

水道港口 2016年6期



涌浪基本理论研究综述…………………………………………………… 周延东,雷震名,孙国民,尹汉军,张义丰,裴 晔(1.1)

琼州海峡电缆保护抛石偏移量的试验研究 ………………………………………………………… 刘晓青,纪君娜,刘 臻(1.7)

沪通长江大桥桥墩布设水动力特性试验研究 …………………………………………… 杜德军,夏云峰,闻云呈,王晓俊(1.12)

人工岛工程对河口行洪冲淤的影响分析…………………………………………………………… 盛天航,孙冬梅,张 杨(1.18)

基于Delft3D的离岸堤附近波浪与波生流数值模拟 ……………………………………………… 许忠厚,董晓红,尹亚军(1.27)

长江下游天生港至浏河口河段疏浚抛泥区选择探讨………………………………………………………………… 林 强(1.35)

珠海香洲港海域水体交换能力研究 ………………………………………………………………………… 英晓明,王 平(1.39)

海上浮式风机张力腿平台的水动力响应 ……………………………… 严心宽,朱克强,张大朋,李园园,段书苓,陈海英(1.46)

实验室水槽内基于二阶理论的波浪模拟………………………………………………… 田晓焕,柳淑学,李金宣,阳志文(2.109)

福建围头湾悬沙输移机制分析…………………………………………………………… 朱佳骅,孟艳秋,童朝锋,时 健(2.121)

椒江河口水沙特征分析和悬沙分布推算 ……………………………………… 戴玮琦,陶建峰,张 琴,张长宽,徐 凡(2.128)

大气-海洋-海浪耦合模型在台风过程模拟中的应用…………………………………… 王扬杰,张庆河,陈同庆,杨 华(2.135)

天津南港工业区通海航道泥沙水力特性试验研究……………………………………… 张志国,王兴博,陈 纯,张义丰(2.142)

单船港内首尾双锚锚泊允许波高的试验研究 …………………………………… 孙一艳,王刚,陈国强,李金宣,郑 玮(3.217)

基于CFD-DEM耦合方法的近床面水流泥沙运动模拟研究 …………………………… 苏东升,张庆河,孙建军,李明星(3.224)

数值模拟中海床临界冲刷切应力的计算方法 ……………………………………………………………………… 肖天葆(3.231)

一种有限体积悬沙输运模型在苏北辐射沙脊群海域的应用……………………………………………… 孙大威,张 鑫(3.237)

南玛都台风期间平潭湾风浪及风暴增水数值模拟………………………………………………………… 李绍武,李松樵(3.242)

黄骅港综合港区单、双堤延伸防沙堤方案减淤效果分析…………………………………………………………… 张文杰(3.247)

潜式双层水平板型防波堤的消浪机理分析 ……………………………………………………… 李靖波,张宁川,刘爱珍(3.255)

一种新型浮式防波堤的消浪特性研究……………………………………………………… 沈文君,曲健冰,李 焱,高 峰(3.260)

舟山海域LNG码头工程冷排放数值模拟研究 …………………………………………………… 姚姗姗,解鸣晓,赵洪波(3.264)

长兴岛某电厂温排水数值模拟研究………………………………………………………………………… 陈雪峰,刘 松(3.269)

明基床上开孔沉箱不规则波水平力试验研究………………………… 冯延奇,孙大鹏,吴 浩,行天强,夏志盛,董 浩(4.325)

不规则波作用下斜坡堤越浪量试验研究 ……………………………………… 周 雅,林登荣,李庆银,陈国平,严士常(4.331)

桩基双挡板透空式码头水平波浪力试验研究 ………………………………… 尹亚军,郑 城,许忠厚,黄 璐,高晨晨(4.336)

小型海湾口门外建港水流、泥沙问题试验研究…………………………………………………… 崔 峥,佘小建,陈培焕(4.342)

沙质海岸破波带内底部离岸流及沙坝迁移数值模拟研究 …………………… 解鸣晓,李 姗,张 弛,李 鑫,阳志文(4.349)

海州湾大规模围垦规划工程水沙环境影响研究 ……………………………… 柯 杰,卢 勇,姚清涛,李 宁,宋晓波(4.356)

长江口Sa分潮数值模拟研究 …………………………………………………… 杨 锋,谭 亚,王灶平,王志伟,蒋体孝(4.362)

台风“鲇鱼”作用下南海波浪场的数值模拟研究 ……………………………… 沈旭伟,范力阳,陈国平,高晨晨,钟雄华(4.369)

拖缆水动力学的正问题与反问题研究…………………………………………………… 张大朋,朱克强,牛天鑫,王自发(4.375)

