

空中之家 2016年2期




Text & photos by Xia Ran Translation by Leo

Flowers are always a theme beloved by designers, royal or whoever.By adding all varieties of flowers to their daily work, they inject a breath of fresh air into an uneventful life.They make us believe that life, indeed, is colourful if we keep our eyes open.

Jeff Nishinaka is a relief paper sculpture artist with over thirty years of experience working with paper.His expertise is to bring a normal piece of paper to life.This multi-dimensional paper sculpture gives a strong sense of depth and can be viewed from different angles without losing any precision and vividness.The flower handcrafted from a piece of white paper is not as colourful, but is as enchanting as a real one, especially when it is put in the spotlight, giving more highlight to the jewellery.

Jeff Nishinaka是有着三十余年专业经验的纸雕艺术大师,赋予平凡纸张以丰富的生命力。立体的纸雕作品不仅充满层次感,而且还精心策划了视觉角度,令人“WOW”!不同于一般花卉的五彩缤纷,仅仅一张白纸就带来不同的创意感受。特别是在光影和灯光的照明下,花朵更呈现出婀娜多姿,最巧妙之处在于其不仅姿态曼妙,更将其上的珠宝与首饰相衬精致。

Every prominent family in history paid their respect to fl owers.The Habsburgs, also spelled as Hapsburgs, were one of the most prominent and widest-ruling royal families that the world has ever seen.It is said that the kings of Habsburg in different states, including Holy Roman Emperors, the dukes of Austria and the monarchs of Spain, all had a special interest in having fl oral patterns in unique designs and styles embedded into their palaces as a symbol of supremacy.

Upon Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding service, Kate held a bouquet of lily-of-the-valley, hyacinth, myrtle and sweet William.It is said that every British royal bridal bouquet must contain sprigs of myrtle taken from a planting that Queen Victoria planted in the Royal Estates.On her wedding day, Kate wore the Cartier "Halo" tiara which was lent to her by Queen Elizabeth.The tiara designed by Cartier was given to Queen Elizabeth by her mother as an 18thbirthday present in 1936.The exquisite headpiece, composed of styled petals and featuring simple lines, fi tted well with Kate's delicate features.


据说,每一位英国王室的新娘花束中必须要含有维多利亚女王种的桃金娘灌木枝,而这都是在王室的花园里栽种的。英国威廉王子与凯特的婚礼上,凯特王妃手捧的花材就是白色铃兰花、风信子以及桃金娘灌木枝等植物。婚礼上,凯特王妃头戴的Cartier halo 冠冕是英国女王伊丽莎白二世借给她的,是1936年伊丽莎白女王18岁的生日礼物,由Cartier设计,精致的珠宝花卉设计简约,花朵莞尔的线条特别适合凯特清秀的容貌。

Lladró is a Spainish brand dedicated to the creation of art porcelain figurines.It was founded in 1953 by three brothers, Juan, José and Vicente Lladró, who started up in a small workshop in Valencia, a town in Spain by the Mediterranean Sea.Now a world-renowned brand, Lladró has successfully made its way into the homes of many aristocrates and celebrities.Lladró porcelain figurines often feature stylised pedals which are always gracefully represented.Each piece of work is inspired by elements of everyday life which are vividly captured by artisans working in a pleasant environment.The Lladró works present a wide variety of themes and concerns, ranging from life values to human emotions, in very fine details.

来自西班牙王室品牌Lladró以瓷偶和花卉见长,柔美的花瓣与娴静的姿态,每一件作品的题材都来源于生活,手工匠人们愉悦地创作,指间眼睑间都传递出关于生命与情感的元素。1953年在地中海的一个小镇Valencia,Lladró三兄弟Juan、José和Vicente 开创了他们的小作坊,转瞬62年过去了,这个享誉全球的陶瓷艺术品牌成为了众多贵族名流的宅邸珍藏。


Italian jewellery master Buccellati's breathtaking gold lace craftsmanship combines floral design expertise with rare gems of the world to create a textured charm.

Get away from bustling cities and drop into a slow-paced island to have a spa.Among breeze and flowers, enjoy a life that has nothing to do with time!


Steinway is a symbol of wealth, taste and social class.It is said that it takes about 8,760 combined man hours to construct one Steinway grand piano and that in no case will the company be pushed to complete the construction in less hours.The inlaid floral design in the case is a secret too.


The Rainbow Spiral Staircase is a masterpiece of Ab Rogers, an English interior designer.This design genius used the most primitive geometric structure and filled the house with colour as it rose upwards.It seems as if a flower bloomed in the middle of the house.

旋转彩梯,来自于英国室内设计师Ab Rogers的杰作,这位设计鬼才用最原始的几何形状攀援直上,借形移情,调和以高饱和度色彩,如花卉一般激情绽放。


心有猛虎 细嗅蔷薇 一场纸雕与染色布花的碰撞试验
艺术家打造的“纸雕鸟 ”惟妙惟肖、栩栩如生