

风景园林 2016年12期













In Landscape Architecture magazine published in 2016, themes of three issues are related to the city, namely “Resilient City and Landscape”, “Sponge City” and “Ecological Garden City”. There are also several issues involving more or less the theme of landscape and city. The reason why Landscape Architecture magazine is so concerned about cities lies in that with the world has entered “the era of cities” half of the population living in urban areas, and the percentage of urbanization has gone over 56% in China. During the rapid expansion of cities, however, the environment issues and the cultural conflicts are also becoming increasingly prominent. As researchers, practitioners and managers of landscape architecture, we must reflect on the issue of urban development in the rapid urbanization process, contemplate the future of city and the environmental and cultural sustainability from the perspective of landscape architecture and the relationship between man and nature.

There is a unique harmonious relationship between Chinese city construction and natural environment through the history. China, vast in territory, also has an ancient civilization with a long history. For thousands of years, this land has raised the world's largest population. Whereas, not all the natural conditions of China are quite favorable.

For example, the Taihu Lake basin and Ningshao Plain in lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Qiantang River have long been one of the most wealthy places in China, yet these places were once located in the area of lakes, which is neither suitable for agricultural production nor human habitation. For centuries, people developed agriculture by rearranging lakes, fending against the tide and built polders, and further constructed villages and cities. The canals, lakes, ponds, polders as well as villages and cities in the region were integrated as a whole, balancing and coordinating artificial and natural work, connecting the natural environment both inside and outside the city. With people's unremitting efforts, this region has turned into the granary of China and a splendid place gathering talents and outstanding people.

Suzhou is one of the most prosperous cities in this area, a city of paradise in the Chinese perspective. Its construction generally reflects how in history people have achieved to reorganize water systems and city structures. The city of Suzhou sits among mountains and lakes, nestles between water network and polders. The structure of double chessboards composed of roads and canals inside the city is logically consistent with the polder system outside the city. Thus the natural resources inside and outside the city are connected into a network, forming a complete system.

Likewise, Hangzhou is also an important city in the region, and another heaven on earth to the Chinese people. In the course of historical development, regardless of how the city changes, the integrity of its natural systems has not transformed. It was because of the West Lake provides the connection between city and the nature. Rain and spring water flows into West Lake from mountains and runs into the city through rivers and streams, then merges into the canals after running across the city, and finally flows into Qiantang River. West Lake provides drinking water for Hangzhou, stores up the flood and adjust flooding peak during rainy season and irrigates farmland in dry season. In Hangzhou, the West Lake, rivers, canals, forests, the Qiantang River, its agriculture system along with the city constitute a whole.

Almost all of the cities in Taihu Lake Basin and Ningshao Plain owns the integrated inside-outside natural systems, through which cities and natural landscape are closely concordance into a harmonious whole, a generalized landscape. These cities are blended with nature, being filled with poetic images and carrying diverse cultures. From the perspectives of landscape architecture today, these cities are the “resilient cities”, “sponge cities” and “ecological garden cities”.

However, with the rapid development of modernization and urbanization, the landscape system that integrated folders, canals, lakes, ponds, villages and cities is rapidly changing. Some inherently interpenetrated and integrated networks in the natural environment are being broken by a variety of artificial constructions, bringing about natural fragmentation, separation of natural systems inside and outside cities and the decrease in both landscape diversity and biodiversity, as well as a decline in ecological function of green spaces. In many areas, the balance between natural systems and the artificial systems has been lost. The main reason was that the gluttonous cities are encroaching on their surrounding natural environments fiercely. Unlike ancient cities, modern urbanization does not associate with the natural and agricultural resources or the underlying water systems. The focus of the utilization of land has shifted from working with the nature to working on the nature. Today, more and more artificial systems manipulated by men has replaced the ancient systems that was mostly driven by the nature.

Under the background of the rapid urbanization, how to secure the ecological safety, how to maintain the completeness of the natural systems inside and outside the cities, and how to build a balanced relationship between the artificial and the natural systems will still be the focus of the Landscape Architecture in the next coming year.

Dec. 18th, 2016 WANG Xiang-rong


시후 ( 西湖), 야간 개장 재개