【Abstract】In this section, Our intention is to give a generalization of an extension of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem in the case of two n×n matrices in the formal matrix ring Mn(R; s).
【Key words】formal matrix ring; the Cayley-Hamilton theorem; extension; integral domain.
1. Introduction
The Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its extensions have many applications in con-trol systems, electric circuit and many other areas (see [3, 6]). The Cayley-Hamilton theorem has been extended to rectangular matrices, block matrices and to pairs of commuting matrices (see [1, 3, 2]).
The classical Cayley-Hamilton theorem states that every square matrix over a com-mutative ring satis?es its own characteristic equation. Precisely, if A is an n×n matrix over a commutative ring, then P(A)=0 where P (λ)= det(λIn-A) is the character-istic polynomial of A. The Cayley-Hamilton theorem has been extended to matrices over the formal matrix ring Mn(R; s) in [5].
The Jacobson radical, the center, the set of zero-divisors and the group of units of a ring R are denoted by J(R), C(R), Z(R),and U(R) respectively.
2. Extension of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem
First, we begin with some auxiliary de?nitions and lemmas.
De?ne δijk=1+δik-δij-δjk where δik,δij,δjk are the Kronecker delta symbols. For s ∈ C(R), de?ne sijk=sδijk for all 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n. Note that
De?nition 2.1. ([5], Def.2) Let R be a ring with s∈C(R) and let n ≥ 2. The set of all n×n matrices over R will be denoted by Mn(R; s), with usual addition of matrices and with multiplication de?ne below, for any A =(aij), B =(bij) ∈ Mn(R; s),
We could prove that Mn(R; s) forms a ring, and Mn(R; s) is called a formal matrix ring over R de?ned by s. For instances,
in M2(R; s), and
in M3(R; s).
De?nition 2.2. ([5], p.4685) Let x be an indeterminate over R and let R[x] be the poly-nomial ring. Then there exists a ring homomorphism Φx : Mn(R[x]; x)Mn(R[x]) given by (rij(x)) (x1-δij rij(x)).
Given A =(aij) ∈ Mn(R; s), there is a matrix of Mn(R[x]; x), denoted by A,whose (i, j)-entry is aij. Then Φx(A) ∈ Mn(R[x]). Let adj(Φx(A)) be the adjoint matrix of Φx(A) in Mn(R[x]) and write adj(Φx(A)) = (fij(x)) . Since x is a non zero-divisor of R[x], one easily sees that there exists a unique gij(x) ∈ R[x] such that fij(x)= x1-δij gij(x). Denote adjx(A)=(gij(x)) ∈ Mn(R[x]; x) and call it the x-adjoint matrix of A. The matrix adjs(A) := (gij(s)) ∈ Mn(R; s) is called the s-adjoint matrix of A in Mn(R; s).
Lemma 2.3. ([5], Prop.32) Let A, B ∈ Mn(R; s).Then:
(1)dets(A · B)= dets(A)dets(B).
(2)A · adjs(A)= adjs(A) · A = dets(A) · In = dets(A)In.
(3)A is invertible if and only if dets(A) ∈ U(R).
De?nition 2.4. ([5], Def.33) We de?ne the s-characteristic polynomial of A ∈ Mn(R; s) to be the characteristic polynomial of Φs(A) in Mn(R).
Lemma 2.5. ([5], Th.34) (Cayley-Hamilton theorem) Let A ∈ Mn(R; s). If f(λ) ∈ R[λ] is the s-characteristic polynomial of A, then f(A)=0 in Mn(R; s).
Theorem 2.6. Let A, B ∈ Mn(R; s) and let PA,B(x, y)= dets(xA - yB). If A · B = B · A, then PA,B(B, A)=0.
Proof: Note that PA,B(x, y) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree n in the two variables x and y. So we can assume that
PA,B(x, y)= anxn+ an-1xyn-1 + ··· + a1xyn-1+ a0yn.
Let N be the s-adjoint matrix of the matrix xA - yB, that is N = adjs(xA - yB). Clearly, N can be written in the form
N= Nn-1xn-1+ Nn-2xn-2y + ··· + N1xyn-2+N0yn-1,
where Nn-1,Nn-2 ··· ,N1,N0 ∈ Mn(R; s).
Now, for any A ∈ Mn(R; s), we have A · adjs(A)= dets(A)In from lemma 2.3 (2). Thus
(xA - yB) · N = PA,B(x, y)In.
Expanding the left-hand side and comparing the coe?cients of xiyj in both sides, we obtain the following n + 1 equations:
Multiplying these equations to the left by Bn , Bn-1 · A, Bn-2 · A2 , ··· , An respec-tively, and using the fact that A and B commute, we obtain the following equations:
Hence, the terms on the left-hand side will cancel out leaving the zero matrix. The terms on the right-hand side add up to
anBn + an-1Bn-1 · A + an-2Bn-2 · A2 + ··· + a1B · An-1 + a0An = PA,B(B, A)=0
The theorem is established.
Remark 2.7. In the above theorem, if y =1 and A = In, then we obtain the classical Cayley-Hamilton theorem over formal matrix ring Mn(R; s).
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