“Different priorities naturally led to different paths. With resolution of global models now approaching cloud-resolving, and the "globalization" of the regional NWP model, NWP and climate modeling are now on a collision course from two opposite ends of the spectrum. The urgency of the US "global" NWP catching up with the extremely successful European effort at least partially motivated the Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) project at the National Weather Service, with participation from five US modeling centers (phase-1). The NGGPS project highlighted the sharp contrast between various modeling philosophies, inside and outside of scientific context (e.g., via popular blogs). In this presentation, I will discuss the struggles in the design of the numerical modeling framework, for overcoming various "dogmas" and "folklores" that are suppressing innovations in both communities, in an effort to unify both regional and global models, for both weather and climate applications.”
“Different priorities naturally led to different paths. With resolution of global models now approaching cloud-resolving, and the "globalization" of the regional NWP model, NWP and climate modeling are now on a collision course from two opposite ends of the spectrum. The urgency of the US "global" NWP catching up with the extremely successful European effort at least partially motivated the Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) project at the National Weather Service, with participation from five US modeling centers (phase-1). The NGGPS project highlighted the sharp contrast between various modeling philosophies, inside and outside of scientific context (e.g., via popular blogs). In this presentation, I will discuss the struggles in the design of the numerical modeling framework, for overcoming various "dogmas" and "folklores" that are suppressing innovations in both communities, in an effort to unify both regional and global models, for both weather and climate applications.”
——美国气象局计划在4~5年里开发完成下一代全球模式——NGGPS,而后者的动力核心来自5个模拟中心提供的模式。在第一阶段,5种模式对比后胜出的模式之一是GFDL开发的FV3模式。该模式的主要研制者hian-Jiann Lin博士近日在美国宾州州立大学的演讲中,做了如上阐述,也将数值预报模式研发界的冰山一角昭示天下。
“The biggest hole in our knowledge of the global water budget is snow,we really have no idea how much is out there.”
——雪观测是认识世界水资源的关键步骤,但是对雪的观测落后于对冰的观测,主要原因在于遥感无法实现对跨越所有雪环境的一致性测量。这种跨越是从山区到草原再到冻土区的跨越,遍历各种景观,让获得全球高分辨率雪信息的努力几近绝望。计划在今年9月份开始,开展数年的雪试验(SnowEx)项目期望改变这一状态。装置有雷达、光达和多谱图像仪的飞机(图)在试验中将飞跃积雪区,试验的目的是从这些仪器获取的数据中确定研究雪的最佳技术,用于未来的雪观测卫星中。参与这项NASA主持的试验的来自美国国家雪冰数据中心的科学家Jeffrey Deems从人类知识欠缺角度,解释了试验意义所在。
“Access to a combination of satellite and in situ data is essential for the Copernicus services. They cannot develop and produce their products without it. What the EEA and the services are trying to do here is to ensure that the services have access a minima to the data that the Member States have already collected or produced. The data that is already out there.”
——欧洲哥白尼项目主要通过遥感的方法获取陆地、海洋环境、大气、应急管理、安全和气候变化等六个领域内的信息和数据。然而面对这些领域的服务,还需要通过传感器在地表、空中和海洋上实际获取的观测数据。为此,欧洲信息署(EEA)和哥白尼项目共同倡议了哥白尼项目中对实地观测资料的收集和提供服务。负责这一任务的EEA跨领域实地数据管理项目负责人Henrik Steen Andersen阐述了这一任务的宗旨。
“Computational sustainability can't be achieved with piecemeal research efforts. It requires truly interdisciplinary teams, where computer scientists work directly with researchers from different sustainability areas.”
——2016年世界地球日,美国科学基金会(NSF)选择了“计算机在保护地球中起关键作用”(Computers play a crucial role in preserving the Earth)作为庆祝的主题之一,康奈尔大学计算机科学家Carla Gomes在接受采访时表达了上述看法。他领导的团队于2008—2013年在NSF的支持下,开发出可持续性的基本计算工具并获得了计算探索奖。
“Forecast information is often distributed as a twodimensional (2D) product. We present a novel application of the analog ensemble (AnEn) to generate gridded, short-term probabilistic forecasts of 10-m wind speed and 2-m temperature. The AnEn technique has been widely used in both meteorology and renewable energy applications. It is an effective method to generate skillful and reliable probabilistic predictions of meteorological variables, the wind and solar power for short-term forecasts up to 72 hours. It is based on a historical dataset including measurements paired with corresponding deterministic predictions. For each forecast lead time and location, AnEn is created using the measurements corresponding to the past deterministic predictions that are more similar to the current forecast. Until recently the AnEn technique has been used to generate predictions at specific locations, where observations are available. By using an analysis field as the ground-truth AnEn is extended here over a 2D grid, where each grid point is considered as a different location and treated independently. An in-depth analysis of AnEn skill and a comparison between AnEn and ECMWF-EPS forecasts will be presented..”
——近日,NCAR科学家Stefano Allessandrini博士在ECMWF学术讲座上介绍了2011年提出的类比集合技术在2D概率预报上的应用方法。他报告的题目是:Gridded Probabilistic Forecasts of Weather Parameters with an Analog Ensemble。
“The launch of Sentinel-1B marks another important milestone as this is the first constellation we have realised for Copernicus. Orbiting 180° apart, the two satellites optimise coverage and data delivery for services that are making a step change in the way our environment is managed.”
——第二颗哨兵-1卫星——哨兵-1B于2016年4月25日升空,星上和1A星搭载的同样的先进雷达探测设备,可以穿透云和雨层,无论白天还是黑夜,都能获得地球表面图像,为欧洲环境监测哥白尼项目取得实质性进展打下基础。谈到这次发射,执行这次发射任务的欧空局局长Jan Woerner如是说。
“[NOAA] to develop aircraft-based hazardous weather observing systems, such as APAR. NOAA shall coordinate these research and development activities with the National Science Foundation”.”
“The problem now is overwhelming. There is a pressing need to monitor the risks in the long run a nationwide early-warning system is long overdue.”
——尼泊尔强烈地震及引发雪崩和岩石崩落事件一周年之际,与灾区重建同时开展的是科学家试图建立预警系统并为重建安全选址做出努力。尼迫尔减灾部门泥石流部主任Shanmukesh Amatya做出上述判断。
“The big takeaway is that the modern rate of sea level rise in the 20th century is faster than anything we’ve seen in the previous two millennia. This isn’t a model. This is data.”
——2016年2月,美国科学院院刊(PNAS)刊载了包括4篇论文讨论海平面变化的专栏,这些研究揭示了全球海平面升级与气候、极冰和海洋之间的相互作用。参与了其中一项研究的论文作者,罗格斯大学地质学者Benjamin Horton表达了这些研究的意义所在。
“The dialogue becomes not‘Is climate change happening?’but ‘Who's responsible for that?’”
——美国学界发现,研究者更多地将热浪、寒潮和其他事件归因于气候趋势,而这样的做法也深入到了社会各个角落,保险专家Lindene Patton的上述说法就是证明。