滨州港附近海域水沙环境特征分析……………………………………………………… 左 军,严 冰,刘 涛,侯志强(4.385)

辽东湾东岸太平湾深水港建港条件研究 ……………………………………… 李孟国,韩志远,解鸣晓,张义丰,麦 苗(5.465)

明基床上开孔沉箱规则波反射系数的试验研究……………………… 行天强,孙大鹏,吴 浩,冯延奇,夏志盛,董 浩(5.473)

不同摆放方式扭王字块体稳定性研究 ………………………………………… 钟雄华,陈国平,严士常,周 雅,王 聪(5.479)

环形水槽最佳转速比研究 ………………………………………………………………………… 曹 坤,吕 博,邵宇阳(5.484)

外环境因素综合作用下单船艏艉锚泊锚缆力研究……………………………………… 郑 玮,李金宣,柳淑学,孙一艳(5.490)

船舶T字型靠泊码头碰撞安全性分析 …………………………………………………………… 劳 军,成海亮,姚森俊(5.497)

箱型浮式防波堤消波性能研究……………………………………………………………………………… 张 昊,邓 涛(5.502)

一种新型浮式防波堤消浪效果及锚链力数值研究………………………………………………… 李绍武,邹鹏旭,陈汉宝(6.573)

海岸防护工程胸墙稳定性及越浪量研究……………………………………………………………………………… 尤 薇(6.578)

基于改进的RIDE-VEG模型的随机波下植物消浪数值模拟研究 ………………………………………… 才 多,徐 凡(6.584)

基于船舶操纵模拟的某海港码头港内水域布置优化 …………………………………… 张定军,高 鹏,赵传刚,陈立家(6.589)


澜沧江-湄公河国际航道滩险特性及整治思路研究……………………………………… 张明进,杨 阳,王永成,李雨晨(1.55)

西江界首至都城河段航道整治技术研究 ………………………………………………… 王 斐,李君涛,王艳华,闫 涛(1.61)

三峡库区深水航道航标配置分析…………………………………………………………………… 刘作飞,蒋明贵,闻光华(1.67)

长江张家港老海坝段水动力及冲刷分析研究 ………………………………… 张 玮,杨 松,许才广,刘 杰,钱益明(2.147)

二级沙波水流特性的大涡模拟…………………………………………………………… 董伟良,诸裕良,马殿光,徐俊锋(2.154)

长江南京以下深水航道建设一期工程航道设计参数和乘潮水位利用探讨 …………………… 闻云呈,夏云峰,张世钊(2.159)

长江中游牯牛沙水道整治后滩槽演变对水沙条件的响应 ………………………………………………………… 韩 飞(4.392)

清水下泄条件下沙质弯曲河段滩槽演变规律分析 ………………………………………………………………… 阮成堂(4.399)

近50年珠江三大支流水沙关系变化研究………………………………………………… 吴 尧,官明开,曹 煜,龚伟杰(4.405)

黄河银川段贺兰滩群航道整治方案研究 ………………………………………………………… 李顺超,王 斐,章日红(4.411)

四面六边透水框架体在水流中的沉速和落距试验研究………………………………… 张宏千,黄廷杰,陆 彦,郑金海(5.508)

非恒定流桩墩等效糙率…………………………………………………………………… 祖晓涵,李瑞杰,戴 路,李玉婷(5.514)

珠江河口水下三角洲冲淤演变分析 ……………………………………………………… 胡煌昊,徐 阳,官明开,蒋齐嘉(6.593)

基于减小坝头局部冲刷的非淹没式水力插板透水丁坝群优化试验……………………………… 张 凯,侍克斌,李玉建(6.599)


成子河船闸引航道与泄洪河道交汇区域通航水流条件与改善措施研究…………………………………………………………………………… 丁 坚,吴 腾,邵雨辰,王 霄,郭 淮,曹昌志(2.166)

雅口枢纽上游隔流堤布置技术研究……………………………………………………… 闫 涛,周粮江,普晓刚,李君涛(3.275)

三峡升船机下闸首涌浪超限改善工程初步研究 …………………………………………………………………… 张 勇(4.416)

双控制河段船舶通行指挥系统设计与实现 ………………………………………………………………………… 吴关胜(4.422)

三峡水库蓄水以来关洲汊道形态调整效应的数值模拟 …………………………………………………………… 伍文俊(4.426)

库区连续急弯段的通航水流条件研究 …………………………………………………………… 陈野鹰,李兴亮,刘志敏(5.520)

从江航电枢纽泄水闸开启方式优化研究 ………………………………………………………… 李晓星,刘俊涛,王艳华(5.524)

