

意林(绘英语) 2016年8期


The Inspirational Essay 励心小品



⒈We took a lot of photos on the day of graduation.Everyone was smiling. It looked like we would never be apart. Suddenly the first day of high school popped into my mind. The curious and excited faces remained fresh in my memory. Time flies! Many things have been gone and I couldn't remember them except some beautiful fragments①fragment 英 ['fræɡm(ə)nt] 美 ['fræɡmənt] n. 碎片;片断或不完整部分 vt. 使成碎片 vi. 破碎或裂开.

⒉"You just review your books and I will look at you guys."

⒊Everyone was down the night before the NCEE. A bug flew into our classroom and stayed at our clock. Our clock didn't have a cover so we saw that bug struggling on the hand and holding back the clock two minutes late. Nobody said anything. We were all looking at the bug. our head-teacher joked that the bug was stalling②stall 英 [stɔːl] 美 [stɔl] n. 货摊;畜栏;托词 vi. 停止,停转;拖延 vt. 拖延;使停转;使陷于泥中time for us.




⒋After the NCEE, I helped her to move her stuff home that afternoon. We were talking while walking and when we got to her apartment, I said to her downstairs:"Can we stay like this forever?" She said yes.

⒌I thought I would cry my heart out. I thought I would tear up the exam papers crazily and the teachers would say goodbye in a touchy-feely tone... But nothing happened that afternoon. Everyone was quiet. We moved out our books and cleaned our classroom. It was nothing different from the scenes before the monthly exams. Everyone was doing the familiar things,and it seemed we would come back here to listen to our teachers' explanation③explanation 英 [eksplə'neɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,ɛksplə'neʃən] n. 说明,解释;辩解of the questions.

⒍Our head-teacher showed us a video he had made when we didn't notice. We laughed at first, and then we cried.

⒎After the NCEE,we didn't roar, shout or tear up our books. We asked the teachers when they would give us classes to analyze the NCEE papers, and then we cried.

⒏I will never forget what our headteacher said on that day, "After the exam, this class probably will never be united like this again in my life."

⒐When you couldn't find the one you were looking for during the graduation photo shoots, you would realize the best days were over when you looked at the one you liked and found out he was looking at you too... I wish I could take another glance at you...

⒑ After dinner the day before the NCEE, I went for a walk with my dad. When we were walking past the barbeque④barbeque 英 ['bɑːbəkjuː] 美 ['bɑbɪkju] vt. 在烤架上烤 vi. 烤肉(等于barbecue) n. 烤肉野餐;炙烤用的铁架stall. I wanted to have some but dad refused to buy me any. He was worried I might get the runs. At midnight, dad walked into my room to check me. I was not really asleep then and dad stood beside my bed. fanning me for a long time. I think of this scene whenever I close my eyes.













⒒We promised we wouldn't cry, and we would embrace the graduation with smiles on our faces. But girls cried and tears welled up in boys' eyes. Cry as you wish, joke as you want and hug as you expect.

⒓At the graduation ceremony, my best friend said to me:"We can't go to school and go home together anymore." I hadn' t cried for three years but I couldn't fight the tears at that moment.

⒔I could no longer expect to run into that guy while riding to school.

⒕After I walked out of the school with my luggage⑤luggage 英 ['lʌɡɪdʒ] 美 ['lʌɡɪdʒ] n. 行李;皮箱, I just realized that there was still more than 20 yuan in my meal card. After graduation, even the school canteen looked sweet for me.

⒖The graduates were askedto assemble⑥assemble 英 [ə'semb(ə)l] 美 [ə'sɛmbl] vt. 集合,聚集;装配;收集vi. 集合,聚集on the playground on the day of graduation. A boy from the next class walked to the playground while tearing up a pile of books. One after another, everyone else started to throw out their books and it lasted for nearly an hour. There were books everywhere after the big event and it's hard to forget it. Then, we started together on the playground silently. After that, we walked back to our dorms in silence. I gathered my stuff and went to the bus station to take the bus home after I said goodbye to my friends. When I got home, I cried out loudly.






⒗We insited on walking every roommmate to the bus station. We had promised each other that we wouldn't cry, and we joked and laughed all the way. But when We were walkmg past a store, we heard me song.The Station of Departure.We all stopped. We couldn't bear looking at each other and we tried so hard not to cry.

⒘I had thought that I would feel relieved after the NCEE. But when the invigilator⑦invigilator 英 [ɪn'vɪdʒɪleɪtə] 美[ɪn'vɪdʒɪleɪtə] n. 监考人;监视器asked us to stop writing,I felt pretty lost like a boat drifting on the sea without any guidance.

⒙At the graduation ceremony, one of my classmates askea me how I felt. I felt fine and I wasn't reluctant to let it go. When I started packing, I suddenly realized that high school was really over. There would be no nagging⑧nagging 英 ['næɡɪŋ] 美 ['næɡɪŋ]adj. 唠叨的;挑剔的;使人不得安宁的n. 唠叨;挑剔v. 唠叨(nag的ing形式)from any teacher. All of my friends would go for their own future.

⒚After the exam, I walked back to my classroom with my best buddy and saw even the laziest classmate cleaning our classroom. I thought we were going to say goodbye in tears. Instead, we bid farewell with laughter. We worked so hard to clean our classroom and cleaned our three years of youth away too.

⒛I thought I left the hell on my graduation day, but it turned out I left the paradise.

Graduation Season: It's Hard to Say Goodbye


