago. Memories rush back to him and he realizes he has forgotten much of what little German he used to know and that he would need a dictionary to fully understand all that the letter says.
Kate has known about Katya since the time Geoff and Kate met later in the 1960s and is initially unconcerned by Geoffs controlled disquiet(不安). “I can hardly be cross(生气)about something that happened before we even existed...” she says, but after a pause adds “Still...”
The next day Kate helps Geoff find his old German-English dictionary. Soon, Geoffs conduct begins to show that there is more on his mind than he says. Among other things, he tries to keep from Kate that he is beginning to take steps to fly to Switzerland without her to see Katyas body, which he imagines preserved in the now-transparent ice, still looking youthful.
Prodded(督促)by Kate, Geoff talks about his relationship with Katya and thoughts evoked(诱发)by the discovery of her body. He tells Kate that he and Katya had pretended to be married in order to be able to share a room in the more puritanical(清教徒的,保守的)early 1960s. Because of this, the Swiss authorities consider him to be Katyas next of kin(亲属). Kate is troubled by the revelation.
As the days pass and preparations for the party continue, Geoff continues to be moody(喜怒无常的,郁郁寡欢的)and takes up smoking, which both had given up in the past. One night, Geoff climbs into the attic to look at his memorabilia(纪念物,收藏品)of Katya and only reluctantly shows Kate a picture of Katya when she insists. Kate starts to ponder(琢磨)all of her life with Geoff, even begins “to smell Katyas perfume” in every room.
While Geoff is attending a reunion luncheon(午宴)at the plant from which he retired, Kate, neglecting their dogs jittery(神经过敏的)barking at the ladder, climbs up into the attic to see what things her husband may be keeping there. She finds Geoffs scrapbook(剪贴簿)filled with memorabilia from his life with Katya, including pressed flowers from their last hike. And then she finds a carousel slide projector(轮播式幻灯放映机), loaded with images of Switzerland and Katya, next to a makeshift(临时的)screen to view them. One slide shows Katya with her hand on top of her protruding abdomen(隆起的腹部), indicating Katya was pregnant at the time of her death.
Kate takes up smoking again, too, and confronts Geoff about his feelings for Katya without revealing what she saw in the attic. Geoff promises that their marriage will “start again,” which he begins by bringing her tea to bed and making breakfast for her the next morning.
Then, they attend their anniversary party in the historical Grand Hall. Kate is constrained, distracted, and remains impassive(冷漠的)during Geoffs speech in which he professes(公开表达)his love for Kate, while saying “the choices we make in our youth are most important” and bringing himself to tears, just as Kates friend Lena has predicted men always do at weddings and anniversaries. Geoff and Kate dance, but she moves rigidly in his embrace. As the dance ends, Geoff raises their hands together in the air. Kate yanks(猛拉)her arm down after a few seconds, and the final close-up isolates her amid the crush(拥挤的人群)of people on the dance floor and a multitude of emotions play across her face.LL