文Jonathan Guzman 译Fiona Cai 绘 马豆子
Why I Took a Gap Year
文Jonathan Guzman 译Fiona Cai 绘 马豆子
Manila, the city where I grew up. Growing up, I quickly learned that the city's offerings were reserved for those with the means to enjoy them.
So a few years ago, as my college graduation approached,it came as little surprise to hear my uncle offer advice my parents and family had repeated throughout my childhood in the Philippines:
"Remember," he said,"money isn't everything. But it is almost everything."
To him and the rest of my family, the only sensible①sensible英 ['sensɪb(ə)l] 美 ['sɛnsəbl] adj. 明智的、合乎情理的、通情达理的、意识到的;能感觉到的path was a direct line toward financial stability and success.
Instead, I'd be doing the unthinkable: I'd take a gap year.
Through the utilitarian②utilitarian 英 [jʊ,tɪlɪ'teərɪən] 美 [,jutɪlɪ'tɛrɪən] adj. 功利的;功利主义的;实利的 n. 功利主义者lens which my Filipino family and friends see education, gap years are largely a waste. They picture aimless participants who are slow to find careers, delay receiving proper salaries, and pursue activities that don't justify the money spent or earnings lost.
That anxiety is at odds with the apparent attitudes of American college students, who seem perfectly comfortable with gap years. Roughly three quarters of each incoming class at Harvard University's law school applied after taking at least a year off.
Gap years have reached such a degree of acceptability,schools like Princeton and Tufts universities have started their own programs for students to take a "transformational year of full-time service, domestically or abroad, before beginning their academic studies."
The 10 years I spent in the U.S. before graduating from Vanderbilt challenged my childhood perception of education: It became an end in and of itself. Instead of being unnecessary add-ons to an
already lengthy career path, for example, doctoral programs ranging from bioethics③bioethics英 [baɪəʊ'eθɪks] 美 [,baɪo'ɛθɪks] n. 生物伦理学to immunology④immunology 英 [ɪmjʊ'nɒlədʒɪ] 美 [,ɪmju'nɑlədʒi] n. [免疫] 免疫学were opportunities to broaden my future practice.
Even after my gap year, I'm still trying to strike a balance between the pragmatic priorities⑤priority 英 [praɪ'ɒrɪtɪ] 美 [praɪ'ɔrəti] n. 优先;优先权;[数] 优先次序;优先考虑的事I was raised with and the vibrant⑥vibrant 英 ['vaɪbrənt] 美 ['vaɪbrənt] adj. 振动的;充满生气的;响亮的;战栗的ones I developed during my U.S. education. Medical school remains my goal, but I feel like a more complete candidate as I face down admissions interviews.
I learned the discipline of a full-time job and worked with physicians who I plan to stay in touch with, as both professional and personal connections. I juggled graduate coursework alongside employment,preparing me (in theory) for the hectic schedule ahead. For the price of a later start to my career, I learned how to pursue the kind of success my family taught me to value.
So while I appreciate my uncle's advice, knowing full well he wanted the best for me, I feel compelled to reword it here:
Money is almost everything. But it isn't everything.