崔家营航电枢纽优化调度研究 …………………………………………………………… 徐俊锋,赵津京,刘俊涛,普晓刚(6.604)


侧向变位对板桩墙土压力影响的研究综述 ……………………………………………… 陈 达,汪 啸,杨一琛,邓永锋(1.71)

考虑桩土非线性作用的近海风机高桩平台地震响应分析………………………………………… 袁 宇,黄 挺,郑金海(1.81)

宽支座连续梁弯矩简化计算方法研究……………………………………………………… 高 鹏,黄珊珊,欧阳峰,陈 达(1.89)

基于光纤Bragg光栅传感器的现役高桩码头结构健康监测系统设计与实施…… 刘现鹏,刘红彪,韩阳,齐广政,郭 畅(2.170)

H型长钢桩尖在密实土层中的应用 ………………………………………………………………………… 孟晓宁,于云山(2.177)

髙桩码头加固改造工程计算方法对比分析 ……………………………………………………… 龚伟杰,陶桂兰,周 宇(3.279)

高桩码头新型分段缝结构研究…………………………………………………………… 黄珊珊,陈 达,张晓晨,欧阳峰(3.284)

髙桩码头混凝土横梁裂缝影响因素分析 ………………………………………………………… 徐 筠,邓春林,郑星伟(3.288)

高桩码头地震场作用下的阻尼自修正法三维数值模拟 ………………………………………… 陈晓峰,沈才华,许海波(3.292)

土体蠕变作用下高桩码头变形分析方法研究 …………………………………………………… 刘现鹏,韩 阳,刘红彪(4.432)

地震作用下板桩码头结构动力响应研究………………………………………………… 孙 鹏,肖 骏,欧阳峰,吕 慧(5.530)

水平静荷载作用下翼板对基桩工作性状影响的有限元研究 …………………………… 王曦鹏,陈灿明,苏晓栋,黄卫兰(6.609)

基于湿度-结构耦合作用的船闸闸墙干缩开裂研究 ……………………………………………… 赵 凯,李 成,龚伟杰(6.615)

基于正交设计的灌注嵌岩桩侧阻力影响因素敏感性分析 ……………………………… 杨小乐,陶桂兰,王春龙,乔赵阳(6.622)

基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA的PHC-钢管组合桩低应变检测可行性研究…………………… 欧阳峰,王琴芬,李 欢,陈 达(6.626)


偏心摆子发电装置系泊系统的动力学分析 …………………………………… 姬芬芬,朱克强,张大朋,徐显明,刘科伟(5.536)

波流耦合作用下海洋柔性立管防弯器动力响应数值分析………………………………………… 揭晓侠,李家旺,朱克强(6.630)


饱和黏土地基对结构物的吸附力研究……………………………………………………………………… 王宏民,邱长林(2.181)

泥浆絮凝试验中Zeta电位与絮凝现象、脱水能力的相关性探讨……………… 李艳坤,李 怡,孙雨涵,周佰祥,周晓朋(2.187)

不同加载速率下碱渣K0固结试验研究…………………………………………………… 王 欢,程 鹏,纪文栋,刘晓强(2.193)

循环荷载下滨海软粘土累积塑性应变试验研究 ………………………………………………… 王元战,胡珅榕,杨攀博(3.298)

水工砂性弃土固化材料力学性能研究 ………………………………………… 陶桂兰,鄢亚军,董光辉,江朝华,冯兴国(3.306)

真空—堆载联合预压加固软土地基沉降计算改进法 …………………………………………… 顾龙声,王东博,马希磊(3.311)

荷载作用下超固结比对软土抗剪强度指标影响 ………………………………………………… 王元战,马 楠,尹利强(4.439)

宁波地区土层电阻率特性及主要参数相关性研究 …………………………… 黄 勇,郑荣跃,刘干斌,陈 迪,钱 峰(4.445)

内河码头后方类土质高边坡的治理技术…………………………………………………………………… 李丕安,邓达宁(4.451)

晋江围海工程黏性原状土冲刷率试验研究……………………………………… 吴月勇,陈国平,严士常,周 雅,钟雄华(6.635)

云南某尾矿坝渗流三维计算分析 …………………………………………………………………… 安晓宇,程 鹏,乐 陶(6.641)


水运行业PM2.5污染研究综述……………………………………………………………… 林 宇,杨 莹,刘长兵,李美玲(1.104)

考虑浮游生物量损失的疏浚船舶选型方法研究………………………………………… 宋向群,乔菲菲,王文渊,张 祺(2.198)

港口散货堆场铁矿粉起尘风洞试验研究………………………………………………… 李绍武,李文善,雷 鹏,彭士涛(5.558)

