

空中之家 2016年6期



Citizens visit one of the largest hangars in Asia.市民走进亚洲最大的飞机维修机库之一。

China Southern Airlines’ first open day was held on May 10th in 16 cities throughout China. The event was attended by numerous citizens and media reporters who visited core departments, aircraft maintenance and repair hangars, operations management, and simulation cabins of the company. Curious members of the public had plenty of questions to ask.

5 月 16 日,南航首度公众开放日在全国 16 个城市同时举办。上千名市民与媒体代表走进南航核心部门,参观运行指挥、模拟客舱、维修机库等。好奇的市民提出了各式各样的问题。

Text by Yang Zhen Photos by Liu Yi

Kids exploring the cockpit of a Boeing 787.小朋友参观南航波音 787梦想飞机的驾驶舱。

Q1How do you remotely examine the aircraft?


Many members of the public visited China Southern Airlines' Aircraft Maintenance Control Centre (MCC) to gain an understanding of our independently developed remote diagnostics and real-time tracking system.

The MCC is furnished with a large panoramic display screen which shows a map with different dots scattered all over it. Each dot represents one of the several hundred aircraft of China Southern Airlines flying around the world.

Engineers used lively and engaging animated clips to introduce the remote diagnostics system. The remote diagnostics system was a revolutionary advancement. Conventionally, aircraft can only be inspected after landing at an airport. The remote system constantly and automatically relays realtime flying status and failure information to the MCC on the ground. Engineers can easily diagnose the aircraft before it lands on the ground and quickly resolve any problem that the aircraft may encounter during the flight.

Q2How do you replace aircraft tyres?

如何为飞机更换轮胎?Aircraft maintenance engineers at Guangzhou Aircraft Maintenance & Engineering Co Ltd (GAMECO) invited public visitors to personally experience the most routine operations of aircraft repair - tyre replacement.

Li Hui, an engineer of the airline company, described aircraft tyres as integral components for aircraft safety and reliability as well as the stringent requirements demanded of them. A Boeing 787 has 10 landing tyres which must bear a total load of 200 tons. This means that each tyre has to withstand a force of 10 tons. During takeoff and landing, the tyres are subject to extremely powerful forces of impact and friction on both the vertical and horizontal directions as well as rapid changes in temperature. Civilian aircraft typically have a takeoff speed of about 250-300 kilometres per hour and a landing speed of about 200 kilometres per hour. After touchdown, deceleration and braking will cause tire temperatures to reach 400 to 500 degrees Centigrade.

Q3How do we register for the next open day?


Nearly 1,000 individuals from 300 families and 200 media companies attended this open day event throughout the entire country. China Southern hopes that the next event will become a routine channel for public exchange and communication, and will be regularly organising open days in every season. Public visitors are more than welcome to attend and gain an in-depth review of the company. China Southern will also continue to openly recruit open day participants on its official WeChat accounts. Members of the public who are interested in participating can sign up to the following WeChat accounts∶ CS95539 and csairnews.


悦于形 匠于心——百超天津工厂开放日顺利举办