王绪云,席少枝,刘 佳,荆 晶,陈韵岱,尹 彤
王绪云,席少枝,刘 佳,荆 晶,陈韵岱,尹 彤*
(解放军总医院心内科,北京 100853)
分析冠心病患者替格瑞洛停药原因及停药对临床转归的影响。连续募集2014年1月至2015年7月在解放军总医院心内科住院并接受替格瑞洛抗血小板治疗的冠心病患者642例,分析患者3个月内替格瑞洛停用的发生情况及停药原因。对入选患者经皮冠状动脉介入术(PCI)后随访6个月,比较患者3个月内停用替格瑞洛与持续服用该药发生缺血事件[包括主要缺血事件(心源性死亡、非致死性心肌梗死、缺血性脑卒中、明确或可能的支架内血栓、冠状动脉血管重建)和次要缺血事件(因不稳定型心绞痛再入院)]及出血终点事件[包括心肌梗死溶栓治疗试验(TIMI)主要和次要出血]的差异。本研究中164例(25.55%)患者分别在住院期间(42例,25.61%)、出院当天(7例,4.27%)和出院至随访3个月时(115例,70.12%)停用替格瑞洛。停药患者在不同冠心病诊断中的分布为不稳定型心绞痛占78.05%、ST段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)占13.41%、非ST段抬高型心肌梗死(non-STEMI)占4.27%和稳定型冠心病占4.27%。院内或出院时替格瑞洛停用的原因主要为替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难(32.65%)、出血(22.45%)和非复杂病变的PCI术(18.37%);院外停用替格瑞洛的原因主要为当地无法购买替格瑞洛(68.70%)和经济原因(16.52%)。停药后,除10例死亡患者,其余患者均在医师指导下更改抗栓治疗方案,其中153例转为氯吡格雷联合阿司匹林抗血小板治疗,1例单独阿司匹林治疗。对完成6个月随访的PCI术后冠心病患者(=499)分析发现,3个月内停用替格瑞洛患者发生主要缺血终点事件(4.58%0.82%,HR 6.62,95%CI 1.17~37.36,=0.032)及联合缺血事件(11.45%4.89%,HR 2.46,95%CI 1.03~5.89,=0.043)的风险均显著高于持续该药治疗的患者。两组患者联合出血终点事件的发生率差异无统计学意义(16.03%17.12%,HR 0.92,95%CI 0.49~1.73,=0.795)。替格瑞洛停药在冠心病患者中多见,院内及出院当天停药主要由于替格瑞洛相关呼吸困难、出血副作用及非复杂冠状动脉病变的PCI术,院外停药主要是无法获取药物和经济原因。与未停药患者相比,冠心病患者PCI术后3个月内停用该药可能增加主要缺血事件和联合缺血事件的发生风险。
P2Y12受体拮抗剂联合阿司匹林的双联抗血小板治疗是急性冠状动脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)或经皮冠状动脉介入(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)患者术后预防血栓事件发生的基石[1,2]。作为一种新型的P2Y12受体拮抗剂,替格瑞洛(ticagrelor)较氯吡格雷(clopidogrel)能发挥更加迅速、强效、持久的血小板抑制作用,进一步改善ACS患者的预后[3]。据此,在最新国内抗血小板治疗中国专家共识及国外的美国心脏病学会(American College of Cardiology,ACC)/欧洲心脏病协会(European Society of Cardiology,ESC)治疗指南中,替格瑞洛均被作为高级别推荐用于冠心病患者抗血小板治疗[1,2,4]。
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
连续募集2014年1月至2015年7月在解放军总医院心内科住院并接受替格瑞洛抗血小板治疗的冠心病患者。本研究共募集663例服用替格瑞洛的冠心病患者,其中21例患者(3.17%)在前3个月的随访期内失访,最终共入选642例患者(96.83%)用于替格瑞洛停用原因分析。入选患者包括男性463例(72.12%),平均年龄(67.09±10.29)岁,其中稳定型冠心病50例(7.79%),不稳定型心绞痛453例(70.56%),ST段抬高心肌梗死(ST segment elevated myocardial infarction,STEMI)97例(15.11%),非ST段抬高心肌梗死(non-STEMI)42例(6.54%)。接受PCI支架植入者552例(85.98%),其中53例(9.60%)患者在后续3个月随访中被排除(包括45例随访期内转为氯吡格雷抗栓治疗患者,8例失访患者),最终共计499例(90.40%)患者纳入到缺血和出血终点事件分析中。
依据目前国内外针对冠心病患者应用替格瑞洛抗栓治疗指南,主要根据以下标准纳入服用替格瑞洛抗栓治疗的冠心病患者[1,2,4]:冠状动脉造影结果提示复杂冠状动脉病变[包括弥漫性(长度>20mm)病变、近端节段极度弯曲或极度成角(>90º)病变、慢性完全闭塞性病变、无保护左主干病变、静脉桥血管病变、开口部病变、血栓性病变以及严重钙化病变]的冠心病患者;急性心肌梗死患者(STEMI和non-STEMI患者);合并糖尿病或肾功能不全的ACS患者;存在氯吡格雷治疗期间高血小板反应性或携带CYP2C19功能缺失性(loss of function,LOF)基因的ACS患者[5,6]。依据最新ACC/ESC抗栓治疗指南[1,2],并经介入医师判定对拟行冠状动脉药物涂层支架植入的患者术前给予180mg替格瑞洛和300mg阿司匹林的负荷剂量,对于非PCI患者给予替格瑞洛90mg、2次/d和阿司匹林100mg、1次/d双联抗血小板治疗。排除年龄<18岁、存在替格瑞洛治疗禁忌证、有心脏停搏病史、有严重呼吸困难病史、血小板计数<100×109/L、存在严重肝肾功能不全患者。本研究符合赫尔辛基宣言,并通过了解放军总医院伦理委员会的论证和批准,所有入选患者均签署知情同意书。
1.2 研究方法
收集入选患者的临床基线资料,包括人口统计学、心血管危险因素、冠心病相关疾病史、冠心病诊断分类、冠状动脉病变解剖特点、冠状动脉病变分型[依据美国心脏联合会(American Heart Association,AHA)/ACC冠状动脉病变分型][1]、实验室检查、合并用药等资料。