污水不同排放流速对扩散器内海水清除能力数值模拟研究……………………………………… 于 航,白景峰,王心海(6.646)


静态脐带缆安装工况参数分析 ……………………………………………………………… 杨然哲,朱克强,荆彪,朱 玲(1.96)


声速对河口区域回波测深的精度影响研究 ………………………………………………………………………… 陆 伟(3.316)

ADCP在万泉河航运工程水文测量中的应用………………………………………………………………………… 刘彦祥(3.320)

港口工程中防撞桩的优化设计……………………………………………………………………… 陈 祥,杨艺平,李家华(5.542)

泰州靖江港区某高桩码头工程设计 ………………………………………………………………………………… 仝 佗(5.547)

安哥拉LNG码头钢管桩阴极保护防腐设计研究…………………………………………………………… 朱兰燕,王婷婷(5.553)

大区域城市的地方独立坐标实时获取探讨 ………………………………………………………………… 房新玉,刘 盾(6.663)


水运工程施工船舶管理系统软件设计与实现…………………………………………… 王崇明,修义瑞,雷 鹏,隋海琛(2.203)

大连港港口设施数字化管理平台建设与应用研究 ………………………………………………………………… 刘 伟(2.208)

深拖在深水崎岖海底作业的研究………………………………………………………… 陶 华,罗进华,李彦杰,聂明涛(2.213)

基于WPF的三维流场可视化研究 ………………………………………………………………… 张 南,金 生,艾丛芳(4.455)

亚航QZ8501搜救航路GPS高程数据研究 ……………………………………………… 王崇明,杨 鲲,张田雷,张凯华(4.461)

二维波流共线作用下全直接法床面切应力测量仪设计研究…………………………… 黄海龙,左其华,周益人,沈雨生(5.563)

三维声呐在水下沉船姿态探测中的应用 …………………………………………………………………………… 隋海琛(5.569)

三维水动力数值模拟系统的开发…………………………………………………………………… 张 南,金 生,艾丛芳(6.651)

船用光学陀螺动态随机误差特性分析方法………………………………………………………… 魏建仓,郭岳山,刘东娜(6.657)


辽宁沿海经济带港口效率评价与发展策略研究…………………………………………………… 周宝刚,胡 泠,李 昕(6.667)

第37卷 卷终

Journal of Waterway and Harbor,2016,Vol.37 Total Contents

A review on basic theory research of swell ZHOU Yan⁃dong,LEI Zhen⁃ming,SUN Guo⁃min,YIN Han⁃jun,ZHANG Yi⁃feng,PEI Ye(1.1)

Experimental study on offset of rockfill for Qiongzhou Strait cable protection LIU Xiao⁃qing,JI Jun⁃na,LIU Zhen(1.7)

Experimental study on hydrodynamic characteristics of layout of piers of Shanghai⁃Nantong Yangtze River Bridge DU De⁃jun,XIA Yun⁃feng,WEN Yun⁃cheng,WANG Xiao⁃jun(1.12)

Analysis of artificial island construction influences on individual flood erosion and deposition in estuary SHENG Tian⁃hang,SUN Dong⁃mei,ZHANG Yang(1.18)

Numerical simulation of waves and wave⁃induced currents in the vicinity of a detached breakwater based on Delft3D XU Zhong⁃hou,DONG Xiao⁃hong,YIN Ya⁃jun(1.27)

Research on selection of mud dumping area from Tianshenggang to Liuhekou in lower Yangtze River LIN Qiang(1.35)

Study of water exchange ability in Xiangzhou Port sea area,Zhuhai YING Xiao⁃ming,WANG Ping(1.39)

Hydrodynamic response of a floating offshore wind turbine tension leg platform YAN Xin⁃kuan,ZHU Ke⁃qiang,ZHANG Da⁃peng,LI Yuan⁃yuan,DUAN Shu⁃ling,CHEN Hai⁃ying(1.46)

Wave generation based on second⁃order theory in laboratory flume TIAN Xiao⁃huan,LIU Shu⁃xue,LI Jin⁃xuan,YANG Zhi⁃wen(2.109)

Experimental study on wave dissipation of new type pontoon floating breakwater LI Song⁃zhe,LI Yan,LIU Hai⁃yuan,ZHENG Jin⁃hai,GAO Feng(2.115)

Mechanism of suspended sediment transport in Weitou bay in Fujian ZHU Jia⁃hua,MENG Yan⁃qiu,TONG Chao⁃feng,SHI Jian(2.121)

Analysis on characteristics of hydrodynamic⁃sediment and calculation on distribution of suspended sediment concentration in Jiaojiang Estuary DAI Wei⁃qi,TAO Jian⁃feng,ZHANG Qin,ZHANG Chang⁃kuan,XU Fan(2.128)

