

时代英语·初中 2016年2期

Angelababy started her career at age 14 as a model before going on to star in about 20 movies. For a while, all the public knew about the star was that she was beautiful and was dating Huang Xiaoming. However, the 25?鄄year?鄄old has surprised audiences with her “anti?鄄baby” toughness in popular TV reality show Running Man.

Angelababy 14岁就开始了模特生涯,随后,她又出演了约20部电影。公众们对她的认识一度仅限于她的美貌以及她是黄晓明的女友。而这个25岁的姑娘在人气爆棚的电视真人秀节目《奔跑吧兄弟》中表现出来的“女汉子”形象着实让观众吃了一惊。

As the only regular female on the show, the nymph?鄄like Angelababy competes in difficult tasks against male competitors. In one game she?謘s required to wrestle with men, and in another she must crawl through a pit of mud. She goes all out to complete the missions and score a win, paying little attention to how she appears on the screen. She appears in the show without any makeup on several occasions. Her exaggerated facial expressions and gestures, despite not being becoming of a goddess, endear audiences.

作为节目中唯一的常驻女嘉宾, “女神”Angelababy和男嘉宾们一起挑战各种艰难的任务。节目中,她曾与男嘉宾角力,也曾在泥坑中匍匐。为了完成任务和赢得比赛,她拼尽全力,毫不顾忌自己在荧幕上的形象,甚至好几次,她都素颜出镜。不做“女神”的她,面部表情夸张、肢体语言丰富,却赢得了观众的喜爱。

“Angelababy was a surprise choice for our cast. She may have been a sweet cover girl and sexy heroine before, but now she is a superwoman with guts and responsibility,” Running Man?謘s chief producer Yu Hangying said.


In an interview, the actress revealed she?謘s actually a tomboy, just as we see on Running Man. Her favorite thing to do outside of work is to stay home and play games like League of Legends.


As reality shows have been popular in China now for a decade, perhaps audiences are more willing to warm up to stars that aren?謘t otherworldly but instead exhibit genuine character and a down?鄄to?鄄earth personality. Whether she?謘s simply catering to her audience or being true to herself, one thing is for sure—Angelababy?謘s tough?鄄girl schtick is being well?鄄received by fans.



career n. 职业生涯

toughness n. 坚强

wrestle v. 摔跤

occasion n. 场合

responsibility n. 责任感

reveal v. 透露

decade n. 十年

genuine adj. 真正的;真诚的