对所有入选患者自服用替格瑞洛起进行为期3个月的随访,记录3个月内患者停用替格瑞洛的时间、原因以及停用替格瑞洛后的换药情况,对所有入选患者中的PCI术后患者进行继续随访3个月,观察3个月内停用替格瑞洛和未停药患者心血管缺血和出血终点事件发生的差异。主要缺血终点事件包括:心源性死亡、非致死性心肌梗死、缺血性脑卒中、明确或可能的支架内血栓、冠状动脉血管重建;次要缺血终点事件包括因不稳定型心绞痛再入院;联合心血管缺血终点事件包括上述主要和次要缺血终点事件。联合出血终点事件的判断标准根据新定义的心肌梗死溶栓治疗试验(Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction,TIMI)主要和次要出血事件的总和,其中主要出血事件包括:颅内出血、血红蛋白下降≥50g/L的临床显著性出血,7d内死亡的致死性出血;次要出血事件包括:临床显著性出血(具有影像学表现)、血红蛋白下降30~50g/L、需要就医以及未满足上述条件的显著性出血。出血终点事件中不包括冠状动脉搭桥或外科手术引起的出血[7,8]。上述随访由专门经过培训的医师在门诊或经电话完成,缺血和出血终点事件的判断由我科临床药物试验中心终点事件评判专家组确定。
1.3 统计学处理
2 结 果
2.1 患者的基线资料
2.2 住院期间和出院3个月内替格瑞洛停药发生情况
2.3 替格瑞洛停药在不同冠心病类型中的分布
2.4 冠心病患者停用替格瑞洛原因分析
2.5 冠心病患者停用替格瑞洛后的换药情况
2.6 PCI术后患者6个月随访期内终点事件分析
表1 患者服用替格瑞洛基线信息
MI: myocardiac infarction; CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; CAD: coronary artery disease; SCAD: stable coronary artery disease; STEMI: ST segment elevated myocardial infarction; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; AHA: American Heart Association; ACC: American College of Cardiology; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; HTPR: high on-treatment platelet reactivity; LOF: loss of function
3 讨 论
本研究对PCI术后患者随访6个月发现,3个月内停用替格瑞洛的患者发生主要和联合缺血事件的风险明显高于持续用药的患者。前期研究已证实,过早停用抗栓治疗或抗栓治疗依从性差的ACS患者1年内主要不良心血管事件、心源性死亡、支架内血栓的发生风险明显增加[11,12]。而且,血小板抑制和患者结局试验(Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes,PLATO)还证实,ACS患者服用替格瑞洛的最大获益时间在替格瑞洛抗栓治疗1个月,患者如过早停用替格瑞洛可能影响长期获益[3]。因此,早期停用替格瑞洛抗栓治疗可能增加PCI患者缺血事件发生的风险。另外,国内一项研究发现,经过指导并提升替格瑞洛治疗依从性的患者与未经指导的替格瑞洛治疗依从性差的患者相比,再住院率明显降低[13]。目前替格瑞洛在国内多用于ACS,复杂冠状动脉病变PCI术后,以及存在氯吡格雷低反应性等高血栓风险的患者[5,14],那么,对于此类患者而言,过早停用替格瑞洛抗栓治疗,可能会降低替格瑞洛获益,从而增加患者严重缺血事件的发生风险。由于本研究入选患者来自单中心,且随访时间短,因此,关于替格瑞洛停药原因及临床转归的分析结果还有必要在多中心、大规模的临床研究中进一步证实。
表2 164例冠心病患者3个月内停用替格瑞洛单因素分析
*Other side effects associated with ticagrelor include high serum uric acid level and gastrointestinal intolerance after ticagrelor treatment. CAD: coronary artery disease; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting
表3 6个月随访期间替格瑞洛停药对PCI患者临床终点事件的影响分析
PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; TIMI: Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction trial
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(编辑: 刘子琪)
The reasons and impact of ticagrelor withdrawal in patients with coronary artery disease
WANG Xu-Yun, XI Shao-Zhi, LIU Jia, JING Jing, CHEN Yun-Dai, YIN Tong*
(Department of Cardiology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China)