Application of a coupled atmosphere⁃ocean⁃wave model in typhoon process simulation WANG Yang⁃jie,ZHANG Qing⁃he,CHEN Tong⁃qing,YANG Hua(2.135)

Experimental study of sediment hydraulic characteristics on Tianjin Nangang seaward channel ZHANG Zhi⁃guo,WANG Xing⁃bo,CHEN Chun,ZHANG Yi⁃feng(2.142)

Experimental research on allowable wave height of bow⁃stern anchoring of a single ship in port SUN Yi⁃yan,WANG Gang,CHEN Guo⁃qiang,LI Jin⁃xuan,ZHENG Wei(3.217)

Simulation of fluid⁃sediment particle motion near bed based on CFD⁃DEM coupling method SU Dong⁃sheng,ZHANG Qing⁃he,SUN Jian⁃jun,LI Ming⁃xing(3.224)

Calculation method of seabed critical shear stress for erosion in numerical simulation XIAO Tian⁃bao(3.231)

A sediment transport numerical model with finite volume method using in the radial sand ridge field of South Yellow Sea SUN Da⁃wei,ZHANG Xin(3.237)

Simulation of waves and storm setup in Pingtan induced by typhoon Nanmadol LI Shao⁃wu,LI Song⁃qiao(3.242)

Deposition reduction effect study of single⁃double sediment⁃protecting dyke with numerical model test ZHANG Wen⁃jie(3.247)

Analysis of wave dissipation mechanism of submerged horizontal twin⁃plate breakwater LI Jing⁃bo,ZHANG Ning⁃chuan,LIU Ai⁃zhen(3.255)

Study on wave attenuation performance of a new floating breakwater SHEN Wen⁃jun,QU Jian⁃bing,LI Yan,GAO Feng(3.260)

Numerical study on cold water emission for LNG project in Zhoushan sea area YAO Shan⁃shan,XIE Ming⁃xiao,ZHAO Hong⁃bo(3.264)

Numerical simulation for the plant of Changxing Island in Dalian CHEN Xue⁃feng,LIU Song(3.269)

Experimental study of horizontal forces acting on perforated caisson on rubble mound foundation under irregular waves FENG Yan⁃qi,SUN Da⁃peng,WU Hao,XING Tian⁃qiang,XIA Zhi⁃sheng,DONG Hao(4.325)

Experimental research of wave overtopping on sloping dike under irregular waves ZHOU Ya,LIN Deng⁃rong,LI Qing⁃yin,CHEN Guo⁃ping,YAN Shi⁃chang(4.331)

Experiment study of horizontal wave force of piled double baffles permeable wharf YIN Ya⁃jun,ZHENG Cheng,XU Zhong⁃hou,HUANG Lu,GAO Chen⁃chen(4.336)

Experiment study on flow and sediment in port construction outside small bay mouth CUI Zheng,SHE Xiao⁃jian,CHEN Pei⁃huan(4.342)

Numerical modeling of the undertow and sandbar migration process in the surfzone XIE Ming⁃xiao,LI Shan,ZHANG Chi,LI Xin,YANG Zhi⁃wen(4.349)

Influences of planning reclamation project on hydrodynamic and sediment environment of Haizhou Bay KE Jie,LU Yong,YAO Qing⁃tao,LI Ning,SONG Xiao⁃bo(4.356)

Numerical simulation study on Sa partial tide in Yangtze estuary YANG Feng,TAN Ya,WANG Zao⁃ping,WANG Zhi⁃wei,JIANG Ti⁃xiao(4.362)

Numerical simulation studies of influence on wave field in the South China Sea caused by typhoon Megi SHEN Xu⁃wei,FAN Li⁃yang,CHEN Guo⁃ping,GAO Chen⁃chen,ZHONG Xiong⁃hua(4.369)

Research of forward and inverse problems in towed cable hydrodynamics ZHANG Da⁃peng,ZHU Ke⁃qiang,NIU Tian⁃xin,WANG Zi⁃fa(4.375)

Hydrodynamics and sediment characteristics in the sea area of Binzhou Port ZUO Jun,YAN Bing,LIU Tao,HOU Zhi⁃qiang(4.385)

Study on conditions of deepwater port construction in Taiping Bay on the east coast of Liaodong Bay LI Meng⁃guo,HAN Zhi⁃yuan,XIE Ming⁃xiao,ZHANG Yi⁃feng,MAI Miao(5.465)

Experimental research on reflection coefficient of perforated caisson sitting on rubble mound foundation under the condition of regular waves XING Tian⁃qiang,SUN Da⁃peng,WU Hao,FENG Yan⁃qi,XIA Zhi⁃sheng,DONG Hao(5.473)

