

空中之家 2016年2期




The colour red can be a symbol of love as well as an expression of passion.Yet in the Chinese Lunar New Year when joy and happiness abound, red is an essential element of jubilant celebrations that carries best wishes and foretells of success in the year to come.Though fashion trends change, the colour red remains as classic as ever.Its eternal beauty radiates charm, so hot and assertive.So, what shade of red will you start your new year with?

Text by Fashion Animal Photos by Getty Images & Corbis Translation by Leo


Red remains a classic colour for a reason: it is a trend-setter rather than a trend-follower.Indeed, there are plenty of cases in the fashion industry where red is a signature element of a brand.One of the most famous cases is Christian Louboutin's Red Bottom Shoes much adored by ladies.One day when Christian Louboutin - the brand's creator and a fashion designer - accidentally saw his assistant paint her toes and was amazed by the bold vibrant red colour of the nail polish.Inspired by this, he created the product and made it well-known all over the world.In an interview, Louboutin explained, “Red bottoms are like shoes wearing red lipstick.They entice one to kiss them impulsively.” The captivating gloss of Christian Louboutin shoes has attracted the gaze of celebrities and nobles worldwide.

One cannot speak of lipstick without mentioning the legendary woman Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel.Together with camellia, lozenge and other classic elements, the colour red is always a signature feature of Chanel brand.The vivid blue-red colour, famously known as Le Rouge de Chanel (Chanel Red), is very elegant in a unique Chanel way.Coco Chanel herself once said, “If you are feeling down, then put on some lipstick and take the initiative!” Red is the colour of life and blood at Chanel.

If Le Rouge de Chanel is glamorous in a cold manner , then Valentino Red is hot in its own way.In his retirement speech, Valentino Garavani, the creator of the brand, said of the colour,“Red is a seductive colour, a symbol of passion and love, and the best cure for sadness and depression.It is also the best-selling colour for all I have designed.” Even if the brand has been in decline following his retirement, some of his most enchanting red dress creations are deeply embedded in the hearts and minds of consumers.


红色,既然能以经典存在,当然不是人云亦云。其实,在时装界里不乏以“红色”作为自己标志的品牌。最为人熟悉的,当属让女士趋之若鹜的“红底鞋”——Christian Louboutin。设计师Christian Louboutin在偶然一次看到女助理往脚趾上涂指甲油,那抹张扬的大红刺激了他的灵感,从此“红底鞋”声名大噪。Christian Louboutin曾在访问中解释:“红底鞋就像是给鞋子涂上的红色唇膏,让人不自觉想去亲吻。”那种勾魂夺魄的色泽,让各路大明星,乃至王室贵族都为之倾慕。

而说到唇膏,便不得不提传奇女士Coco Chanel。除了山茶花、菱格纹等经典元素,红色也是品牌Chanel的标志。那带蓝调的大红,展现出Chanel独有的优雅气质,被世人称为Chanel红。Coco Chanel女士曾说:“如果你心情低迷,就多涂些口红,主动出击!”红色之于Chanel是生命的色彩,是鲜血的颜色。

如果说Chanel红是冷艳的,那么Valentino红则是热烈的。品牌创始人Valentino Garavani在荣休之时说:“红,是一种妖媚的色彩,是热情和爱的象征,是哀伤和忧郁的最佳药物,也是我设计的衣服系列中最为畅销的颜色。”即使品牌在老爷子荣休后逐渐衰退,但是那一袭袭妖娆的红裙却如烙印般长留众人的心中。

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge is always the focus of the camera lens on her foreign visits, partly thanks to her good taste in dressing.This simple Catherine Walker dress in vibrant red colour, which Princess Kate was wearing on a visit to a Children's Hospice Appeal Launch Event in Norwich, England, is both eye-catching and modest representing elegant fashion.


A woman with rich experience, Queen Letizia of Spain exudes an air of intellectual beauty in this neat, slim-fit red dress.The dress's V-neck design adds a touch of soft texture and she looks the epitome of a career woman.




Christian Louboutin皮革高跟鞋

Christian Louboutin leather high heels


Lanvin stretch flax blended mini dress

Jimmy Choo手拿包

Jimmy Choo clutch

This burgundy textured silk evening dress looks fluid and elegant, highlighting Crown Princess Mary of Denmark unique touch of gracefulness.The right diamond ornaments simply brighten the overall shape.


Johanna Ortiz荷叶边真丝罗缎礼服

Johanna Ortiz ruffled silk faille gown

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands is a loyal fan of the colour red as she was seen wearing red from head to toe on several occasions, though she did not always present herself in a graceful and sumptuous fashion.For example, she looks refreshed and energetic in the red jumpsuit as shown in the picture.


Roland Mouret弹力绉纱连身裤

Roland Mouret crepe jumpsuit


Hot, seductive and romantic, the colour red never fails to catch the eyes of onlookers.It has the ability to make any woman wearing a red dress the centre of attention.That is why red-coloured attire is so frequently seen on the streets as it is at important international occasions.Even elegant and noble ladies like princesses are fans of the colour red as some of them are seen in red dresses on public occasions and always succeed in bewitching the world.




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