To analyze the reasons associated with ticagrelor withdrawal and the impact on clinical outcomes in ticagrelor-treated patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).Totally 642 consecutive CAD patients treated by ticagrelor and aspirin in the Department of Cardiology, Chinese PLA General Hospital from January 2014 to July 2015 were recruited. The incidence and the reasons of ticagrelor withdrawal were recorded and analyzed during the hospitalization, at discharge, as well as 3-month after discharge. In the patients treated by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), the occurrence of ischemic events [including major ischemic events (cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, defined or probable stent thrombosis, coronary revascularization) and secondary ischemic events (readmission of unstable angina)] and bleeding events [including Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction trial (TIMI) defined major and minor bleedings] were followed up for 6 months.Ticagrelor withdrawal occurred in 164 patients (25.55%), with 42 patients (25.61%) in-hospital, 7 patients(4.27%) at discharge and 115 patients (70.12%) after discharge, respectively. The distributions of ticagrelor withdrawal were 78.05% in unstable angina, 13.41% in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), 4.27% in non-STEMI, 4.27% in stable CAD, respectively. The reasons for ticagrelor withdrawal in-hospital and at discharge were mainly attributed to ticagrelor-related dyspnea (32.65%), bleeding (22.45%) and PCI for non-complex coronary lesions (18.37%). Drug unavailability (68.70%) and cost consideration (16.52%) were the major reasons for ticagrelor withdrawal after discharge. Besides 10 dead patients, other patients with ticagrelor withdrawal undertook the alteration of the antiplatelet therapy under the guidance of physicians, with 153 switched to clopidogrel on top of aspirin treatment, 1 to aspirin alone. After 6-month follow-up in PCI patients (=499), compared with patients under continuous ticagrelor treatment, patients withdrawing ticagrelor had a higher risk of major ischemic events (4.58%0.82%, HR 6.62, 95%CI 1.17−37.36,=0.032) and composited ischemic events (11.45%4.89%, HR 2.46, and 95%CI 1.03−5.89,=0.043). No significant difference was found for the risk of composited bleeding events between these patients (16.03%17.12%, HR 0.92, and 95%CI, 0.49−1.73,=0.795).About one third of ticagrelor treated CAD patients undertake the ticagrelor withdrawal during hospitalization, discharge and within 3 months after hospitalization. Ticagrelor withdrawal in-hospital and at-discharge might be attributed mainly to ticagrelor-related dyspnea, bleeding and non-complex lesions for PCI. Drug unavailability and cost consideration might be the main reasons for out-hospital ticagrelor withdrawal. Ticagrelor withdrawal within 3-months in PCI treated CAD patients might be correlated with increased risk of major and composited ischemic events.
ticagrelor; antiplatelet therapy; drug withdrawal; ischemic events; bleeding events
R541.4; R972.9
尹 彤, E-mail: yintong2000@yahoo.com