A stability analysis of different stack types of accropode ZHONG Xiong⁃hua,CHEN Guo⁃ping,YAN Shi⁃chang,ZHOU Ya,WANG Cong(5.479)

Study on best rotating ratio of annular flume CAO Kun,LV Bo,SHAO Yu⁃yang(5.484)

Research on tensions of bow⁃stern mooring of single ship under the combination impact of external environmental load factors ZHENG Wei,LI Jin⁃xuan,LIU Shu⁃xue,SUN Yi⁃yan(5.490)

Wharf collision safety analysis of T berthing LAO Jun,CHENG Hai⁃liang,YAO Sen⁃jun(5.497)

Study on wave absorbing performance of floating box⁃type breakwater ZHANG Hao,DENG Tao(5.502)

Numerical study on wave⁃dissipating performance and mooring force of a new type of floating breakwater LI Shao⁃wu,ZOU Peng⁃xu,CHEN Han⁃bao(6.573)

Study of stability and overtopping of breast wall in coastal protection engineering YOU Wei(6.578)

Numerical study of vegetation⁃induced wave damping under random wave by improved RIDE⁃VEG model CAI Duo,XU Fan(6.584)

Layout optimization of inner water area of a seaport based on ship maneuvering simulation ZHANG Ding⁃jun,GAO Peng,ZHAO Chuan⁃gang,CHEN Li⁃jia(6.589)

Study on characteristics of hazardous shoals in the Lancang⁃Mekong International Waterway and targeted regulation principles ZHANG Ming⁃jin,YANG Yang,WANG Yong⁃cheng,LI Yu⁃chen(1.55)

Study on channel regulation engineering plan of reach from Jieshou to Ducheng in Xijiang River WANG Fei,LI Jun⁃tao,WANG Yan⁃hua,YAN Tao(1.61)

Research of configuration for buoys in deep channel of the Three Gorges Reservoir area LIU Zuo⁃fei,JIANG Ming⁃gui,WEN Guang⁃hua(1.67)

Study on hydrodynamic characteristics and riverbank scour along Laohaiba reach of the Yangtze River ZHANG Wei,YANG Song,XU Cai⁃guang,LIU Jie,QIAN Yi⁃ming(2.147)

Large⁃eddy simulation of flow characteristics over secondary dunes DONG Wei⁃liang,ZHU Yu⁃liang,MA Dian⁃guang,XU Jun⁃feng(2.154)

Investigation on channel design parameters of deepwater channel phase I project of the Yangtze River downstream Nanjing WEN Yun⁃cheng,XIA Yun⁃feng,ZHANG Shi⁃zhao(2.159)

Response of channel⁃floodplain evolution to water⁃sediment conditions after regulation at Guniusha Waterway in the mid reach of the Yangtze River HAN Fei(4.392)

Research on river regime evolution laws of sandy bend reach under release of clear water RUAN Cheng⁃tang(4.399)

Detecting the changing runoff⁃sediment relationship among three main tributaries of the Pearl River in the last 50 years WU Yao,GUAN Ming⁃kai,CAO Yu,GONG Wei⁃jie(4.405)

Experimental study on channel regulation of Helan beach groups of Yinchuan section in the Yellow River LI Shun⁃chao,WANG Fei,ZHANG Ri⁃hong(4.411)

Settling velocity and throwing distance of permeable frames of tetrahedron with six sides in flowsZHANG Hong⁃qian,HUANG Ting⁃jie,LU Yan,ZHENG Jin⁃hai(5.508)

Equivalent roughness of pier under unsteady flow ZU Xiao⁃han,LI Rui⁃jie,DAI Lu,LI Yu⁃ting(5.514)

Analysis on morphological evolution of underwater delta in the Pearl River Estuary HU Huang⁃hao,XU Yang,GUAN Ming⁃kai,JIANG Qi⁃jia(6.593)

Optimization test of hydraulic flashboard permeable spur dike group based on reducing jetty head scour depth ZHANG Kai,SHI Ke⁃bin,LI Yu⁃jian(6.599)

Flow characteristics and channel security research of Chengzi river ship lock approach and flood discharge channel intersection area DING Jian,WU Teng,SHAO Yu⁃chen,WANG Xiao,GUO Huai,CAO Chang⁃zhi(2.166)

Study on layout of upstream partition dyke in Yakou project YAN Tao,ZHOU Liang⁃jiang,PU Xiao⁃gang,LI Jun⁃tao(3.275)

Primary analysis of improved measures for overrunning waves at tail⁃bay of Three Gorges ship lift ZHANG Yong(4.416)

