INTERVIEW: Yuko Nagayama
1975 出生于日本东京
1998 毕业于昭和女子大学
1998 加入青木淳建筑事务所
2002 成立永山佑子建筑设计工作室
2005 东京大学兼职讲师
2008 京都精华大学兼职讲师
2009 昭和女子大学兼职讲师
2010 Ocyanomizu大学兼职讲师
2011 名古屋技术学院兼职讲师
2005 JCD “路易·威登京都” 设计奖
2004 中之岛火车站设计竞赛二等奖
2005 “筑波风格”概念屋设计大赛,第二名
2005 欧莱雅色彩科学和艺术奖,鼓励奖
2006 最佳新秀奖项,创作者和艺术家奖
2006 新兴建筑奖,“一座山上的房子”获得高度赞誉2010 TAYA更新竞赛,入围
2010 KYOAI GAKUEN学院教学建筑大赛,入围
2012 建筑纪录奖,vanguard2012
2014 家青年建筑师奖“Teshima Yokoo”博物馆建筑设计
导报:您如何看“Urbanprem 南青山”的设计吗?
永山祐子:这个地方有几座高楼和地标性建筑。利用这些特点,“Urbanprem 南青山”被设计成了这座城镇的标志性建筑。
We regard an architecture as something that creates an experience in people's mind, not literary a physical building. In other words, a designing architecture is a designing experience. Therefore, our works are not like substance, but more like phenomenon, some of which have elements of ambiguity.
To begin with, we discover a new universal element in given context, and apply to our architecture. Then, people who have an experience in encountering the architecture find something new in themselves. We aim for this cycle to be taking hold in a society in near future. Our design policy is to embody the universal elements as a foundation. Not only be defined as a typology, such as Japanese style, European style, provincial style, or urban style; we aim to portrait a universal and yet innovative discovery. For instance, the elements will be "light","gravity","time" and "depth". Although all of these are conceptual, once it is realized in a space, this keep fresh without being influenced by the mood of times. This is due to human nature of seeking a fresh surprise. Encountering this kind of surprise intuitively make people realize that they are living at the exact moment. We consider this is in common with what the fashion can offer to people.
WAR: What are the themes you want to explore in your design?
WAR: Would you please talk about the architectural education of Japan combined with your educational background?
WAR: What influences you when you work with Jun Aoki?
WAR: How do you get your design ideas?
WAR: How would you describe the mode of your design?
WAR: How do you control the project in its process?
WAR: What is the key challenge in your practice?
WAR: How do you think about the design of the Urbanprem Minami Aoyama?
WAR: What do you think about the influence of informatization on architecture?
WAR: What are the main characteristics of the Japanese young generation architects compared with the last generations?
Yuko Nagayama: As an architect I always attempt to develop an expression using variety of phenomena in the space, with the idea that the architecture is not only a structural object. In addition, I also focus on each process, like background behind the design, and comfort of a client after the completion.
Yuko Nagayama: In comparison with China, Japanese architectural program has many opportunities to design, ranging from houses to town planning. Those opportunities allow us to obtain various perspectives and scales in designing after being independent as an architect.
Yuko Nagayama: He always composes a design theme not merely from structure but materials in the early stage of design. His broad and flexible idea comes from his curiosity about everything. Those factors have so much influence on building my own point of view.
Yuko Nagayama: My daily life is my source of ideas.
Yuko Nagayama: The act of designing architecture doesn't complete within the process of on-site construction. It is a flow of many actions in the longer span of the time including before the designing and after the completion. So I put more value on the stories, concept and the process of construction.
Yuko Nagayama: In order to share project concept, I always trying to talk with all staffs (also contractor) who are involved in the project, in face to face as much as possible, with simple and persuasive words.
Yuko Nagayama: I’m trying to seek how to build up architecture, engaged and loved for a long time by the client and local area, gaining many people understandings.
Yuko Nagayama: This location has several heights and scales of building. "Urban Prem Minami Aoyama" was designed as a symbol of the town, making use of these differences.
Yuko Nagayama: We can share the CAD data and check the important points with devices like PC, iphone, ipad, etc., instantaneously even for big project, which allowed designers like me to work freely in limited time and space.
Yuko Nagayama: As I mentioned, my ideas comes from daily life. The youth generation is using the idea of the humanscale or small-scale structure that focus on daily issues and conditions, which is quite different from the last generations who tend to take ideas from social issues.