
Special Focus 2016年3期


R ecently,there is a breaking news about a Chinese American girl winning Miss Michigan which attracted huge attention. Many Chinese argue that the 2016 Miss Michigan Arianna Quan won’t be recognized as a beauty if in China.

Presumably,different cultures have different standards in appreciating a beautiful girl.However,what appeals more to me,also probably to the commission,is the girl’s intension to set up a platform for the immigrants in the US.Immigrating from Beijing to the US at an early age,she has always been a minority,always been someone special,an alien.It doesn’t feel so well to be an alien.It is human nature that one wants to fit in,to have friends,and family support.

“I found my tribe”was an exclamation given by one of my coursemates in Portland,US when I was interning at the Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication.I still remember her lively smile and the way she said it.And that is also what we want our readers to say when they read our magazine and join our family.

Special Focusaspires to be more than just a magazine.We want to be an international community that anyone who wishes to learn about China can join,and a platform,like what Miss Michigan is doing,in which the minority group can join and discuss,share and advise.

And we focus on special things,that one may have easily neglected or taken for granted.Like Luc Pauwels’discovery on manhole covers (page 14),we have passed by so many scenes with possible historical traits that we just unconsciously neglected.However,if we look into it,we may find a new perspective,to think and look at our lives.

That’s what we do.Special Focus tends to enrich your life and answer your questions,and show you more perspectives about China. We warmly welcome you,our readers,to join us by sharing your stories and images about China via contributions may also have the power to change somebody’s view/way of life.

Happy reading.

Ning Fang