Design and implementation of ship traffic control system in double control waterway WU Guan⁃sheng(4.422)

Numerical modelling of effects of channel morphology′s adjustment in Guanzhou inlet after impoundment of the Three Gorge Reservoir WU Wen⁃jun(4.426)

Study of navigable flow conditions of continuous sharp bend in reservoir CHEN Ye⁃ying,LI Xing⁃liang,LIU Zhi⁃min(5.520)

Study on optimized opening mode for sluice gates of Congjiang Navigation Hydro⁃junction LI Xiao⁃xing,LIU Jun⁃tao,WANG Yan⁃hua(5.524)

Study on optimized operation of Cuijiaying navigation⁃power junction XU Jun⁃feng,ZHAO Jin⁃jing,LIU Jun⁃tao,PU Xiao⁃gang(6.604)

Review on influence of sheet pile wall lateral displacement on earth pressure CHEN Da,WANG Xiao,YANG Yi⁃chen,DENG Yong⁃feng(1.71)

Seismic response analysis of high⁃pile platform of offshore wind turbine considering nonlinear pile⁃soil interaction YUAN Yu,HUANG Ting,ZHENG Jin⁃hai(1.81)

Research on simplified calculation method of bending moment of continuous beam with wide bearing GAO Peng,HUANG Shan⁃shan,OU Yang⁃feng,CHEN Da(1.89)

Design and implementation of health monitoring system for existing high⁃pile wharf structure with FBG sensors LIU Xian⁃peng,LIU Hong⁃biao,HAN Yang,QI Guang⁃zheng,GUO Chang(2.170)

Application of long H⁃type steel pile tip in compact soil layer MENG Xiao⁃ning,YU Yun⁃shan(2.177)

Comparative analysis of calculation methods for reinforcement and reconstruction of high⁃pile wharf GONG Wei⁃jie,TAO Gui⁃lan,ZHOU Yu(3.279)

Research on new joints structure of high⁃piled wharf HUANG Shan⁃shan,CHEN Da,ZHANG Xiao⁃chen,OUYANG Feng(3.284)

Influence factors analysis of concrete crack on crossbeam of high pile wharf XU Yun,DENG Chun⁃lin,ZHENG Xing⁃wei(3.288)

Three⁃dimensional numerical simulation of high⁃pile wharf under action of seismic field using damping self⁃modification method CHEN Xiao⁃feng,SHEN Cai⁃hua,XU Hai⁃bo(3.292)

Research on analysis methods for deformation of high⁃pile wharf under effect of soil creeping LIU Xian⁃peng,HAN Yang,LIU Hong⁃biao(4.432)

Dynamic response of sheet pile wharf under seismic loads SUN Peng,XIAO Jun,OUYANG Feng,LV Hui(5.530)

Finite element analysis of the impact of wing plates on laterally loaded foundation pile WANG Xi⁃peng,CHEN Can⁃ming,SU Xiao⁃dong,HUANG Wei⁃lan(6.609)

Research on drying shrinkage cracking of lock chamber wall based on wet⁃structure coupling theory ZHAO Kai,LI Cheng,GONG Wei⁃jie(6.615)

Sensitivity analysis of perfusion rock⁃socketed pile side resistance based on orthogonal design YANG Xiao⁃le,TAO Gui⁃lan,WANG Chun⁃long,QIAO Zhao⁃yang(6.622)

Study on feasibility of PHC⁃Steel combination pile low strain detection by ANSYS/LS⁃DYNA OU YANG Feng,WANG Qin⁃fen,LI Huan,CHEN Da(6.626)

Dynamic analysis of mooring system of power generation with eccentric pendulum JI Fen⁃fen,ZHU Ke⁃qiang,ZHANG Da⁃peng,XU Xian⁃ming,LIU Ke⁃wei(5.536)

Mathematical analysis for dynamic response of bending stiffener of ocean flexible subjected to coupled effects of waves and currents JIE Xiao⁃xia,LI Jia⁃wang,ZHU Ke⁃qiang(6.630)

Study on suction in saturated clay foundation WANG Hong⁃min,QIU Chang⁃lin(2.181)

Correlation analysis between Zeta potential and mud flocculation and dewatering capacity on mud flocculation experiment LI Yan⁃kun,LI Yi,SHUN Yu⁃han,ZHOU Bai⁃xiang,ZHOU Xiao⁃peng(2.187)

Study on K0consolidation of soda residue with different loading rates WANG Huan,CHENG Peng,JI Wen⁃dong,LIU Xiao⁃qiang(2.193)

Experimental research on cumulative plastic strain of littoral soft clay under cyclic loading WANG Yuan⁃zhan,HU Shen⁃rong,YANG Pan⁃bo(3.298)

Study on mechanical properties of solidified materials made by waste sandy soils using in hydraulic engineering TAO Gui⁃lan,YAN Ya⁃jun,DONG Guang⁃hui,JIANG Chao⁃hua,FENG Xing⁃guo(3.306)

An improved method for settlement calculation of soft soils consolidated by vacuum combined surcharge preloading GU Long⁃sheng,WANG Dong⁃bo,MA Xi⁃lei(3.311)

Variation of soft clay strength index with over⁃consolidated ratio under load WANG Yuan⁃zhan,MA Nan,YIN Li⁃qiang(4.439)

Resistivity characteristics and main parameters relationship of soil in Ningbo area HUANG Yong,ZHENG Rong⁃yue,LIU Gan⁃bin,CHEN Di,QIAN Feng(4.445)

Treatment techniques of pseudo⁃soil high slope in inland river terminal LI Pi⁃an,DENG Da⁃ning(4.451)

Scour rate experimental research on cohesive undisturbed soil from the reclamation project in Jinjiang WU Yue⁃yong,CHEN Guo⁃ping,YAN Shi⁃chang,ZHOU Ya,ZHONG Xiong⁃hua(6.635)

Analysis of 3D seepage of a tailing reservoir in Yunnan AN Xiao⁃yu,CHENG Peng,YUE Tao(6.641)

Research summary of PM2.5in water transport industry LIN Yu,YANG Ying,LIU Chang⁃bing,LI Mei⁃ling(1.104)

Research on method of dredging vessels selection based on plankton biomass loss SONG Xiang⁃qun,QIAO Fei⁃fei,WANG Wen⁃yuan,ZHANG Qi(2.198)

Research on dust emission of iron ore for bulk⁃cargo yard of ore terminal by using wind tunnel test LI Shao⁃wu,LI Wen⁃shan,LEI Peng,PENG Shi⁃tao(5.558)

Research on numerical simulation of diffuser seawater clean in different flow velocity of sewage YU Hang,BAI Jing⁃feng,WANG Xin⁃hai(6.646)

Parametric analysis of umbilical cable during installation YANG Ran⁃zhe,ZHU Ke⁃qiang,JING Biao,ZHU Ling(1.96)

Study on sounding accuracy impacted by sound velocity in the estuary LU Wei(3.316)

Study on application of ADCP in hydrological surveying for shipping project of Wan⁃ch′uan River LIU Yan⁃xiang(3.320)

Optimization design on arrangement of anti⁃collision pile foundation in port engineering CHEN Xiang,YANG Yi⁃ping,LI Jia⁃hua(5.542)

Design of pile⁃supported wharf project in Taizhou Jingjiang port TONG Tuo(5.547)

Design and study of cathodic protection for steel tubular pile of Angola LNG wharf ZHU Lan⁃yan,WANG Ting⁃ting(5.553)

Discussion on real time acquisition of local independent coordinates in large regional cities FANG Xin⁃yu,LIU Dun(6.663)

Software design and implementation of water transport engeering vessel management system WANG Chong⁃ming,XIU Yi⁃rui,LEI Peng,SUI Hai⁃chen(2.203)

Construction and application of Digital Infrastructure Management Platform of Dalian Port LIU Wei(2.208)

Research of deep⁃tow operation in deep⁃sea of rough seabed TAO Hua,LUO Jin⁃hua,LI Yan⁃jie,NIE Ming⁃tao(2.213)

Study of three dimensional flow field visualization based on WPF ZHANG Nan,JIN Sheng,AI Cong⁃fang(4.455)

Research of GPS elevation on searching route of QZ8501 WANG Chong⁃ming,YANG Kun,ZHANG Tian⁃lei,ZHANG Kai⁃hua(4.461)

Study of designing measuring instrument with whole direct method for bed shear stress under two⁃dimensional water⁃flow collinear ac⁃tion HUANG Hai⁃long,ZUO Qi⁃hua,ZHOU Yi⁃ren,SHEN Yu⁃sheng(5.563)

Application of 3D sonar in detecting attitude of underwater shipwrecks SUI Hai⁃chen(5.569)

Development of 3D hydrodynamic numerical simulation system ZHANG Nan,JIN Sheng,AI Cong⁃fang(6.651)

Dynamic analysis of random error properties for marine optic gyroscope WEI Jian⁃cang,GUO Yue⁃shan,LIU Dong⁃na(6.657)

Ports efficiency evaluation and development strategy in Liaoning coastal economic zone ZHOU Bao⁃gang,HU Ling,LI Xin(6.667)

